1/6 scale RC car customs clearance @ Bangalore

Started by BMG, February 16, 2023, 11:16:55 PM

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Guys can some one help me here ..
items included are - 1/6 scale RC car with radio, some tools and lock tight fluid.
I have a shipment in FedEx that is gonna go thru customs clearance by tomorrow I guess ..items  just reached Bangalore FedEx sort facility .. the FedEx customs clearance agency guy says that this comes under toy category and this is banned in India .. can you help me here .. I told him that this is not toy grade and it's hobby grade big car , but he is reluctant and asking me clear with an own clearing agent as this might need dummy IEC, BUS clearance or some DG clearing licence  .. so can you guys help me with this .. as far as what I know only drones are banned .. cars are not banned . The total value is nearly 2K sgd .. yeah I am importing from singapore .. can I get this cleared ?


Very diffcult. You have to pay too much custom duty  . Better to return your shipment and take refund
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As of now it's still under clearance delay status with FedEx , I was told by the FedEx guys to expect a duty of 30 to 40% of original invoice value, which I am okay with.. but will the customs will allow the cargo as it has lipos inside .. I heard in most cases upon open inspection if there is lipo they will detain it or will ask to return the cargo .. please advise. My major worry is to get it out of customs.


Customs cleared and Pacakge delivered .. paid 48K duty ..
