Beware of Sunnysky fakes.

Started by ashimda, April 10, 2015, 09:52:16 AM

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There are a lot of fake Sunnysky 980kv motors being sold. Its difficult to spot unless you know what to look for. I have received a couple of fakes, and hope the seller was also in the dark. For further info:


It would have been great if someone did a side by side comparison of the thrust,current consumption, temp etc which could have shed more light on the performance differences if any between the items.

I bought 4 motors( assumed to be real sunnysky) approx 18 months ago and in more than 70/80 hrs of flight with those motors(initially on a tri then quad), I honestly don't have anything to complain per se in terms of performance or quality.


@ashimda Could you please highlight the points that made you realize that these motors are fakes? That would be really helpful for others who are planning to buy!


@ Sidewinder I too have been using a fake motor without knowing. I had originally purchased a set for my quad, but after an accident I had to change 1 out.
I ordered a spare which was fake and am still flying with it today. The only thing I noticed after the change was that the new motor was not as smooth or silent as the originals. I reported this to LHS i had purchased it from that same day. If I had not stumbled across that RCgroups thread I would have never known.
The fake motors could be as good as the originals but thats not the point. When I purchase a specific item, I expect to receive what I paid for.
On a different note, 70-80hrs of flight on a set of motors is truly amazing.


For Sunnysky- To find out specificly - fake ones they come in zippouch, fake ones have plain bearings while original motor have machined cuts/dents on the Japanese bearing. The S in sunnysky is off and fat in fake. In fake  SS, Winding looks like turnigy motor. Fakes work fine but little more current draw and little less power due to lower quality bearing.


That is scary..... >:( be careful ... buyers & sellers both who are buying such motors without knowing its fake...

Now its time for those people who in past have purchased these motors, please check n confirm that you are using a original motor or a fake one...  & again thanks for posting this on the forum, I was about to buy some of these motors will check it  ;D

this pic I found in the forum says that the left side box is FAKE... sunnysky motor


Quote from: ashimda on April 10, 2015, 07:05:55 PM
On a different note, 70-80hrs of flight on a set of motors is truly amazing.

Ashimda that made me take one more look at my motors because trust me, I have literally abused those motors to a very good extent and to add to that some spectacular crashes which those motors withstood before giving up eventually (2 of them dented and unmovable).

I think they are the real deal with only 2 difference being,"firepower from china" mentioned on it, and  box came without any barcode stickers. Everything else such as holes are counter sunk, bearings are slotted, shaft isnt extruding and almost everything else matches with original sunnysky including the c-clip. I have one motor, bought later which has mentioned "made in China" instead of "firepower from china" however again everything else remains the same.

Since the motors were packed, I just checked for the bar-code and bearing initially, which led me to earlier conclusion. Had to clean the bearing to see the slots.

How were your motor different from the original?

I also happened to check the and you can see crooked winding in a couple of pics of the motors for ex:

So my opinion is, we can leave the stickers and lil bit of crooked windings out of context.
Easier way to identify the fake is the c-clip, fonts and packaging(ziplocks)

And buddy we are on the same boat, I would feel cheated if what I bought were fake! but where would the onus lie? Thats what is troubling me, specifically what about people who bought them at an earlier date and may have damaged the motors. And what about the guys ignorant about the issue.

PS: Ashimda I hope the LHS you bought from has either stopped selling those motors after coming to know the truth or have now appropriately labelled them. $hit happens. Otherwise you have every right to warn us off.


Earlier sunnysky had firepower from China instead of made in China. my older ones had firepower which was purchased aprox 2 years back, later ones- made in China.
Agree with sidewinder on warning part if the LHS hasn't changed to originals yet.


Pravesh is right, you probably have the originals from an older batch. Yes I have spoken to the LHS and found that he too was unaware of the fact.
He has assured me, that he will have words with his supplier and get things sorted.
In my opinion the bearing slots and size are the obvious giveaway. After reading that thread I checked my motors, and the bearing looked fake.
I also read that sold the originals so the first pic is for reference, the second pic of my motors.