what could be the problem in the esc or in outrunner?????

Started by Rajesh14305, December 29, 2014, 10:47:07 PM

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still you can use multimeter to check the FETs in ESC are dead or not

but be cautious dont connect motor and disconnect battery if anything unusual.

put multimeter to ac 20V or greater voltage checking mode

with connected receiver throttle channel and battery,

give a 30% throttle and check output of esc A-B, B-C, C-A.

Post results.

EDIT: Never short between ESCs output terminal while puwer up , that should kill your ESC


@sooraj thats why i write (i think) there in last line


@Rajesh14305 , If you are familiar with electronics and soldering, try opening ESC and replacing the damaged parts (Only if economically viable) .
Otherwise you can use this as just a BEC, and buy another ESC for your motor :)
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


checked the voltage ac betn two terminals out of three setting range of multimeter 200 and got followings
A-B=0 at 30%thro
B-C=0 at  30% thro
A-C=23.5 at 30% throttle


That means your FETs in channel B is damaged.
something wrong with your reading too, how much volts are you supplying to the ESC?