What RC activity did you do this week ?

Started by anwar, April 20, 2009, 08:07:39 PM

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our rc activity in mangalore and karkala
heli from Ratnakar
plane from Sandeep
Buggy from Rajaram


Saw this turbine powered beauty at the field today, and it was setup for night flying.  Had to leave early, so did not see it fly. 

The wing seemed to be located more towards the back/tail, when compared to other high wing designs.
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Had two crashes in my own control today. One was a Raptor 30 heli, which I was test flying for someone.  The tail guides came loose, lost tail control and crashed. It was close to the ground, did not even get time to hit throttle hold.  Damage, ONLY the wooden blades, so it was nothing really in the scheme of things.

The bad one was a .60 nitro Extra 330, which I was helping someone train on using a buddy cable setup.  It was his first time flying a low winger, and seemed to be very comfortable despite the high winds, and flying at various altitudes.  At one point when the plane was on one end of the field and at low altitude (around 40 feet), he lost control with the plane heading nose-in into the ground, and there was not much I could do.  Taking control and applying elevator did not happen fast enough to save the plane.  The airframe is a write-off, engine needs to be cleaned.  Everything else seems to have survived fine.  The plane was gifted by my brother, so it was sort of OK, except for that uneasy feeling that it was preventable :(

Reminded me one more time that I need to ensure enough recovery altitude in training lessons.
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This thrust vectoring turbine model was spotted on our field.

Thanks Murali bhai !
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Quote from: anwar on March 19, 2010, 10:37:08 PM
You wanted pictures of broken stuff ? ;)
yes, likes to capture ( see ) photos after a crash  ;)


RC Meet Noida Enjoy  :)

Helis and Quads ROCK !!

flying doc

Test flew my first RC ARF on sunday. Phoinex Tiger 3, Low wing trainer, done by my very experienced and great instructor. She flew great. went through the whole gambit of rolls, spins, loops, snap rolls and inverted flying.
Cant wait to handle her myself.
Maybe in a few weeks, after, the cheif clears me for my solo on the high wing trainer.
Video coming up soon.
Tiger Sports 40, SPA3D, SPAD Extra all with ASP 52 engines.
SPAD Debonair with OS 46
Turbo Raven 60 with an ASP 91
Next build - Accipiter 91 with DLE 20
Futaba 6EXAP, Futaba 10 CAP


Today i fly these two models solo  :)  ;D  :)


had the biggest rc week till now
first off maidened the edf slowstick flew like charm
made a blucub 2 maidened it yesterday with shrikant bhaiya at airoli field it flew great too.
then shrikant bhaiya flew it and he did a good landing on the first try but on the second attempt the motor mount was dislodged due to a crash. just needed a bit of hot glue.
then on the field we fixed shrikant bhaiya's moss heavy cg problem i have it with me to put in the electronics.
also i am making a blu baby for him to practise on (i am completing what he started)
and finally he had bought a cessna 180 from usa about four years ago and he never got it airborne
i repaired it yesterday in the house and tested it and it was a charm to fly. basically what i did was

the plane had a stock 5*3 or 4*3 prop which made it run but it could not get off.
with an 8*4 the prop was hitting the ground
my solution took a 9*5 prop took precisely an inch off each side and sanded it round and was in balance just like a factory built one
and also added a tail wheel now the plane does great rolling takeoffs pretty much scale

also thinking off adding some flaps as it would fly better (as i felt)

finally the biggie beginning on the boeing 747 with 2 ducted fans(the other two pods will be empty unless i get my other two ducted fans before the test flight also that will just go on to add about more than a kilo of weight keeping in mind that brick like batteries which they need) about 50inches long and wingspan 60 inches (dont remember correctly.

one big apology. i am again not being punctual i just dont know my internet connection keeps timing out and hence cannot upload the guide or any pics or videos i am reinstalling windows 7 (retail) again today to see if that helps as thats what mtnl says.

even this post was written in word and then copied here

Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Quote from: Pikle6 on April 04, 2010, 10:26:44 AM

one big apology. i am again not being punctual i just dont know my internet connection keeps timing out and hence cannot upload the guide or any pics or videos

this problem has become a common with mtnl and bsnl connections
i use 4 os and then also it is there proving it to be their fault and mostly everyone i know using govt. broadband have this problem
i use ubuntu,xp,win 7 and fedora but all experience it
i even try to run it using live cd of ubuntu[which i m doing right now and my ip is changing everytime i log in using it] using which all settings and everything is default but the same problem goes on
lets see if we can figure out it
i am making my westwing judge wakefield and  flying ace moth glider planes but i am unable to upload pics due to the same problem
i m also trying to repair and fix the flaws in my balsa glider which i started back in july 09 but left it and now it is in a very bad condition
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


hey thanks ankur i just did a complete reinstall and now my internet connection works like a charm as i have been stress testing it for the past few hours

will post the topics mentioned by tomorrow (if my internet doesnot start acting up again)

Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


well thats gr8
let see if it works
i have tried uploading some pic here but my connection is  getting broken
tried 12 times using 5 different os[3 live os] but no progress...
lets see
will use idea netsetter or connect using mobile to upload...
[this post was posted in 3 tries]
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


Since everyone is posting heli builds (and most of them Align ones) for the past couple of days, here is a Trex 600 ESP I am building for someone. Worked on it for about 7 hours three days ago, then did not get time to do anything more yet :(

Pretty much done, just need to secure the wiring and hook up a receiver to test. 
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Quote from: anwar on March 19, 2010, 05:52:07 PM

Reminded me one more time that I need to ensure enough recovery altitude in training lessons.

Yes! Height is money in the bank. I define it (for training) as "one mistake or two mistakes" high! But I can fully understand the relative "comfort" zone if a trainee seems to be flying OK. It leads to a bit of complacency on the trainer's part.
Hangar: Zlin 50L -120, CMPro Super Chipmunk, Ultimate Bipe EP, Imagine 50, Christen Eagle 160, Ultra Stick, Super Sports Senior


Here are some more vids of this week's RC Meet

Some nose in and circuits and some fun vids

Belt CP

Trex 450 & hk 450
Helis and Quads ROCK !!


Had finished building and testing the Trex 600ESP for someone a few days ago.  Receiver wiring is a bit sloppy because I was temporarily testing it with a 7ch FASST rx, and it would later use a Spektrum rx.

Garurav - These are the same Align 600D CF blades you were thinking about.

Took it apart again for packing and transport to India (as in the last picture).

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A picture of hover testing the Trext 600 ESP.  Should see it fly in Kerala next week !

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Lots of buddy cable action on the field today.  This is me helping someone with nose in hovers.
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And this is Murali bhai helping a fellow flyer with landing training.

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had a lot of rc activity this week with the 747 project and cessna182 repair

my plan for today

i plan to build a f-22 for the meet on sunday
mod my slowstick's wing as it was flexing like helll  :banghead: :banghead: and i meant it like almost a V shape
repair shrikant bhaiya's moss glider
just repairing my blu cub for sunday

and for tomorrow

15 hours of dedication to the 747 and rest of my time to build my new shockflier which i shall be getting only by tomorrow
it is a sukhoi as edge was out of stock
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Capt Yasin made a quick visit to test the JR Vibe 500E, after the gyro was upgraded to a Spartan Quark.  The quality and finish of the heli is amazing.  And there were some mods done, like using the Trex 600 landing skids (wider and stronger).

Overall, one nice heli !
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The Captain also had a nice carrying case for the heli... made it look like some kind of a musical instrument !  Being a full scale pilot helps, it is easy to pick up bargains from far of places like the US and the far-east !
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