help needed with motor esc combination not working

Started by taitil, April 21, 2012, 07:48:54 AM

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Hallo friends, i m beginer for rc world. i bought kit for plane. only the problem is motor does not work. whats the problem. motor is ( turnigy D2826-6 2200 kv and ESC is 50amp ). is this not good for eachother. and if not then pls tell me what ESC  i buy for this motor? Thank u....

Uday Praveen

dude you say motor does not work. is it making any beep sounds when you connect the battery??? check all the connections once and check the power of battery also.dont mind this the red brick ESC's are not very good ESC's to use its my personal experience.all the best for your plane :thumbsup:


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               Good morning...the motor ESC combination is a greater one.. the red brick series ESCs are excellent in it's class.. so, you must try to rectify your mishap in this way.. at first make sure the connection of motor to the ESC is firm and good.. means, you must make sure all bullet connectors are sound..  then attach ESC to battery, while making sure the battery is fully charged and it holds the current with it.. so, when connected the motor will emit a beep noise, most of the time, but not a must.. so connect the three core ribbon wire from ESC to receiver ( with Brown, Red, and Black in colour)..  and remove battery..  then switch on the transmitter, make sure the choosen channel for throttle is number 3..  and you must insert the cable, in to the 3 rd channel of the Receiver.. then connect the battery back again, while keeping the throttle stic in minimum position, while the trimmer also in lowest position..  immediately  the ESC determines the throttle range, of the set up, and emits a beeps.. so, it is ok.. it will not work, if the throttle stic if in reverse.. try to clear that.. if the throttle stick is in on direction, that cuts the throttle, when you moves towards you, ( to the down of the TX).. it will work..  another chance of failure may, you, accidently reversed the polarity of ESC.. if so, the protector within the ESC will blows off.. and it stops working.. if so, please dont throw it away.. we can make it work.. and you can check the Brushless motor with a 3 / 0 / 3 volt 500 mAmps transformer, with a center tap, and by attaching a simple electronic device at center tap.. any way your combination of motor and ESC is good... :thumbsup:


please do not attempt to test the motor at hand, like we tests the can type brushed motor.. the out runners are easy to slip from hands as we sqeezes the base to hold.. it is too powerful that it can make severe burns and injury, when slipped from hand, and can cause serious injury to eyes and face.. so, please test the motor when it fixed on a piece of ply wood in appropraite in size.. and please never attempt to test the thrust of the motor when in hand, or without precautions.. you can also check the check list provided by the ESC, for further programming.. when the ESC selected thw working range automatically, it will works nicely.. make sure the channel of the radio, that you choose is appropriate for the throttle control.. means, the stic must be in lowest position when you switches on the radio set.. if not a safety measure will start to work, and motor never be energized.. check all parametrs with patience..  :thumbsup:


I m begener. i have turnigy d-2826-6 2200 kv motor and 50 amp ESC . now how will i arrange them for work. when i arrange it my self its not rotat. so please tell me how will i do that. i send you its photos. thank u.... :help:

Moderator Note: Merged with your existing thread.


Hey friend, do not worry.. i will guide you once clearly.. but before that please make sure that you not connected the ESC to the battery in wrong polarity, means, more clearly, is, the red wire od ESC to the Black wire of the Battery and vice verse..


Do not worry ,as roopeshji said . All will help you here, just read some basic threads from beginners topic.

watch this video         

Diagram of wiring 

You will get ur answers here. Still if you need any help. let us know.  :)
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.

