Hey All! Tassem from Bangalore

Started by Tassem, March 18, 2011, 12:40:10 AM

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Hi All!

Though I registered and lurked around this forum the last week and have been prowling around a lot, this is my first post here! I was primarily browsing around to see how much the R/C community has developed in India and I must say I'm very impressed! More Proud than impressed really :)

Well onto the topic. The last three - four days have been quite stressful to me as I was trying to decide on an R/C car for my younger brother. I wanted to get a car that fit a budget of 20-25k. I had read up a lot about the Traxxas Rustler VXL and was quite impressed with it. But I guess it wasn't meant to be. I have a soft spot for Traxxas since my first Nitro was the T-Maxx 2.5 which I bought used. While it was a love hate relationship, it was always fun!

I found out about the Traxxas Dealer in Bangalore and called up Jayanth for details. He was such a helpful bloke and had me come over to his place for an audition of the different Traxxas models available. He made sense in whatever he said and I saw the Slash 4x4 and the Revo. We had some test runs as these were his cars. Somehow the Slash did not excite me much and that convinced me that the Rustler would also have a similar effect. Somehow electrics while being insanely powerful will never live up to the rush that a Nitro provides. A Nitro is fun even when it sits in the corner, just idling!

The Revo on the other hand was just beautiful! I loved the way it held its stance while driving and that goes to prove that it will be a veritable track tool to say the least! Unfortunately it was outside my budget. While the new T-Maxx has its share of upgrades, I was not very keen since it won't really be "NEW".. to me ie.

Anyways I took all the info I needed from Jayanth (A big thanks to him btw!) and headed home to do more homework.

Next day, while researching I stumbled upon the new HPI Savage X and was impressed to say the least. Read online about it and also checked out a few reviews and videos. Another quick search of the forum gave me Siddharth's number. He explained about his professional R/C outfit and answered all my questions. He then put me in touch with Manoj who is the Bangalore distributor for HPI. I explained what I was looking for and more importantly what my budget was. They assured me that something can be worked out.

Since I got off late from work and had some personal errands to run, I could not meet Manoj on time. But I was adamant that I needed to make a decision in another day as each passing day meant more options and more decisions! Now that's not fun I tell you! However, Manoj agreed to come back to the store just so that I can have a look at the car! This was around 10pm I guess - Now that's just awesome!

Me and bro drove over to the store which is incidentally just 6-7 km from my home since they relocated from their previous location. So he's my lhs! We met Manoj and Rohan just outside their store. As luck would have it there was a blackout! We stumbled down the stairs with just our cell phones to give us some light and Manoj opened up a new box containing two Savages. I wanted to see the red and so asked him to open that up.

The lack of lighting never meant a lot but in this situation it was unbearable! Imagine having to check out a Monster Truck with what light a cellphone can throw! Rohan did a bit of fiddling with the inverter and somehow turned the lights on – only for a second though as it was not charged! I caught a small glimpse of the Savage but that was it.  :(

Manoj went out back and got his own Savage so that I can have a look at the innards and the build. Again the lack of lighting made it impossible. While we stood there wondering what to do and almost listless by now, the power came back! I was half expecting it to die again, but it didn't.

So here we were. Me, my bro, Manoj and Rohan. Admiring the Savage and checking out the minutest details. Well Manoj and Rohan were tired after a long day and were probably grumbling at having been dragged to their store so late! I'm just kidding, they were such a great help! Anyways the Savage was on a different league altogether from the T-Maxx as far as build was concerned. The T-Maxx is not a weakling by any means and that must say a lot about the Savage's build quality. It felt heavier than my T-Maxx as well. All I needed now was to see it run before I decided whether it will be the New T-Maxx or Savage. Will the 4.6 live up to its Big Block reputation? Well we just had to wait and watch.

Bad luck strikes again! I completely forgot that the Savage Kit does not include the Glow Igniter or a battery for the Roto-Start 2. To make things worse, there was no fuel in stock as it was all used up last weekend. Bummer of a situation I must say. We spent close to an hour contemplating what to do. I wasn't ready to take the dive before I saw it run or at least get it started. I give a call to Jayanth to see if I can come and pick up some fuel. I explained to him why I needed it as well. One thing I must say here is how impressed I was with the professionalism of all the people I spoke with starting with Sid. Nobody badmouthed their competitor's product. Not once! Everybody patiently answered all my questions and left me to make a decision on my own. That just brilliant! Anyways Jayanth said he'd have to check as getting into his storage facility would require waking up his neighbors for a key to the gate. I said I would wait for his call.

