Laboratory chemicals /PCB's/collage projects for sale

Started by speedracer, January 03, 2011, 10:55:32 AM

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Pm me for any kind of chemical (laboratory grade) or for collage projects or circuits or PCB's ......of ANY kind
Ideas Are Bulletproof.....


Ideas Are Bulletproof.....


Ps: i an only selling chemicals here and offering help in making pcb's and circuits that too for free .
you can tell me your need and i can provide you the circuit for it to the best that i can . i will not charge for any circuit that you need if you need a fully assembled circuit you can send of the required parts and i will assemble it for you same here NO CHARGES APPLY.
Ideas Are Bulletproof.....


I have sealed pack 100grams red phosphorus which i bought for making strike anywhere matches but couldn't find chlorate to complete it .
price : Rs 750 + shipping(Rs 50 via dtdc) to anywhere in India
Ideas Are Bulletproof.....


KCLO3 can be easily extracted from crushed match heads, that's a different story. However, you are asking for some SERIOUS trouble if you try to mix it with Red Phos.

BTW, you shouldn't be posing this on an open forum (neither should I, for that matter), atleast not in this one - it is not related to RC in any way. (Unless RC refers to Radical Combustion!)

Take care...........
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Let us not discuss combustible chemicals here, unless they are related to etching of PCBs etc.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Ideas Are Bulletproof.....


Ideas Are Bulletproof.....


Ideas Are Bulletproof.....


Ideas Are Bulletproof.....


KCLO3 can be produced in large quantity in home too by electrolysis. As this is not the right place just google. you will be in right track.

We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


i know it but its a long process and the yeild is too low ans at the end the total cost exceeds that of commercial production!!!
Ideas Are Bulletproof.....


Kartick, don't talk about something that you have not tried first hand. If you have the right electrodes and power supply, the electrolysis process is a cinch and doesn't cost much. I know people produced Chlorate by the boiling and the electrolysis method and the results are fantastic!
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


can you elaborate on the electrolysis  method (on pm ) for social security of the nation
Ideas Are Bulletproof.....


Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


ok this means now the security lies in the hands of The YOUTUBE
Ideas Are Bulletproof.....


No. It means that our National Security lies in the hands of the people who use mass media like the net and the channels like Youtube = WITH RESPONSIBILITY. There is so much lo to learn, you decide what and why to learn and how to use the knowledge (profitably with dignity) gleaned from the net.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


I am going to lock this thread.  It barely belongs here, except for the "I'll make any PCB you want" part. That itself has a remote connection to our hobby, and we are better off not discussing combustible stuff here.

For the record, the "For Sale" part still stands, anyone who wishes to take this offer may discuss the same via PMs.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.