What RC activity did you do this week ?

Started by anwar, April 20, 2009, 08:07:39 PM

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All other forums seem to have a long running thread, where people just keep updating on what RC activities they are doing currently (or in the immediate past). 

So here goes one for RC India ! 

If you have nothing else to post about, post your activities here  ;D Remember that build threads, question, queries etc are best handled in the other areas of the forum.  Keep this thread strictly to routine activities, and an occassional picture/video.

Helps you with our sweepstakes too !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


I have been travelling, so no flying this month  :(

But I have been able to collect/buy RC stuff, and avoid paying shipping charges !  ;)

Figured out that RC Universe is a good place to pick up stuff, if you are in this region.  For example, there are some great deals on radio stuff here :  http://www.rcuniverse.com/market/category.cfm?catID=29

Some  sellers on RCU ship international too !

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Hi ,
Sunday was a great day at flying , very very very windy considering we were flying  just about 1/2 a km from the sea .

Planes flown :
Multiplex Easy Cub
E Pad 3 D Stick  Coro Scratch built
Seduction 32

Maidened :  Hobbico Hobby Star 60 ( Electric )
we flew this plane for the first time despite heavy winds . a real beauty of a trainer.


www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Everyday in the week twice or thrice a day I went bashing around my complex with my Thunder Tiger Phoenix BX. Its so much fun!!! :)
Thunder Tiger Phoenix BX
Associated RC18T2/B2 Kit
Walkera 5G4Q3
TechOne Angel
Hiller 450 v2
Futaba 7c 2.4Ghz
Slash 4x4 (sold)


This week as usual two day flying!! Saturday and Sunday!!

Saturday was quite uneventful with two sessions.  One in the morning and one in the evening.  Both the sessions were too windy but I was able to fly my Funstar and the Seduction.  Flew a couple of sorties.  Had tuning issues on the Funstar and also 3 deadstick landings on stiff winds.  But managed to get her back in one piece.  Evening, the engine issue was sorted out and had a couple of flights but still was not comfortable with the plane.  Flew till sunset and came back.  The main reason for the evening sortie was because a friend of mine wanted to maiden his new Bandit Turbine Jet.  But due to failing light and some programming issues on the TX, we were unable to do so.  Packed up and reached home after dark!!  No building and no tweaking at home.  Left the planes in the car for Sunday morning!!

On Sunday, I reached the field early and the winds were still very high!  Got out the Seduction and took a sortie.  My usual maneuvers.. Knife edges, low level inverted passes, snap rolls and the works!! Everything was picture perfect and the landing was very tricky!! We had the wind 90 deg cross from the runway and I had to crab it in!! But the landing was also good enough and I decided to pack it up as the winds were literally howling and I did not want to fly a pattern plane in those winds!!  Time for the Funstar! Did some minute adjustments on the tuning and took off!! Felt really confident for the first time with this model (been flying it only recently)!! Put her through all the low level aerobatics.  Four point rolls, squares, snap rolls, hovers, harriers, inverted harriers, flat spins, inverted flat spins etc..  Hovers and harriers were always breaking away to the left.  Found the cause to be left thrust on the plane!!  I would be changing the thrust line and adding a couple of washers to give it a degree of right thrust!!  Also have ordered a couple of 10 x 4 props which would be perfect for 3D for this engine!!  This time also I had a few dead sticks all which were handled correctly!! (I even have a video of me doing an inverted harrier quite low and the engine quit!! Had to take a quick circuit and float her down!) Would post some videos later on!!

The turbine was also maidened on Sunday morning!! Flies like a beast!!  Landings were very difficult in those winds!! But was amazing to watch!  Would also upload that video here!!

Happy Landings!!

- Chan


I did nothing.
Suffering from Elections 2009 fever. Hope to get well on 24th. ;D


Hai all,
         I fly my MOSS GLIDER today early morning at 6:30 am . I fly it 3 times with safe landing , no any damage . I come back home soooo happy :) :) :).


Hey guys,

Posting my first video in RCIndia.. This was taken a month ago in Sholavaram.. Was flying the Seduction on a heavily repaired wing which I had considered to be a writeoff long back.. Let the video speak for itself :p!! Though the whole video was shot on a single sortie, it would be in parts.. Thanks to Vikram for the video.. Would appreciate your valuable comments!!

- Chan


Some pics taken last week!!

- Chan


Some more pics


today was  a great day of flying .
The Maiden of the SUB MICRO TUFFY  was the highlight .
The Piaget and the rebuilt Katana flew wonderfully   once again proving real thrillers from the TECHONE Shock flyers .

Flying the Easy cub and Saju's SLOWSTICK was really relaxing .

