Aeromodeling Federation

Started by flytrack, October 17, 2011, 07:08:00 PM

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Quote from: sushil_anand on October 31, 2011, 05:53:11 PM
What is the connection? Only thing in common, that I can see is, "Hadapsar". So?

Sushil bhai - It is a bit subtle to catch, but the implied issue is that Hadapsar is not a well managed place, and safety/security is not where it should be.  When people lose planes due to frequency conflicts again and again, that shows a lack of organization, enforcement and probably communication between members. Every such incident is also a safety issue. 

In short, the implication seems to be that Hadapsar has issues that show up as unfortunate issues from time to time (whether RC or not) :headscratch:
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Quote from: RcBazaar on October 31, 2011, 06:39:30 PM
wow.. that was fun reading :-)...
hope we can get this thread back to its original discussion.

Have you ever heard a derailed train..coming back to the original track......derailed train and talks both have their own destiny......


guys ! accidents happen every where all the time. no matter how much secuirty is put into place, even terrorists have their way out at times.
all that one can do is to keep security guide lines in place and hope to see members comply by them. it is not physically possible to keep a check on each and every individual at all times.
lets not black each other here. it has no end and each one is right from their perspective.
our indian driving conditions are a firm example of this when you see two vehicle owners arguing and trying to teach each other the rules and hell breaks loose. the traffic dept has set rules and regulations in place but its we who do not obey them and drive rashly. they road authority cannot deploy a traffic eye for each and every driver on the street. so lets all grow up and see the bigger picture and move on. lets not get stuck up at these junctures in life.
this goes for both the sides of pune !   

cheers guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Pls note that hadapsar is a very well managed place. It is the mecca for all aeropsort activities. no where in india will you enjoy the benefit of flying safely and having to spare 230acres of flat land.

just like  second_chance added that safety rules and regulations are put in place. it is we who are to follow it.

the para glider accident in pune was an unfortunate one and never in history it has happened before. so that does not make hadapsar a mismanaged place. thousands die in road accidents everyday so what can you say on that. are the roads to be blamed or the authorities.

infact aviation related deaths are by far very less and all are related to pilot error. you do not read of  air accidents daily and when it happens even the DCGA authorities point up to the Lord of the Universe.

coming back to the topic of forming the federation. we here have already started the process of forming the Aerosports Association of India.

the objectives is mainly to streamline all aeroport activities like aeromodelling, paragliding & motoring, gliding and microlights. the AAI will form a bridge between end users and the legislative bodies i.e DGCA.
the idea is to simplify processes so that endusers are benefitted, rather than spend time running behind authorities for thier related permissions.

we have a lot of other things in mind and once registered will tackle things one by one. we want to safeguard the spirit of aerosport community so that it can be enjoyed without sacrificing safety rules and regulations. 

the future of aerosport activities are in grave danger if we do not unite today.tomorrow maybe too late.

Interested people are invited to kindly back the movement and support for the better tomorrow of aeroports.

henceforth no comments. will keep updated.

Sandeep Bajare
Ph - 9175342600


Quote from: anwar on October 31, 2011, 07:03:30 PM
Sushil bhai - It is a bit subtle to catch, but the implied issue is that Hadapsar is not a well managed place, and safety/security is not where it should be.  When people lose planes due to frequency conflicts again and again, that shows a lack of organization, enforcement and probably communication between members. Every such incident is also a safety issue. 

In short, the implication seems to be that Hadapsar has issues that show up as unfortunate issues from time to time (whether RC or not) :headscratch:

Still cannot connect the two. The paraglider was a rare accident in the history of the club which, supposedly started in 1981. They would then be considered as having an excellent track record.

But more to the point. They do not seem to have ANYTHING to do with aeromodelling activities and there does not appear to have been negligence on their part.

To sound like a needle stuck in a record groove, I still  see no connection any which way I look at it.
Hangar: Zlin 50L -120, CMPro Super Chipmunk, Ultimate Bipe EP, Imagine 50, Christen Eagle 160, Ultra Stick, Super Sports Senior


good point sushil bhai i agree with you.

cannot say much. again topic will drift 

anyway i have put my points in previous post.

hope people become serious now.


Sandeep Bajare
Ph - 9175342600


Quote from: sbajare on October 31, 2011, 08:35:18 PM
Pls note that hadapsar is a very well managed place. It is the mecca for all aeropsort activities. no where in india will you enjoy the benefit of flying safely and having to spare 230acres of flat land.

I sort of disagree. We have created a free club, 3 Kms long Runway given to aeromodellers to fly for free, entry free, all MHz guys hang their frequency tag on the board, people coming in just look at the tag and wait for their turn if common, and fly. free electricity, free basic amenities, food at cost price (Cup of tea for 2 Rs, 5 Rs a Samosa etc) ten times the size of real estate you are talking about. anyone near Calcutta are most welcome to fly there, just gimme a tinkle, and this runway is all yours to fly. like Aamir says in 3I, "Woh bhi FREE FREE FREE".

Not in anyway belittling your effort, which is immense
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


  Augustinev sir,
   Most commendable work. You are like messiah of Aeromodelling. We will work
on following your path .
hhnarayanrao KNS


Rao Garu,
Thanks, but no way, that is not true about me, there are a lot of people in this forum who are doing bigger , better yeoman service to this hobby, in fact little drops of water makes the mighty ocean, in our little way, we all are doing something, i sort of believe in free community, that's my dream , share and have, something like linux community
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


every city has its own opinion. so keep posting  :iagree:
mx2 30cc; Calmato 40; Future 55, Giles 202 46; SU-30 EP; Seduction 46;  Stringray 46


In Calcutta,I remember,flying at the Maidan in Chauranghi,opposite Victoria Memorial, in the 50's,and also upto 1985(Delhi)-all fields were free and flying space was not a problem,there were few flyers.

Then started the construction boom-no space,more modelers,frequency restrictions,import problems etc. etc.

These problems are now being faced by all of us in some measure-lets be one on how to tackle these and make aeromodeling successful.

Specific issues of regions will continue-lack of space,mentality of individuals/attitudes etc,but still the majority are right minded people who make the difference with positive steps,there is no dearth of them.