Gaurav Agarwal from Allahabad - UP

Started by gauravag, August 09, 2009, 03:14:16 PM

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Next one - A Kit built again . This time a Carl Goldberg Super Chipmunk.

This one was built over a period of 2 years, in between which several life events happened. Maidened this in 2009 and is powered with a OS .91 FS Has flaps and is really a stunner in flying.

I just love building airplanes versus ARFs . The ones Ive built are just so much better flying and to my taste.

This one also has not flown much, and is one of the best looking airplanes in my hangar.


Another ARF - This time a Phoenix models Scanner. Bought from PaylessFlymore in 2003 . Pretty good aircraft. Very fast with no bad characteristics . Did all aerobatics fairly well.
I have flown this lots. In fact even won a couple of competitions with this one :)

Powered with a TT.46 PRO there was a time I just loved this easy take anywhere fly anywhere Sunday airplane.

This airplane found a new home at Amir's hangar in 2010


Well yet another ARF - Phoenix Models Extra 60-90 size.

Got it from PaylessFlyMore . This one came slightly damaged and despite many attempts to reach them we could not reach a settlement. Anyhow, I repaired it and got it up in the air with a ASP 120 Four stroke.

Later gifted this bird to Amir, who I believe won a prize at IIT-K sp4mm3r with this bird.

He lost the bird when doing a low 3D and the engine quit. Currently I have passed on the bird to Akshay, who I hope will re-build it soon and get it back up in the air soon !


Next up my. My first gasser . A 50 CC Yak-55 from RCDhamaka. It was a Goldwing model I got from them in 2009.

Powerplant was a DLE 55CC Gas engine I got from Rotor Hobbies Singapore. Servos all around Hitec 7955 Titanium Gear hi torque digital.

Got the engine broken in with Lawnboy ashless, then went to Castrol-2T. Must have done about 4-5 gallons on it and moved to Synthetic Motul. Awesome engine and extremely reliable.

Had only a couple of minor incidents on it. Once the canopy flew off :) apparantly the bolts had vibrated loose ! Landed safely though. and once the stock landing gear mounts collapsed. which after re-strengthening are now sturdy as anything !

Beautiful plane to fly with. Must have done a 75+ sorties on it. I had even put in a smoke system on it, though I later removed it as the added weight was reducing the performance.

Ill be posting videos and photos of this bird in flight very soon. Really loved the way it flew.


Next up. My first heli - the electric Thunder Tiger Mini Titan.

I got this as a kit from Rotor Hobbies, with a challenge to assemble it myself. Was a super awesome experience to build it all and though it took me a couple of crash kits, I finally learnt to hover it !

At one time I was like crazily addicted to flying this . Super heli to start learning from and I would say very cheap too, when you compare the quality and availability of parts.


Once I mastered the orientations with the mini Titan, I had to move on to the bigger nitro Helis.

Got a TT Raptor 50 Titan kit. Again chose a kit for the sheer challenge of it. Took couple of months to build it . I believe i started a build thread here as well

I enjoyed tuning the heli, learnt all about governors, gyros, and maintenance .

Can boast of not having even one single crash, despite learning all by myself.

Got to the point of doing loops and rolls effortlessly.

Loved this heli... great to fly !

PS: If you wonder what the heli is doing on the Maruti roof - Well In order to tune the engine at full throttle, I devised a way to tie it up very very securely and get underneath to tune the needle... :) Perhaps a dangerous thing to do but i figured it would be better than having someone hold it while i went full throttle.
BTW That pic has Amir with my Heli on the car rooftop.


I enjoyed my TT Raptor 50 so much so that I built another one !!! Just as a backup heli in case I crashed one .
I couldnt think of putting a break in the weekend heli flying !!

So here came another Raptor 50 V2 ... Same setup as the first one . TT Engine, Align servos and Spartan Gyro.

However i soon realized that i wouldnt be crashing my helis soon :) so this brand new Raptor found a new home with Ace heli pilot Laxman Suthar.

