Started by strobotix, September 06, 2011, 09:24:04 AM

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we have done 2 years of R & D on glide plane after that i am able to make an unbreakable glider plane with ultimate flight stability for beginners

Watch My video

This is an self made aluminium glider plane by STrobotix .....
Fuselage is of aluminium ....
Tail of Sun Board
Wing of Hard Thermocool ..
Total Weight of Plane is 800 grams
Lipo - 3.3AH , 40c
Servo - Micro
Motor - 1400KV

It is an unbreakable Glider Plane with Low cost aluminium chassis

Total cost of plane about 4000/- without remote
remote start from 1500/- ( 4 channel )

Contact us at :
Building No.-135/5 , Sec-41B , Chandigarh
Near Cheema complex
09988218770 ,09988091747, 9915529010


Hey Guys, I have seen his Glider and its simply awesome..... :bow:. Flown Easy Star also and this Glider is as stable and as slow as Easy Star. Very tough, very easy to make and very much value for money.



this is another video dude


Thank 22 ...we have  other types 850 gm ,600gm ,450gm with same parameters


With 3.3AH , 40c lipo it give flight time of more than 80 minutes ..


Nice build {:)}
but I wont call a aluminium fuse unbreakable, aluminium fuse break easily and are almost impossible to repair.


4k..Includes a 3 cell battery + micro servos + motor + propeller + glider ? Esc ?

Any brand name of the electronics used ?


Quote from: SunLikeStar on September 06, 2011, 10:31:20 AM
Nice build {:)}
but I wont call a aluminium fuse unbreakable, aluminium fuse break easily and are almost impossible to repair.

well nothing in this world is unbreakable  :giggle:....but This fuse is reallly strong. If you really want to break this then no one can stops you but it wont break as easily as foam or balsa.

If some how you manage to break this.... :thumbsup:....then its replacement would be cheaper than reapiring it.  :hatsoff:


I'd prefer covered balsa over aluminium any day. Have worked with aluminium fuse before and just know that repairing is not an option.

Quote from: asinghatiya on September 06, 2011, 10:52:51 AM
If you really want to break this then no one can stops you ....
why so serious ???


 :giggle: sorry buddy, not serious....its just that when I was writing it, I was not in a good mood.... :banghead:.........appreciate your genuine concern.


Sandeep Bajare
Ph - 9175342600


Keeping a lipo fully exposed right at the nose of a beginner plane is anything but "unbreakable" (it seems more like "suicidal").
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you are right, actually i too was skeptical about the battery location and the way it is mounted.

there needs to be some protection

as for the unbreakable plane, the electronics sure will take the abuse if not the plane in case of a crash.

Sandeep Bajare
Ph - 9175342600


This design looks really cool dude..... Its better you are working on designing of RC Planes that much when most of the people around just fly........... buy and sell from 1 to another.

Well i dont agree with above posts, dis is plane for beginers, dont u see its flight stability and landing. Its hand launch glider man.. seems much better than balsa "breakable"one's for beginners....

And about battery position, it could be changed, although no harm is there to fly this model as such, this is an electric glider... if motor was mounted on front, than it could be said that it could break on a nose dive but battery... comeon, batteries are not made of balsa, that would break just like dat... gud work dude.. go on :)


Well at least a motor mounted on the nose of a glider, after a nose dive crash will not ignite into big flames!! Just reiterating what Anwar uncle said, that the battery position here HAS to be changed if this is meant for a beginner.
Be Inquisitive


Well, well........battery in any pusher model, most of the times found in the front deck of the model, be it easy star or for that matter any other trainer.

the only lag I can see is that it is not covered,so fine, it can be covered.

In a nose dive crash, be it HELI, Trainer, or Glider if battery is in the nose, it will be damaged for sure. We just cant's reject such an innovative and value for money flying model for this small and easily correctable task.

4 stars to this model for its value for money and ease of flying.  :hatsoff:



very good work and price .stil hav 2 work on batry safty but nice initiative


Quote from: asinghatiya on September 09, 2011, 08:12:43 PM
4 stars to this model for its value for money and ease of flying.  :hatsoff:

Sir, I am not disreputing this model here. It has received a lot of positive comments so sure it must be very good. I just felt that what Anwar Uncle said was a valid point. So, please do not take my comments negatively, I did not mean it that way.  :)
Be Inquisitive


Well , the most costly thing to me is My " time "

With this kind of glider i can confidently make a beginner to fly within 5 days

Becoz the fear behind learning flying is money Not  Size of plane, we can make a such glider within 1 hour  and at cost " dont u ever think 'and even fly with Ni-Mh Cells

For 70 % of students this is just dream because of high cost of RC

Also most of flyer are just belong to rich family ( buying and flying )

But my target is student , Just wait 1 year , u will see , how low cost planes we are launching on our web...

Thanks for your support ..

Visit www.strobotix.com for more detail 


Paa ji, tyanu kuch questions pucha haiga regarding your plane, twahda clarification bhaut zaroori hai onade which, Y dont you answer one by one all doubts ..thumbsup:, twhada plane is kool, but 'dulhan wahi to piya man bhaye' aur plane wahi jo flyers to bhaye..' so clarify doubts and enjoy the esteem of your models.  :thumbsup:



I really apriciate Strobotics  intention behind making this low cost model, cause I have seen many modellers and model fliers from average families trained by  N.C.C (AirWing). If they could get a model at low cost I am sure we could make better advancement in this hobby, I feel that it is at an infant stage still, even though it has started in India for more than 50 years



what started in India for more than 100 years? NCC (airwing) or Aeromodeling?
When you fly electric, fly clean, fly quiet, and fly safe!


Hai crazyppilot  I'm sorry, it is a mistake I meant world not India, but I've seen people flying small planes when I was just five/six and in the 60's and 70's I have seen ads by Indias Hobby centre Kolkotha of their model planes( tomboy,Skybee, and a Helicopter) in Illustrated weekly, and moreover it was a common sight on saturdays  N.C.C cadets flying control line models on school and college grounds


Is it possible to make a rc plane with fiberglass fuselage and wings with composite materials like balsa and reinforceing FG and CF rods. If so what should be the maximum weight limitations?   
Always wanted to make one but don't know where to start, confused with overall weight v/s the size.