About 10 minutes later Jayanth called with news on the negative. However he asked me to feel free to drop by any time after 5 in the morning to pick up the fuel. Now what can I say about how helpful these guys are! The R/C community is blessed! At least in Bangalore  :P

I stood there wondering what to do, worried that another day would mean more options and more decisions. Went down and had a chat with the guys about the situation. Manoj and Rohan did not rush me though. The understood my stance and helped me through. In the meanwhile me and bro decided that the Savage would be the one. It looked great, felt great and we were sure would run great. Even if it wouldn't be better, it would still run just as well as the T-Maxx. So the decision was made. However, I still wanted to test the new one to see if it started fine and that brought us back to square one!

Almost half an hour went by discussing where to get an igniter, battery, charger etc. Model Art was the quickest option but they're not very famous for their quality of goods - as I know from personal experience. Anyways while we were discussing, Manoj managed to find half a tank of fuel somewhere! We salvaged a battery for the Roto-Start and Rohan found a glow igniter! Now that's good luck my friends! There was a minute of trepidation when we wondered whether the battery and igniter was charged. The Roto-Start was not running as it should but it appeared to have some juice left.

So, amidst anxious onlookers, the tank was filled, the igniter attached and the Roto-Start inserted. Will it start?

Try one.. no go!

Try two.. no go!

Try three.. no go! The Roto-Start held up but perhaps the igniter had no charge..

Try four.. there was a hint of fire in the engine.. but no go

Try five.. Vroooooom! It started! And boy was it loud in the confined store!!

The deal was sealed! I own a Savage dudes!

Thanked Manoj and Rohan and took it home. Being the nut that I am, completed the necessary installation the same night. (Roll Cage, Receiver Box cover etc.)

The next day, got a Gallon of Tornado 20% Nitro, A Himoto glow igniter kit (Contains the igniter, charger, two wrenches and a fuel bottle) and also a charger for the Roto Start Battery. Got some AA cells for the receiver and transmitter. Will be getting a hump pack for the receiver/servo and perhaps an upgraded steering servo in the near future.

Running in and first bashing session over. But that's for another day friends! Sorry to bore you with this long post! But hey, as they say, first impressions matter a lot!

A Big Thank You to Jayanth, Siddharth, Manoj and Rohan. You guys rule!  :bow:
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


Welcome to RC India :)

I have also felt (more like "read between the lines") that the car sellers/shops in India all work closely with each other in general (compared to many aircraft stores).  I guess they all started as true enthusiasts first, and they all know each other through their common interests :thumbsup:
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Hey Anwar! Thanks for the welcome! You'e right about that. I guess they are al true enthusiasts. Competitors from 9 to 5, friends the rest of the time! :)

I read your intro and have to mention - I'm originally from Kerala :D Born and brought up in Dubai and have been settled in Bangalore for the last 6 years though. I NEVER knew there were R/C lovers in kerala. Especially with the "You spent how much on that TOY?!" attitude ;)
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


Welcome Taseem, add another one to your Kerala list, Born , but brought all over, Nazhiyarathinde Naatil Ennikoru Nazhi Idankallil mannundu, that's were i will hang my gloves, tie a hammock and go off to eternal sleep
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Welcome to the Forum!  :)  Great to see another car guy in Bangalore!

Great choice on the Savage   :thumbsup:
Its supposed to be tough as nails! 

Can we get some pics and vids?
Thunder Tiger Phoenix BX
Associated RC18T2/B2 Kit
Walkera 5G4Q3
TechOne Angel
Hiller 450 v2
Futaba 7c 2.4Ghz
Slash 4x4 (sold)


It feels great to see an enthusiastic car guy here and he is in Bangalore!!Cool.Looking forward to more from you. :)

These guys are really good.I was really fortunate to have chanced upon these guys.I have a traxxas slash 4x4.Even I had to make choices just that I knew I wanted an electric.So I was stuck between the mini e revo and the slash 4x4.I was about to buy the slash 4x4 from Kapil(the dealer in Delhi) and Jayant PM ed me.And I decided to get the slash from him.It was supposed to arrive sometime during the CWG.Many shipments were delayed and my slash was one among them :(.I called Jayant almost everyday :P but he never lost his cool and finally,I got my car from him.The RC car community is very closely knit here and glad to welcome you to the forum. :)

You have made some very good friends in Manoj,Rohan,Jayant,Siddharth.Hope to see vids and pictures and if you need anything,RCI is here.You made all the right decisions as a guy buying a car :thumbsup:.Enjoy the savagery of the savage. ;D
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


And Divyam,the savage isn't "supposed" to be tough as nails,IT IS tough as nails. ;D
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Thanks for the warm welcome guys! I'll put up a ton of pics and a few videos by weekend. We should all catch up sometime.

