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Rocket Candy

Started by VC, May 07, 2014, 01:04:56 AM

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Rocket Candy or R-Candy up for sale.

Rocket Candy is a fused mixture of KNO3 65% and Sucrose 35%, with or without additives of your choice.

Base mix without additives (Base mix includes Ferric Oxide to stabilise the burn rate):

100 grams @ Rs.75/- + postage

250 grams @ Rs.200/- + postage

500 grams @ Rs.375/- + postage

Sulphur additives will cost 25% extra. Aluminium additives 10% extra.

Black powder Fuses may be supplied at extra cost, however, I suggest that you make your own out of 'phuljhadhi' sticks.

Tutorials on how to make Rocket Engine casings out of chart paper / thin cardboard can be found on the net.

I am trying to seed a bit of anarchy here, anyone interested? >:D

Keep refrigerated once you receive it, it will be easier to use. ;D

Mods - Please note that I am not using any 'banned' or 'restricted' chemicals. Both the base chemicals are available at online sites in India, without any warning labels.


Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


is KNO3 not banned for non-commercial use. In childhood i used it in smoke b o m b . It was fun but after parliament attack my local chemical shops stopped selling it to me and asked me get licence and stuff.


Most laymen are confused between the banned NH4NO3 and KNO3. The latter is easily available online in India. No questions asked.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!



Nice to see solution for rockets sirji.  Can you make combination with slow burn rate & same thrust? i am interested in to buy it.


@gajjark, making a motor with slow burn rate and equal thrust would be a little difficult. Sugar rocket motors are designed in a way, so that the propellant ignites nearly all at once, thus producing maximum thrust. Slow burning propellant would defeat this purpose.

@VC 25% sucrose and 10% fructose will help when forming the tubes. Just a suggestion. ;)


Krunal, thanks for giving me the opportunity of using Paintbrush after so many years!  8-)

Allow me to explain. As you will see from the diagram, in a Black powder engine the propellant is NOT just rammed into the tube and drilled through the centre (as depicted in Picture A). For uniform burn rate, without compromising thrust, the mixture is cored into the tube using a shaped mandrel (Picture B)

In both the pictures, xxxxxxx marks the spot where the powder will catch fire. In the first case, the powder will start burning ast the base close to the nozzle and try to burn its way upwards and sideways, whereas the powder on top will also catch fire and burn its way down. This will result in rapid acceleration with an non uniform, short flight time.

In the more scientific engine, the powder at the bottom of the engine is further away from the burning fuse and will not ignite. The fuse will burn all the way to the top and set the powder alight. Causing an uniform burn downwards and sideways, resulting in a more consistent flight pattern of longer duration.

Anyway, enough of Rocket Science. As Ashimda pointed out, these types of engines are possible with Black Powder which can be shaped around a mandrel.
This video demonstrates the tools required for the job, my equipment are not imported and are primarily based on 'JT'.***

R Candy is a fused hard mass (like candy), which needs to be heated to make it pliable like thick Atta dough which is then stuffed into the rocket tube. A hole is then drilled into it and the fuse is inserted. The engine, therefore, has the characteristics of the engine in Picture A.

Hope this helps, please don't hesitate ask anything and I shall attempt to clarify any further doubts.

*** Jugaad Technology


Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!

First India Rocket

We design, Produce and publicly launch all kind of rockets including the Model Rockets and High altitude sounding research Rockets:

First India Rocket

Clarion call to all our team members in White and Blue and assemble at the Launch center of International Indian University . Dear All kindly pls do be on there. Do not mention date time and location in public. This message is to circulated in private and only for selected members of the Aerospace Education and Research Society Of India. Launch of Gyan Anjali (2 Kms) and Gyan Joyt (7 Kms) is set ..


I have a doubt, How does the following rocket work. I mean, he has just packed powdered KNO3 and Sugar, without cooking them together. Doesn't this give a very inconsistent burn?
Maahin Beri - Introduction and Hangar
Seagull Arising Star, Seagull Low Wing 40, AviSport (SPAD), Phoenix Scanner, VortexRC Speedster, Martian 220 Racing Quadcopter.


Also, if anyone's making the fuel themselves, it'll be useful to also make fuses yourself:
Maahin Beri - Introduction and Hangar
Seagull Arising Star, Seagull Low Wing 40, AviSport (SPAD), Phoenix Scanner, VortexRC Speedster, Martian 220 Racing Quadcopter.