New Indian Railway NG Coaches in Brass

Started by pline, August 23, 2011, 09:56:26 AM

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Hello Friends,
We are introducing brass hand crafted Indian Railways(post war) 8-wheeler NG Coaching Stock in 1:19 scale with working doors & slides, internal lighting, detailed cast brass parts, glazed windows, accurate true to scale body overlays, Chain link couplers and brass buffers for 45mm(G) gauge.
Available are 1st, 2nd, 3rd Classes and Guards cum Luggage Van.
photo of the pre-production samples is here(sorry G.I Joe posed with the train!!).
For more details visit our website
Nilanjan Paul



You have to think about the bogie-bolster assembly more in details. At least they looks from side as real (That means presence of bolster spring, dashpots, ALWT, suspension link etc. etc. At lease plastic casted bogie frames looks more real.

If you already improved, please give some photo. I am not discourage you, but bogie frame looks simultaniously with superstructure makes realistic view.

We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


Hello Kalyanda,
We already have introduced some brass built detailed power bogie systems for G scale. It has actual working compensator springs, dummy brake gear, sand boxes, racer bearing fitted axle boxes, 32mm dia Stainless Steel wheels on 3mm dia axles and is powered by 0-24vdc PM traction motor with brass 1:36 two stage reduction gear drive. Actual miniature replica rivet work and is silver soldered.



Yes, now this bogie structure looks nice.

Why not start hobby with business. Your expert knowledge may improve build logs.
We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.