16 Cm wingspan Rubber powered plane (<1Hr time)

Started by KALYANPRODHAN, October 21, 2010, 10:15:18 PM

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Yesterday my sister's son requested to see how my gliders I made (Completely scratch built).

Now I made this only within 1 hour.

This including slicing Thermocol packing slicing into 1.2mm by hot wire cutter also.
The thermocol as a packing thermocol. Just take 12" cut Nicrome wire (from 125 watt soldering Iron Coil) and fed with my 12V,5A Power supply unit with crocodile clip and placed on glass top. Distance (Height) made by braking a matchstick in two piece and sliced.

The prop hub made by cutting Good Night mosquito coil supporting stand and making hole by poker. The bend is made and slight adjusted by one Nose pliers and one long nose pliers. The shaft is made by also Nicrome wire (A 1000 watt Coil cut piece, stretched and some pliers work.

The Wings and tailpiece (Rudder and Elevator ) fixed by Fevicol and to Quick-start, again fibers tape is applied.

The prop blade is made at first by Paper Card cutting (Afterward by using Shirt collar reinforcement plastic shit cutting) and bending against body spray bottle and fixed with again fibrous tape.

The rubber band is at first used with 4" Common band and thrust was so high that afterward replaced by TAN-II spots rubber (:|~ supplied by SOIKATDA of RCIndia.

:bow: {:)}And Thanks to SAIKAT -da. {:)} :bow:

Here is the pictures.

The tin prop support
We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


And more photo.

Though, it is not RC related, but given to give an idea of Do-It Yourself pictures to attract others to do on hand jobs and start right now.

Prop balancing is a little bit critical but you can adjust by holding fuselage end portion in one hand and release prop with charged rubber and try to minimize vibration.


NB :
Please comment.

Even your silly comment may improve my art. So Advance thanks to all those even see.
We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


Looks very kewl.  {:)}
The Deo-Roll has given a nice contour.

Please post the templates.

~ It's funny how fallin' feels like flyin' ~
           ~ For a little while ~


Have you ever tried to make propellers with X-Ray Sheets?
I think it will work.


Full marks for creativity. Well done!!! You have the 'never say die' attitude - That is what makes true modellers................. {:)}
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Is there any reason why the wing is not firectly attached to the broomstick? Why is it elevated?


1) Yes, I have used the X-Ray film
.... I have used plastic film of different packaging, Plastic Glass/Cups cut piece, Cards, Bamboo sticks and paper too.

For, the little master, I started to make prop blade by Jute stick cut piece, but his time was so precious, I have to use faster method.

2) The reason is stability against tilting and rolling. In micro or sub micro, It is widely used. I am giving the pics collected earlier from Smallflyingarts forum.
We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.



The best part is that all the things used on the glider are scratch built. Absolutely indigenous.
Be Inquisitive


Respected Drone,

The entire plane is scratch built.

1 mm thick thermocol. Cut the wing shape and wing support in aerofoil shape,, Nend the wing piece a little bit to make aerofoil with the talcom powder body support and hand. The bottom line wing support was not first made as it makes the angle of attack. I prefix with fibrous tape and fly 1/2 times, Check lift and drag,  After final adjust, Final cuts and join.

The thumb rule is to make plane horizontal,
Upward moment due to lift at prop = downward weight (Through CG) + added weight due to elevator negative lift.

If elevator angle = angle of attack,
then, length from prop to wing centre x wing area = elevator area x fuselage lengthx1.5

In simple, both moment must be same at point of prop. Therefore, Final adjust you can make with elevator and wing angle.

We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


its really fantastic, what you  did. really impressed. Do you have any video of making this?

can you provide the dimensions of this plane?

