Gloster Gamecock - latest project

Started by Mike, March 13, 2010, 09:33:07 PM

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Welcome to RC India Chris :)

You should get in touch with Mike. Not sure if he is still around Edinburgh (or some city up north, from what I can remember).

All the best for your build.  Would love to see a maiden video soon ! :thumbsup:
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Chris good luck with this build. If I can help in anyway let me know! It will definitely be worth all the effort!! Hi Anwar, now in Dubai, certainly miss the flying gang in Doha!


Hi Mike... great to hear from you again :)

Are you flying at all in Dubai ? Nad El Sheba ?
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Haven't flown for a while but have done some flying at Nad El Sheba, very close to a busy highway which is a bit off putting! There is another strip towards Al Ain which I need to check out. Currently building (very slowly) a Mick Reeves Spitfire 63" - a 30 year old kit which I bought off ebay. When I opened the box there was some interesting odours!!! All good stuff. Hows the flying in Qatar these days? (sorry gone a bit off topic here but great to catch up!!)


We are mostly flying at the main club in Al-Khor itself, now that both the highway and the approach road to the RC field have been made better.  Fair amount of activity on weekends, although I personally had a long hiatus of many months due to work/travel and just started getting back in the past couple of weeks.

Best wishes on your new build ! Hope to see the beauty in progress and the maiden.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Hello all,
I am currently undertaking this same project of building the  Gloster Gamecock, however I had enlarged the plans to 125% which gives it a wingspan of 72inches. this is the only build thread that I had found on the web so I have saved it and will use it to reference my build.  The present stage of my build is cutting the ribs, only 44 to go,  all the rest of the parts have now been done.
I will be making a few mods as I go along such as adding aluminium wing tubes for the lower wing sections , all rear controls to be pull pull, and power will be a inverted 26cc gas engine.....BTW Mike , that's a very nice job , hope its still flying.

Rick....Sydney Aust


Hey Rick
What could be better than a Gamecock? Offcourse a pair of them.
Would you please do a build log in here? That may inspire some one on to proper building and flying
If you are really into scale you should be here.


yea sure will, ill will post some pics as the build progresses .


Rick that sounds an interesting project and at 72 inch span will be impressive and should fly really well and have a lot of presence!

Hope you will keep us upto date with the build. I am currently building at my usual snail pace a 72 inch fairly swordfish which has proved to be a challenge so far!

Good luck and please post some pics!! 👍

Cheers Mike


So ive made a start on the gloster, here is a few pics,


Mike/Anwar, unrelated to the magnificent Gloster, in the early 90s I flew a couple of times off Jebel Ali road, behind Desert Springs Village


That is a good start Rick. Are you slicing your own spars?
If you are really into scale you should be here.


gday boxcar,
yes I do slice my own spars , I have now completed the wings upper n lower sections. I have now started on the fuse frame work....I will post some pics in the next couple dayz.. cheers rick..


Thank you Rick. Time to start your own build thread
If you are really into scale you should be here.