standard dimensions for scratch and build a rc plane.

Started by ashwini06, November 28, 2013, 07:33:07 PM

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I want to know the standard dimensions and parameters to design and fabricate a rc plane???

since i have seen so many pages of standard dimensions but i am seeking a perfect one, which contain all the required dimensions of each part, regarding to a rc plane . if any one know the any site from where i can find every information from designing --> whole analysis --> choosing electric component according to aircraft fuselage --> how we can fix electronic components.... till fabrication and flying also.

please help me, i am going to make my first plane... there is a lot of confusions...  :help:


little searching would have helped ...... for start



Saurabh +1. Every beginner should learn that diagram by heart. Understand it and digest it till it becomes unforgettable. Though by no means is it sacrosanct, it provides a very good idea of the basic measurements involved.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!

v2 eagle

I always wanted to ask this question but never did. im happy that this question was answered.
Thanks ashwin and saurab,

FPV with head goggles


really, this figure is so much important ... it is awesome , thanks to all..
special thanks to Mr. Saurabh ...
i want to make this topic a very interesting in future .. so please stay with me...


also thanks to Mr. tg. this site is so good... thank you so much. :thumbsup:


Mr. saurabh , can you tell me please , what will the dimensions we take from front, my mean width and length of front(where we mount motor) and by which ratio it getting reduce , when we approach towards tail after its wing?
In so many rc planes , seldomly we fix our wings at some height ,for gain more stability , so can you tell me what is that height?
(you can see in figure , wings are placed above the black glasses. so what is height of it from base and from upper part of fuselage)


actually, when we find a standard dimension figure for a rc plane... we can never find out it , in each and every site there is similar figure . they are talking about only rudder, wing , span, chord and motor mounting angle.
but there is so many things . no one discuss about it like.
1. front dimension (standard) , i know these can be choose according to other dimensions...but there should be some standard for front.
2. the reduction of dimension of fuselage , when we moving towards the tail (i.e. just after wing).
after some analysis i will come with some more points about standard dimensioning.
for make a sustainable and stable plane , we have to follow standard rules .


Keep the std ratios in mind .... you cannot make the entire plane design on paper ..... at many places you will have to take a decision on  strength of the material you are using.... for example fuse gets very thin at the rudder and stabilizer if you make it that thin there are chances of breakage...... second example is what prop & motor you are using if you are  using 5-6 inch prop then having the nose 4inch thick does not make sense.

While making if you know your craft will be tail heavy you need to increase the nose ratio in order to balance CG easily. Weight is the game for flying machines. with a smaller nose you can balance but by adding useless dead weight. Maybe use higher capacity battery.

Researching for the ideal dimensions may not be practical to implement based on material being used , Power system, type of plane and the required flight time. 


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