I believe he has had some wonderful flying with this !


I wanted to get a taste of the then very popular and newly released HK helis. I got the HK PRO kit - a clone of Align 450 PRO.

Pretty cheap and decent quality. It actually flew well . But I somehow always preferred my mini Titan over this ..

Perhaps this was more of a 3D kind of machine, not much of my style !


Next one up .

Multiplex Funjet. Put in a 600Watt 4000kv Heli motor on this and this one was a rocket !

Initially had a tough time getting to launch on with this. First launch was by Akshay :) and several attempts of mine had the Funjat pancake on the ground. Finally got the knack . This had to go full power, with a strong throw upwards !
With a bit of mixing on the launch the torque roll was taken care of.

Loved flying it, though on a 2200 3S it gave only a 4 minute full speed flight.. What a sight to watch it come low and fast and climb straight up like a rocket till it became barely visible !

I must say i was surprised by the brilliant slow speed flight of this .. Landings were just like an Easystar, well almost !


Next up - My Twin Twinstars  :)

Well, me and Neeraj both got one of each for some fun flying together. Cant write enough of prasies for this bird.

Easy hand launches, very predictable flights, and smooth, low landing speed. I must have referred this plane to tens of modellors ( And even got half a dozen of these :) for friends ! )

I converted mine to a brushless setup. RcTimer 1200kv motor , with a 2200mah - 3300mah 3S Lipo and this is a take anywhere fly anywhere plane.  !

I wouldnt say this is a beginners' plane, as its very agile. the controls are super responsive and the airplane is not self correcting.
For intermediate pilots and above this is a treat though !


Well, inspired with David's build of a tricopter, I built mine in 2010. I made several enhancements, in fact some major modifications to the original build that improved upon the stability and flight.

Featured on the cover page of AMA's 2011 magazine, had immense fun flying this in Karnal 2011 AMA meet.

Thanks to Grp. Cpt Tahlan for the wonderful pictures !

Also here is one pic with Grp Cpt Sajan when he was in Allahabad !



i see my good friend Sajan there !

Good to see you active & inspiring
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.

Serial crasher

The training gear on the heli is damn neat. Is there any such gear available to avoid plane crashes ?

@ Gaurav your Hindi commentary sounded super cool ...namaste main aapka dost Ameen Sayani Bol raha hoon style {:)}
Landings are nothing more than controlled crashes


hello sir i'm also from allahabad
im interested in quadcopters so can u please help me


Hello sir. I am not able to PM you. I really need your help. I am studying in IIIT Allahabad. And i am building my rc plane for the first time. The problem is coming in flying it. Sir please help me out... it is my childhood dream and if i don't succeed i will be hopeless throughout my life.

Awaiting your reply... sir.


Gaurav sir, the request mentioned above looks exactly like my case. That day in MNNIT football ground when my first plane crashed :giggle: :giggle:

@Shefali: Don't worry you'll receive the best possible help and support for this.
"If you were born with wings, do every thing you could, for flying."


Quote from: Shefali on November 11, 2016, 03:20:09 AM
Hello sir. I am not able to PM you. I really need your help. I am studying in IIIT Allahabad. And i am building my rc plane for the first time. The problem is coming in flying it. Sir please help me out... it is my childhood dream and if i don't succeed i will be hopeless throughout my life.

Awaiting your reply... sir.

PMed you, wih my mobile no. Please call. and first of all relax !

@Utkarshg13 , sure remember the day very well. in fact miss times when you were here in allahabad.


Same here sir. Those were beautiful days. Preparation for workshops, Vortex products, multiple testing sessions, working till late hours, leaving early morning, etc etc...
Miss everything a lot.
"If you were born with wings, do every thing you could, for flying."


Hello Gaurav Bhai
Remember I came to ur house regarding hobby.
Can you send me ur whats app number by private message.
I had the number of yours but I lost it in my phone
can you send me