@Augustine: I know exactly what you mean! Somehow every time I visit kerala (Kollam is my hometown btw) I just love the freshness in the air! I don't think there are many places in Bangalore where you can just breathe in a lungful of fresh air!

@Divyam: My bro took a couple of videos on his phone when we took it out bashing the first time. You got the tough as nails part down pat! Almost brought a tear of joy when this thing cartwheeled about 8 times after a landing went horribly wrong and just zoomed off as if nothing happened! I managed to scratch the livin hell outta the shell! But hey, whats a basher without a few scratches. Dents and scratches add character to this fella. Plus once I washed the shell and cleaned the car, it looked pristine ;)

@Gandhar: I'm glad to be a part of this community man! I wish I knew sooner that there were other like minded RC nuts in Bangalore! The Slash is a great car from what I saw at Jayanth's place. But I'm all googly eyes for monster trucks! Plus they're easier to run in the area accessible to me. I still want to get the Rustler though. In a few months time. Do you run the Slash on LiPo or stock? We must meet up one of the weekends. I want to head over to the track and see the big boys break it open. It'll be a long while before I hone my skills and hop up the car to decently race.

Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


Hey welcome to RCI. :) Where do you stay? congrats for the Savage:)


Still on NiMHs.Instead of the rustler,get the slash instead.I guess its 3k more right?you get 4wd and better performance.After my exams (ending on april 13th) we'll meet up for sure. :)
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Thanks Rajath! I recently shifted to K Narayanpura. It's about 7 km from Kammanahalli. Lot of area here to bash! I used to stay in koramangala right behind forum. So this is a welcome and peaceful release for me! What's ur RC?

@Gandhar: I do realise that the Slash is superior in almost all aspects. Somehow its appearance doesn't appeal to me or my bro. But the amount of engineering that's gone into the Slash is insane! And the titles its won is proof of that anyday! There is something about the Rustler that stir's my broth the right way.. Dunno what it is :D
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


Aww man! Why'd you move outta Koramangala? I live there!  :(
Either ways, after my exams get over, I'll mostly be at the racetrack on weekends.. Looking forward to meeting all of you again  :)
BTW, exams get over on 23rd!   :)   Cant wait!
Thunder Tiger Phoenix BX
Associated RC18T2/B2 Kit
Walkera 5G4Q3
TechOne Angel
Hiller 450 v2
Futaba 7c 2.4Ghz
Slash 4x4 (sold)


Koramangala was too crowded for me! I lived there for 5 years! Plus my parents moved in with me and I needed a proper house. Not an apartment :)

On the bright side, I have my very own personal dirt/road/sand/grass track here! (Not mine really - but hey, if dogs can prowl there, so can I!)

Good luck with the exams! I wish I could go back to those days! Not the exams, but college :D Never really cared for exams..
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


I really suggest you get the slash dude.I have one,Divyam will get one,it would be awesome if you had one. ;D

3 RCIers racing slashes at pitstop.What could be better? ;D

@Divyam:Lucky guy,exams getting over on the 23rd.I'll have to wait for 21 days :banghead: :banghead: after your exams are over to be free.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Haha! well then i'm gonna suggest both of y'all to get Savages :p Monster trucks are Monster fun!! Hey that should be my signature!
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


Well,they don't race as well as the slash :P
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


A race is all about obstacles. You need something that controls well to negotiate these obstacles or sharp corners etc.

The thing about a monster truck is that you really dont need to negotiate around obstacles. You can go through them, over them or sometimes with them!

Savage it is then  :P
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


but the track has corners.Not just obstacles.I'm guessing Monster trucks have never heard of corners :giggle: >:D >:D

just joking.Every RC has a particular job.MTs do theirs well,SCTs do theirs well. ;D
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Hey i dont have an RC but plan to get one later (much later actually) :D. I have a good understanding about them from everything i read online - quite a lot. I want to have a more hands on experience before i decide what to buy so watching you guys will help me learn.


Lol.. Monster Trucks do tend to be clumsy at times. But every now and then one comes along and whups the track. The Revo is a fine example of that. But I'm sure with some lowering, stiffer springs and better tires, the Savage would put up a good fight.

Of course I have to learn to drive first :P
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


@Rajath: Waiting is the worst thing to do! You'll be confused with options and models and genres and what not! I'd suggest take a calculated leap. Perhaps a used and sensibly priced electric would nudge you in the right direction.
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


I will be busy for 6-8 months on project, hence the waiting. i will use that time wisely :)


That makes sense then. I hope you're building one ;)
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


Haha no no :) Reading online and actually seeing the car are totally different learning domains. I have learnt a lot by meeting people before making planes and will do the same for cars also.


Video Uploaded Guys!


@Rajath: That makes sense. You can learn from others' mistakes ;)
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!