Mini Slinger - feedback on flying wings

Started by anwar, September 15, 2009, 04:21:46 PM

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My brother wanted to get a flying wing, so I ordered one of these.

This is the "Mini" one, a full version is bigger and better.  Would not fit in my bags, and darn Qatar Airways charges a lot for a third piece of baggage :(

Need to find a tiny (170size) brushless motor. 

Anybody else who tried flying wings ?  I mean ones that can do rolls etc.
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I used to have  Zagi Beevolution  which used to fly with an astro brushless in runner .

Serious adrenalin boosters flying them is like being on the edge , very fast , unpredictable goes into a spin without warning  .
All the best but flying this will really improve the reflexes for sure .

Sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


After 6 months, my brother took it from me and finished building it ;D

Test flew this morning, and it flies pretty good.  There are times when you wish it were the bigger version, but if the wind is reasonable, it can fly very well.  What was surprising was that it can fly very slow too. 

Certainly not for beginners, but this is a fun plane.  And the size makes it possible to fly just outside the house or in any park.  It was fun to catch it back, instead of letting it land.

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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$39 - first time I saw something so meagerly  priced at Towers! then a Shipping of $40 to India saved me from shelling my $$  in a Fluke! Man accessibility to EPP Foam in India and a CNC Hot wire foam cutter what we are missing here :(

Should have been fun flying that!
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother



Yes, in his casuals... at 6:15am ! ;D
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Aarrg, I am serously jealous of you guys!  >:D I enjoyed my time in my native. Here in bangalore, no place to fly near by.


Hi Anwar,
This kit is very nice indeed.. and a lot cheaper than these below.
I have been debating of buying one but as everyone has been saying its for those who have;
NEED FOR SPEED..., I have been put off so far. Now taht you have mentioned it flies slow as well.... I like planes that can fly slow as well. My delta wing on 25 Irvine is quite docile and the Multiplex Pico jet on brushed motor is not too fast either.
Now to upgrade would you suggest the Mini Slinger or one of below...


Raven HD EPP Wing   
Introducing the new Raven. This wing is manufactured using a new German super high density close cell EPP. Its very tough and rigid, without covering and requires no spars. Construction is simple and very very fast . It is also available as a core kit;

This is one of the reviews on the site; Finally finished my RAVEN core kit... the best ££££ wing on the market Fantastic glide. Your best wing yet IMO..
2208-12T motor, 2x esky 7.5g servos, Corona RX and a 18A emax esc...AUW weight right on the money at 324g with a Loong Max 1000mA 3s battery.


Now that you have shown me this, it is very tempting... Again if I get the one from Flyingwings, I can trace the parts and send them to others...

which one is better???

What say you???


Having flown only one wing for a few flights, I am hardly qualified to make such recommendations ;) That said, it looks like the Slipstream one seems to be of slightly bigger wingspan, which should make it more docile.

The brushless upgrade seems to have a very good effect, and the one I used was an Electrifly Ammo inrunner motor.
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Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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Deepak bhai... looks like you are a happy camper these days in the flying wings world :thumbsup:

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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 :bow: :bow:  
Anwar what can I say, thank you for uploading the video. This Raven is a very easy to build and fly.
It is a dream to fly. As you know I love slow flying planes, and hate fast pylon racers, this is a beauty at walking pace on calm evenings in a local park and hovers in windy conditions. I just cannot get enough fun and would highly recommend it to anyone.

It consists of total 4 major components apart from the usual electrical and control surface parts, two of the components come in pairs;
2 halves of wing which are joined in 5 minutes with UHU Por (foam glue), turn the wing over and cut a groove and insert then stick a carbon rod support or a 1mm x 6mm x thin carbon spar or a 5mm diameter hollow carbon rod takes another 5 minutes, an EPP block to mount the motor takes another 5 and a set of wing tips takes a further 5 minutes. After tinkering and fiddling with motor mount, battery compartment, one can literally get it airborne within 2 to 4 hours of purchasing the kit.

Anyone can cut it and "scratchbuild" it out of THERMOCOL / BLUE INSULATION FOAM sheets. I will draw around the wings and wingtips and upload the scans for anyone wanting to attempt building.
Wingtips should be cut out of correx board and leading edge of wing should be taped with clear packaging tape.

Flies extremely well. :thumbsup:

If you guys are interested, buy 5 CORE KITS, he will do a deal ; 5 for £60.00 +£7 postage. // £20 for India.
You will also need all the carbon rods for spar and control surfaces from your local supplier..
Further expense;
USD 5.95 for 2812 or 2822 IMAX RED motor from HK, 2 x5gm servos at USD 2,99each, 1050 Mah 3 cell lipo at USD 7.99 from Hobbyking and you are flying a superb toy....
You can easily cut this out of thermocol and make it yourself.
Cover the leading edges with packaging tape to take bumps....

It flies in parks very well.

   Watch the video..    HERE IS THE KIT


Here are the scans of tracing; Save them first then print by setting 100% on A4.
Let me know how they come out guys....


Due to resizing of images on the forum, they may not be the right scale. 

BTW, what prop are you running with the Imax motor ?

And that video of the wing doing rolls under someone's palm was cool :thumbsup:
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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Hi Anwar,
Yes this guy is good with his Raven.
I have written the specs on the sheets too. Also if the A4 print comes out, I feel it will be to scale. The prop on the RAVEN wing is 7 x 4 Sharma Model Aero, Indian prop. I have a collection of them. Very good props for Deltas as they are designed to flex when landing control line planes which is what they were originally designed for. I have broken a few props on my deltas and Pico jet but Sharma props do not break that easily.




And more...


Is there a night flight video coming up ? :)
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Just getting ready for it.... Long time yet.


Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Thank you Anwar, this was just a practice run, I need to try it a few times at late evenings before I can build up confidence to fly at night.


It should have been a great show Deepak sir! you changed my myth about delta wingers . It flew so gracefully and almost like a sailplane/slow stick!!  I need to finish my Estratos tomorrow only!!
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


Hi Ujjwaana,
I think you will enjoy it otherwise use the electronics and build this flying wing.
This Raven is a very easy to build and fly.  I love slow flying planes, this is a beauty at walking pace on calm evenings in a local park and hovers in windy conditions and would recommend it.

It consists of total 4 major components apart from the usual electrical and control surface parts, two of the components come in pairs;
2 halves of wing which are joined in 5 minutes with UHU Por (foam glue), turn the wing over and cut a groove and insert then stick a carbon rod support or a 1mm x 6mm x thin carbon spar or a 5mm diameter hollow carbon rod takes another 5 minutes, an EPP block to mount the motor takes another 5 and a set of wing tips takes a further 5 minutes. After tinkering and fiddling with motor mount, battery compartment, one can literally get it airborne within 2 to 4 hours of purchasing the kit.

Anyone can cut it and "scratchbuild" it out of THERMOCOL / BLUE INSULATION FOAM sheets.

I have drawn around the wing core ribs and wingtips and uploaded the scans already..
Wingtips can be out of BIO FOAM 6mm thick or correx board and leading edge of wing can be taped with clear packaging tape and bottom part the same to avoid damage on landing.

Happy flying, safe landing...........:)

All the other details are mentioned above already....