Next model - Delta Dart / Hangar Rat / Bobni?

Started by K K Iyer, January 27, 2021, 08:43:28 PM

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But I would love to see all who accept that challenge for Hangar Rat ...

K K Iyer


Can you share your experience with the different props on the Hangar Rat?


Sir , Different from the original plan , I thought , I would give it some spiral as  that would add more thrust . But after making it , I am not sure whether it helped my model , because the flight time was not great . So I tried a plastic prop from my old build , which worked fine and the model flew very well. Since the plastic one is heavier , I had to remove the landing gear to balance the increase in weight.

Free Flight

Thanks for posting the videos guys. Much more fun to watch it on a full screen via the YouTube.

S174, lets see you ROG. You and we will all enjoy


Sure sir . For those who wonder what ROG means , read this thread ...
And there they have an acronym for a plane landing on a tree :) ;)


Quote from: K K Iyer on February 06, 2021, 09:38:00 PM

Can you share your experience with the different props on the Hangar Rat?

Today I tried the propeller that I made . Flight time was more . It is a "mini" version of yday's plane .


Free Flight

Quote from: SI74 on February 07, 2021, 07:01:26 PM
Video here

Simply Marvelous. Almost 30 second flight in short circles (Yeah!) with the rubber still to be optimized. You did it ! Enjoy !


Thank you sir .Yes , did not stretch wind since it was a test flight . I made it today afternoon . So wanted to see how does it perform.


A photo would help those who are interested to build one .



Quote from: K K Iyer on January 27, 2021, 08:43:28 PM
Hi everyone, especially free flighters.

Over 50 years ago, Frank Ehling, then the Technical Director of the Academy of Model Aeronautics, USA, designed this model.
It was initially considered too simple to interest anyone.
But the AMA used it to successfully introduce thousands of youngsters to the joys of aeromodelling.

You can find the plan and description if you go to:
and search for Delta Dart.

To build it you need balsa strips, the prop and the prop hub, suitable rubber, tissue, glue stick and Feviquik.

Which I'll try to provide.

I'm going to build it tomorrow and see if it flies!

Plans (from are attached.

Seeing this post today, after more than three weeks  :o
I will have to come up to the speed !!!


Quote from: K K Iyer on February 03, 2021, 08:30:20 PM
@Free Flight,
There are 2 short videos on the Whatsapp group.
At 150 and 250 turns.
Didn't dare go beyond that!

But then I found this chart (see pic)

So can I really go to 600 turns on a 6" loop of 1/8" TAN?

How to calculate the turns of rubber band ?

K K Iyer

Quote from: WeekendFlyer on February 24, 2021, 02:16:12 PM
Quote from: K K Iyer on February 03, 2021, 08:30:20 PM
@Free Flight,
There are 2 short videos on the Whatsapp group.
At 150 and 250 turns.
Didn't dare go beyond that!

But then I found this chart (see pic)

So can I really go to 600 turns on a 6" loop of 1/8" TAN?

How to calculate the turns of rubber band ?

Just count  ;D

I believe the traditional method is to wind it till it breaks.
Then wind one turn less  ;D

Remember to lube the rubber.
With whatever you have. Silicone spray, glycerine, castor oil, even soap and water if nothing else.



Yes, mine broke without lube and I bought glycerine. But don't know which one in that list is better .

Free Flight

Take 50 % glycerin and 50 % of liquid soap (dishwashing liquid like Palmolive green color) by volume. Then mix well. Apply in such a way that the rubber has a shine not sloppy wet. The way I do it is put the lube in a plastic bag(Ziploc type bag). Then put the rubber in it and gently massage the lube all over the rubber. Note shiny appearance not wet like you use shaving cream on your face.

Then always stretch wind. Stretch the rubber about 2 to 3 times its length. Wind half the winds in a stretch situation, then walk toward the model to complete the other half of the winds.

Most important keep notes: This rubber, these many winds this high it flew and flight time. It is vital to keep these notes for your model to decide, do I need more length of the rubber, thicker rubber, thinner rubber, combination of thick and thin. In the flight the model should not go up like a rocket torque roll. A nice gentle climb , transition and glide.

Always count the number of winds left at the end of the flight. Too few or none left, then use a longer rubber, too many left, then you a smaller length rubber.


Free Flight

Here is an easy way to make a foot stooge for stretch winding.

Next MUST build a home made torque meter. I usually do not count my winds, but go to a torque setting that I have marked for MY meter for that model. It is not calibrated by a standard, just marking points where I need to torque to for that airplane.

Free Flight

Bookmark this site. Great information when one is starting out with good explanations and photos .

Free Flight

Other than just lubing and stretch wind with torque meter, a couple other things also help. For example, make sure the propeller is BALANCED. Then put a small drop of oil (regular cooking oil, not Dalda vanaspati) at the bearing for a smoother prop run. Just a drop with a fat needle.

When you come home, wash your flight rubber band with very luke warm water and dishwashing liquid soap thoroughly. Let it dry in towel, but do NOT dry in the sun. Next outing, lube the rubber, stretch wind and to the torque.

You did take your notes with you to the field so you do not start reinventing from scratch?

Now let us see some more videos please.


Hello Friends,

My Delta Dart - Ready for assembly  :giggle:

:help: Would like to know, whether I can do some color work on it, to make it decorative ?  :)

Free Flight

Really Neat. Very good angle cuts, your structure will be rigid and strong glue bonds.  :goodjob:

Yes you can color. In your next plane use colored tissue to begin with. But use something like Sharpie pen. You can use a black ball point pen to make panel lines like ailerons etc. Good idea to get innovative and decorate.

Just be mindful of your wing loading, grams of model weight (with rubber) divided by wing area in square inches. Definitely want to be below 0.5 gms /Square inch. A value of 0. 43 would be desirable.

Looking forward to your video.

Free Flight

Regarding planes like Delta Dart , Bobni etc. with a wing span of less then 14 inch, there is no need to shrink the tissue after attaching it to balsa. Also there is no need to dope the balsa.

For Bobni, I crumpled the tissue into a ball. Then straighten it out with your hand. Use 90 percent isopropyl alcohol and spray it well . Let it dry overnight by hanging it with a clothes peg. I then ironed out all the wrinkles. Apply straight with a glue stick on balsa and pull tissue firmly, avoid warping it. You are done and the tissue is taught.

One more thing: I do not waste a sharp blade to trim the tissue. Use a nail file and gently go over the edges. The tissue will fall off and you will trim it very neatly.


@Free Flight
Thank you for the suggestions on the covering.
Can we have something on making props and the size of props to be used for good thrust for the delta dart ?

Free Flight

Delta Dart was designed to be a simple and fun flyer to attract kids for model airplane building. That is why it uses a 5 and half inch commercially available prop. No need to make one from balsa for such entry level planes. You could use one from a foamy flyer, just transfer it here assuming it is at or just just around 5 and half inch in diameter. 

I would also suggest you contact Mr. Madhav and get it from him. His Spinboy kit is very nice and has the prop plus contest rubber (extra) that you need for this model.

Try putting a capacitor instead of a rubber power. People claim it flies very well on a capacitor motor. I have no experience with capacitor type flying but Mr Glidiator can advise.