8.4v Rx + 12v Motor Voltage Question! Please Help!!

Started by areebnazim, November 20, 2014, 03:53:32 PM

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Noob Alert!! Can anyone help me with an ideal high torque motor/esc setup?

I intend to buy the RCB6i with it's Rx: http://www.rcbazaar.com/products/2011-avionic-rcb6i-24ghz-6ch-transmitter-with-receiver.aspx

However, the manual says max Rx voltage 8.4V:

Now, can I only use a 6 V motor and 7.2V Lipo battery with that setup cause the max voltage that Rx can handle is 8.4V?

I intend to power an all aluminium 1/14 custom truck with that motor.

Will it not support a 12V Brushles motor and a 12v Lipo battery?

Many thanks for any help you can offer!!


buy a small 2s 7.4 v battery pack seperate for the receiver ,you live in delhi so you can get lipos for cheap at old lagpat rai market ,chandni chowk
i have a 2s 1000mah lipo ,it is great to power a receiver
photo attached


So how does a separate receiver power supply and separate power for Motor etc. work together?


you just have to remove the red(+positive) wire from the servo lead or the signal lead that goes to the receiver ,so that you do not power the receiver from 2 ways and short it(never do this or you would lose your receiver)


well the above set up should work,
But I wonder you should be using an ESC for the BLDC, right ???
then buy an ESC with BEc of 5V, and connect this 5V to power the receiver.

Or for using two separate packs for receiver and motor, just connect grounds of both LiPo packs together and avoid connecting the red wire - But this is not necessary, as the ESC's BEC o/p can power the receiver.
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


Rohan, I don't understand, whether this guy wanna connect a servo or ESC, if it is an ESC, then no need for extra packs, right ???
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


Quote from: areebnazim on November 20, 2014, 03:53:32 PM
Noob Alert!! Can anyone help me with an ideal high torque motor/esc setup?

Will it not support a 12V Brushles motor and a 12v Lipo battery?

So you want to run a BLDC.
Now, you can run any motor, and any pack that is enough to power that motor, all you have to do is get an ESC with BEC.
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


sorry my bad ,i was just giving him an example but didnt think about the ubec :P,sooraj is right ,get an esc with ubec ,but if you want to power a motor whos esc dont have a ubec get a small lipo pack(it is useful)



RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..



RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..




Yet to buy ESC and motor....please recommend a high torque set!!


Any combo you buy , just make sure you buy an ESC with bec, then you can avoid extra weight of another LiPo pack and a external BEC.
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..

kiran rc


There are so many RCers  in new delhi why don't you meet up on Sunday and have a look at thier setup of how receivers are powered using BEC of ESC.

It's based on the setup of your truck class and weight and gear train you need to select suitable power pack and motor ESC combo. No one will be able to recommend  you a motor ESC combo without any more details from you.


+1 sundaram

BTW areebnazim there will be 3 wires between a brushless ESC and a brushless Motor.
The ones with 2 wires are a 'brushed' setup.
Indian Hobby Shop
PH# 9473456377


@IHS: I'll probably go for a brushed DC Motor with a high AMP ESC since it is the torque that I would need and not the thrust.


As far as I know, brushed ESCs are relatively rare. I don't know much about RC cars, but you could choose a brushless motor with a lower kv rating to get higher torque directly. Otherwise, you could always increase the torque with a reducing gear system. Thrust does not seem to be an appropriate term in this case since thrust in flying setups depends on other factors such as the propellor used.


@areebnazim Amps of an ESC doesn't works the same way as amps of a music system is perceived.

ESC is not a pump which punches in high amount of current to the motors. LiPo batteries are well capable to deliver high amount of current.
ESC's in the RC field is basically just a passage for the electricity between the LiPo and the motor. All that the ESC does is controlling the current flowing from the LiPo to the motor In order to control the speed of the motor.

So basically you need to choose a motor with suitable wattage and kv ad per your requirement and then just select a suitable ESC (10% higher rating than that of the motor.)

But before anything else, I would recommend that you get the basics clear about RC and electronics. It will help you out if incase you intend to enjoy this beautiful Hobby.
Start with the RC India Gems :thumbsup:
Indian Hobby Shop
PH# 9473456377



@bhavesh: will also be ordering some parts from your ebay shop!! Probably a lipo charger and Ubec....thanks for being patient with me!! :D


Indian Hobby Shop
PH# 9473456377