recommendation for lipo battery for emax motor- BL2815/09 & simon series E

Started by kamalsahai, May 03, 2015, 01:12:50 PM

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kindly recommend lipo  battery for emax motor- BL2815/09 and  emax simon series ESC 40A

i will use above said system for my kaiser of Sharma aeromodels

i have shortlisted two lipo battery for BL2815/09

1. Turnigy 2200 mah-3s-20C
2. Turnigy 2200 mah-3s-25C

kindly suggest either of above mentioned battery will work for  emax motor- BL2815/09 and emax simon series ESC 40A

is turnigy 2200 mah 3s-20C or 25C will work for emax motor- BL2815/09 and  emax simon series ESC 40A

kamal preet


If it's a plane , id suggest not to use simonk esc if u haven't purchased yet,  those are for multicopters,
Either battery is fine, 25c is better option.


Pravesh, What's the difference other than "lack of LVC" while using a SimonK ESC on a plane?
Personally i prefer LiPo alarms instead of LVC.
Indian Hobby Shop
PH# 9473456377


Simonk has 400 hz refresh rate. Which makes motors turn quickly which is required for quick response in stabilising a multicopter. have been using Simonk since before any rtf Simonk esc was available
Plane esc have refresh rate of 50-150 hz. Resulting in smooth and slow motor speed transitions.
If u use Simonk in plane - if ur motor mount is weak it may come off, or torque roll everytime throttle changes. Etc
While writing the sk firmware, it was understood that lvc is useless as its better to loose a lipo over a quad. That's why they removed it.


Whoa, That was Mindboggling  :bow:

Not sure when you will get the Basics corrected Pravesh:

400hz = 400 corrections/second
150hz = 150 corrections/second
  50hz = 50 corrections/second

As far as i am concerned, i can't even think of anyone able to make 10 corrections per second on the Tx stick.
Indian Hobby Shop
PH# 9473456377


It's not used only for the tx input refresh rate u fool. Go google search it.
400 corrections a second is required as flight controller is sending those to the esc not tx.
Obviusly 400hz is not required in plane.
Need to fly more and send less time online or doing theory .

Ps- the battery time yes I made a mistake . Now u need to get ur basics right too. Don't take us for a fool just because we don't show our work online.

Edit- read a little here and there before doing all this.


The more i communicate with you, the more i realize that you're a person who knows just about nothing in it's entirety, have loads of misconceptions, have most of facts and basics wrong and what's funny is that you still feel as if you know everything.
Best of luck in whatever you do. Whether right or wrong.

BTW, instead of suggesting me to google it, why not apply some simple common sense and find where you're wrong in the above statements?
Indian Hobby Shop
PH# 9473456377


Reframed it for u again/ I thought ud understand the first time I said it.
It's not used only for the tx input refresh rate u fool. Go google search it.
400 corrections a second is required as flight controller is sending those correction to the esc not tx. Tx send command When it recieves it from the fingers.
Obviusly 400hz is not required in plane. Planes too have flight controller available so 50-150hz for those.
Need to fly more and send less time online or doing theory .

Ps- the battery time yes I made a mistake . Now u need to get ur basics right too. Don't take us for a fool just because we don't show our work online.

Edit- read a little here and there before doing all this.
Did this get in ur ego too much to read it well?


Quote from: IndianHobbyShop on May 04, 2015, 01:54:58 AM
Best of luck in whatever you do. Whether right or wrong.

BTW, instead of suggesting me to google it, why not apply some simple common sense and find where you're wrong in the above statements?

Go fly a quad with plane esc and then come and talk. I don't care what u think of me, my Rc are doing great.
Also I don't care to correct or refine my sentences too much so u might not be understanding my writings like I expected u to.

Anyway ure the one with the bigger misconception here.


kindly suggest lipo battery for bl/2815/09 motor


further sorry for administrators for putting my question 2nd time in differnt way

rcindia is only ray of hope for me

kp chandigarh


Merged. OP warned.  Clarifying on the same thread is the right way of doing this.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.



The max. current is 31 A. So select a 40 A ESC (always on the higher side for safety)

Now, assume you use a 2200 mah 3S 20 C Lipo.

You can draw a maximum of 20 X 2.2 = 44 A from this.

At maximum throttle (31 A) your expected flying time will be:

2.2 X 60 / 31 = 4.25 minutes, and at 'normal' flying you will get around 7 minutes

This motor @ 3S and 30 deg C with an 11*7 prop will develop max 300 W, and 1.22 Kg static thrust (despite whatever E Max may claim!)

It is thus suitable for a Trainer type High Wing model aircraft of up to 2.5 to 3 lbs max ( about 1.1 - 1.3 Kg)