Will post a separate thread on the SM Tuffy soon ,
The Plane is a SPAD , 18 " wing span pusher AUW 110 gms

www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Trying to build Nr.Mooss46" and waiting for the wing streanthening CF Tube which Mr.Sai forgot to inclide in the kit. :(


forgive my spelling. My eye-brain-hand-finger-Keyboard co-ordination is not doing well now :D


Some flying from last Friday (13 June 2009).

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Building Mr.MOSS 46" hoping to finish by Saturday night and maiden on Sunday morning. ;D


 ;D Just came back from the field  ;D  ;D

I guess you can make out from my smiling face , i had a blast.

It was simply superbbbbb, my first ever flight on easy star  {:)}.  Did 3 flights today, prady helped me get the plane in air and he taught me some basic stuff..

It was incredible to see tat bird fly.. {:)}


Built a Mr.MOSS 46" Glider. Hoping to maiden this evening if weather permits.


Today was a real fun flying day  ;D.
Flew Saju's Slow stick first  rather we hovered it for 10 mins each adjusting to the wind and just about keeping it in head wind .
The slow stick take off was close to VTO 6 " rolling at best .
Then cam e the highlight of the day the Maiden of the Multiplex Twin star  {:)}

This plane is one amazing plane , flew 2 sorties of around 20 mins each on a single charge on the 11.1V 4300 mah battery  and what we were left with was astounding the Voltage on the Battery had dropped from 4.07 per cell to 3.73 per cell . I am sure a 1 hour + flying time is easily possible on this plane .
Will post some Videos later .
A truly amazing Plane  {:)}

www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


finishing the airplane mode and some indoor testing and some praying so that the rain stops. it doesnot seem to have worked

also my birthdays coming up in a month so start collecting gifts guys for my birthday . ;D ;D
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Hi guys,

Had some serious things to sort out this weekend.  First, I had to test out my new Tx and Rxs.. I fished out a very old model from my hangar (even older than me)!! A .60 size King Kobra and got everything rigged.  Servos were Dong Yang standard servos, the engine was a .60 OS FSR, the RX was a 606 2.4 Ghz Futaba Rx and the Tx was the Futaba 10CHG.. Did all the programming required.  Took about 15 mins with the Tx to setup to the model details, triple rates, servo travel / reversing etc.. and maidened the plane after 27 long years of hangar life on Saturday..It flew great though it was a bit heavy for the engine.. tracked beautifully well and rolls and loops were perfect... landings were very fast but very stable..had some solid fun with it... flew about 4 sorties.. the engine also proved to be perfect after 25 years of storage!! reliable and solid.. Finally when I went in for that "one more sortie"! the landing was a bit bumpy and the wood on one of the landing gear gave way..nothing serious except that I have to sit to stick back the landing gear plate!!

Ultimate thing is, I tested my radio on a 6 ch 2.4 Rx and it worked perfect and I was able to get my programming straight with the Tx.. No probs whatsoever..

Went back home, dumped this plane and took the electric Yak and the Funstar to the field on Sunday.. I have retired the King Kobra from active service and the Rx was transferred to the Yak permanently!! The Funstar was given a 617FS 7 channel Rx.. I had a problem with the Funstar's exhaust popping off so I had to get that ready!! And the Yaks old problem persisted and I decided to get that sorted out in the field..

On the field, the Funstar was flown with my new radio setup and it was good for the first sortie.. The second sortie, the exhaust popped off!!  I did 8 more sorties on the Funstar without the exhaust!! Loads of complaints about noise pollution from fellow flyers :D :D!! Overall a great day with the Funstar...

I tried resetting the Yak's ESC and still it didnt solve the problem, so I tried replacing the ESC.. unluckily my other ESC had smaller bullet connectors, so packed up and left it for sometime this week...

The only thing left to test is my 8 channel high speed Rx which I am reserving for my 50cc bird!!

Would post some pics from the field soon...Still no radio pics :(!! Too excited about flying that I forgot to take a pic of the radio!!

- Chan


hey chan bhaiya before you put the King Kobra to its hangar please post a few pics as its last memory in our minds. well guys this week shall be full of buying stuff for the plane also there has been a slight change in ospreys game plan as monsoon waits ahead we will go in for the heli mode as it can be done indoors too so will achieve the major part of the build in the next month also will be needing lots of help from our expert heli pilot anwar bhaiya as i dont have that much of a experience with heli's though trying to gain some from friends. so anwar bhaiya get ready for a month of torture.
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Hey , i think this Model should be donated to the museum in Kerala .


well now thats up to chan bhaiya to decide as he might have many many many many memories associated with it
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


This was my dad's first scratch built plane.. so very nostalgic and that was the reason why I dont want to fly it anymore (and probably damage it more!!).. It is going to be hung in my house in Trichy after repairs!!

- Chan


Crashed my Model while taking off...  >:(
There is a frequency clash... Another pilot who has the same frequency switched on and trying to takeoff at the same time without asking.

Well I recovered and repaired it( ofcourse it is not complete)  ;D