Rubber bands

Started by rcrcnitesh, October 27, 2013, 03:48:12 PM

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i think the elastic which comes with Rs 20 catapult would be enough.


I don't understand why someone would put a model which, with electronics, is valued at Rs. 5000 upwards, at dire risk by compromising on Rubber Bands costing Rs. 10.

Remember, any weak link in the chain can cause a failure with catastrophic results leaving you kicking your own butt


After going through all these posts..... well I guess.... the cycle Valve stube is the best.... freely available and does the job well enough... one does not have to burn so much of his energy just to search for the rubber bands.... I been a guy who made most of my models from scratch.... literally... scratch.... have used many kinds of wood... right from japonica to Deodar to Balsa and home grown balsa (my father being a botanist helped me a lot).  Take my advice and it will save you a ton of worries and running around......  OR else use plastic nut and bolt wing fastners which are available with most hobby shops including Sharma Models........ Happy Flying.
Well I been into aeromodelling since I was in School....  and then been in the air for over 30 years.  Now looking to be back into aeromodelling full time...


I found some really high quality rubber bands from Chitra Agencies LUZ corner.
They come in a box of 50rs. containing 50 to 60 rubberbands weigh is 75gms. also in a huge packet of 350 don't know much about it.
Also they sell hot glue gun glue sticks hobby knife cutting mat etc. but no foam will ask him to stock foam.
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


Hey rc nitesh.....can u put pictures of these rubberbands and maybe send me a packed of them if possible.... for a change would like to use them this time.
Well I been into aeromodelling since I was in School....  and then been in the air for over 30 years.  Now looking to be back into aeromodelling full time...


Hi Nitesh some photographs and dimension of these please.


These are 4" atleast this is what the shopkeeper told me.
Shobbit sir I am sorry but I can't ship
Believe me these are the best quality ones i have seen.
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


Hello Nitesh.... thats sad that you can not ship them to me... just speedpost them to my address and I will pay the entire cost..... You are tempting me with something I would like to have and then well.... Best wishes to you.
Well I been into aeromodelling since I was in School....  and then been in the air for over 30 years.  Now looking to be back into aeromodelling full time...

v2 eagle

I think this is what all the Backery guys uses.
Its there in Chennai everywhere.
Search in UP Shobit ji. or ill send it to you. no worries.

FPV with head goggles


No not at all.
It`s more thicker.
Dimensions 4`` 2mm thick very good ones.
I cant reveal my bank account no. To anyone that is the reason.
If you need a few pieces will ship it to you for free.
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


c'mon nitesh...... send it via VPP. we all need it


Quote from: rcrcnitesh on January 28, 2014, 01:41:56 PM
I cant reveal my bank account no. To anyone that is the reason.

You are getting all of us curious with that.  ;) ;)

c'mon nitesh......  yes we can also send you Demand Drafts or Postal order if that's the case, but we need you to send some to the interested.  ;D


Ok then I`ll start a sale thread.
But what if the rubber band is not as good as you thought.
I will go one day and send it to you all via bluedart.
Btw sir can you post a video in which they show how to remove the can and all the parts in that thread.
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


best is put a close pic of the same along with a scale so that people get some idea of size.


@Nitesh, it looks like you just doing TP here, just putting nose here and there ... u expect a lot from others but simple things like rubber band u can't do it ... wow  {:)} {:)} {:)}

anyway, its up to you. nothing personal but just a thought ...


Come on Guys, he is just a kid who has discovered something of worth. Why are we collectively pressurising him to oblige us?

I have spoken to the guys at Chithra Agencies and they will revert within the next couple of days to confirm whether they can despatch small quantities (pan India) via courier. Give this kid a break. Please.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Quote from: rastsaurabh on January 28, 2014, 03:42:08 PM
best is put a close pic of the same along with a scale so that people get some idea of size.

:giggle: :giggle: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: What are you saying Saurabh!!! Mention the 'same' clearly as it creats lot of confusion :D :D :D


Here is, What I use.
Bought them a year back. I'll Ask the seller If he still sell these Bands.
I'll surely make these available for you guys..
Don't remember the exact price..  But I paid around :Rs: 350/- for 100 Bands..
STOP Talking, START Flying!!


First order for you 25 Rubber bands for me.



While waiting for response from Nitesh Second set of Order from Umayash for me 100 Nos  ;D


I'm in. I'll take some too.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


@rastsaurabh, Sundaram, VC:- PM me your Address + How much Qty you want..
STOP Talking, START Flying!!


I will need 50 please


Thanks vc sir, i was also going to do the same.
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager