replace / reinstalling a brushless motor shaft.. easily..

Started by roopeshkrishna, April 10, 2012, 12:25:08 PM

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         Friends, Modellers, i am posting this article, due to some personal requests, about to replacing and repositioning of the shaft of a brushless motor..  a shaft of a brushed motor will be fixed firmly on its armature core, so, replacing it will be some head ache.. but not impossible.. but replacing or repositioning of a shaft from brushless motor is far easy and simple.. nowadays brushless motors are getting inexpensive and again, making the RCying more folky and popular..

so, at present anyone can enter in to RCying with a little budget.. so, there must be some various needs from brushless motors.. but most of the time we get some motors from company as it is.. so in some time we have to change the shaft position to the other end of the motor.. another instance to replace motor shaft is after crash, or accidents.. so, here we go..

all tips are the keys, and all you can adopt and use any apropriate ideas and tools but i hope we do not need any extra expensive tools or equpments.. need a good rate of patience and dedication, along with a sturdy hands..go on..


at first, we must check and examine, our motor with us.. as we carefully examins, we find one or two flush mout screws, around the neck of the motor, or on flange of the can see here..


we can see the same screws, known as Allen keys or as hex screws, on each motors.. on some it may be one and in some may be two on either sides..


the position of the Allen key screws may vary on each designs.. but it is so easy to find one as we looks around..the size of the screw head may vary according to the size of the motor..


the main tool for this purpose is the Allen keys itself.. we can simply purchase the needed Keys from any general purpose hardware shops, as in one or two, or as a complete set of 12 or 16 Keys.. another great option is to buy a cell phone repair screw driver set, this employs all needed keys and various other keys.. this set costs about 70 to 120 Rs/- but make sure the purchased set is a good one..


now time to work.. here imagine that we have a motor like this.. can see the drive shaft is protuding from the nose of the out runner.. so, our need is here to replace the shaft, that must protude from the back base of the ECM.. so work starts..

we must remove if the motor is fixed on any base.. remove it accordingly..


now can see an "E" clip at the base of the shaft..

just remove it with a pin plier or with a nose plier or with a flat head screw driver..


carefully keep the "E" clip in a safe place utill work time..

pull out the out running cup from stator..


now check for the stopper Allen key screw, and find it.. its easy to find it..
insert the apropriate sized key in slot.. make sure the key is in correct size.. a thinner key can simply grinds the cones of the screw, then makes great head aches.. so, make sure the key is perfect in size..


take the screw out with key and store it carefully.. in a plastic case..


now take a little hammer, used to pin nail on sides of the glass mouldings, must be light, but not too, or not too heavy..
piece of hard wood ply wood.. a thick clean cotton cloth..

attach a vise over a bench or on a table.. make sure the vise is firmly fixed without any jerks..


make a little gap between vise grips, for the the cloth over the vise..

place motor as shown, and do not tight the vise grips..make sure the rim of the motor nicely rests on the base of the vise..


place the plywood piece over the motor shaft.. you can use any apropriate hammer to stike.. but make sure to avoid repeated strokes, but with a single stroke, as firm..

now shaft is off from out runner..


Important:  we can also use an arbor press if we have to un install or to reinstall the shaft..
now, reload the shaft, in such a way, that the ridge of the "E" clip reaches at the nose of the out running cup..
replace the "E" clip at nose for added safety..


it is so clear the "E" clip..
and after setting tighten the key screw once.. with enough torque.. do not over tighten the screw..


after test for a smooth run, on stator, apply a little drop of industrial Cyano glue, may be from 72 to 76, or 242 or 47 on the stud of the "E" clip.. this avoids any slippage..
now motor is ready.. can see the shaft is coming from it's back panel..


add the prop or primary gear to the shaft with aproppriate couplings and mountings.. here we are ready for the show.. look how easy and simple..


nothing is extra ordinary, nothing is amazing but anyone can do.. that one needs a good rate of interest, and patience, and yes above all the dedication.. most of the ECMs are made by hand.. at never consider it all as some thing extreme engineering.. all are simple..  :thumbsup:



thank you Dharmik.. and carry on for more effective and creative model making.. :thumbsup:


Thanks Roopeshji for that Brilliant tutorial.  {:)}
some silly question to ask.       If during crash we bend the shaft or it gets damaged beyond repair.what to do to that motor. Normally we do not find spare shafts at LHS.  Can we use simple rods ? Will it get the hold with those small screw. It will be hard to fix E-clips without its slot .

So many questions... 8-)
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


Quote from: swizera on April 10, 2012, 04:45:26 PM
Normally we do not find spare shafts at LHS
Most shafts are easily available at LHS, only thing that matters most is the diameter. A slightly smaller of longer length shaft doesn't make any difference.


Roopesh sir can we use 3.175 mm shaft for 3mm shaft motor?


 :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
:hatsoff: :hatsoff: :hatsoff: :hatsoff: :hatsoff:
thanks a million roopesh sirjee for this excellent tutorial, i will try this soon and let you know how well did i do :)
one stop for multirotor needs:


yes.. if we looks in to Local Hobby Stores, we can find many spare parts for motors .. in a serious crash, after dismatelling motor, we can look for the damages, and make sure that the out runner and stator are in good shape.. so, we can replace shaft easily.. we can make motor shafts from Stainless steel rods from a lathe works.. we can also make a shaft with a full thread, after the outrunner.. can also find shafts from scrapyards especially from automobile junkyards, as pump rods, pivot hinge rods etc.. most of them are will be in HTS, so no worry..
rewinding a motor is too easy.. so, no worry about winding damage.. i got some excellent results after rewinding some motors..

yes can use big dia shafts on a motor by drilling the out runner case, while replacing the motor bearing with apropriate bearings.. can also use thinner shafts, by making a bush in between the hole of the outrunner and shaft.. a cross rifling prevents the slippage.. the shaft slippage can be avoided by making a simple ridge over shaft by holding the shaft on a grinding wheel.. so, the sarew will secured within the ridge.. can also make a semi hole over shaft, with an arbor press drill, so the screw will goes in the hole and jams..  :thumbsup: