Quadrotor Motor Confusion?

Started by jaspreet.guitar, April 25, 2012, 01:17:03 PM

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Hi! Im working on a quadrotor system. The approx weight of the quad along with the electronics and the battery is around 1250 gms..
I have 20C 4000 mAH LiPo and plan to acquire Turnigy Plush 30A ESCs!

With this setup, which one of the two motors is better?

Turnigy D2836/11 750 KV
Max thrust: 800gm
Max current: 14 A

Hextronic DT700
Max thrust: 900
Max current 13 A

Hope that RCIndia seniors and fellow Quad builders would help me out of the confusion!

Thanks and regards,


Hextronic DT700 anytime. Good motor with awesome performance. Why not consider using 20A or 25A ESC
one stop for multirotor needs:



I would advice you to buy a smaller battery. 3000mAh should be enough, because 1250g is on the higher side of normal. My quad weighs 1.19kg and the thrust doesn't seem to be so good.


Thrust totally depends on motors.. if you have a good motor with better thrust (more than 900gm) then i think quad weight should not be a problem.

My Quad weights around little more than a 1 KG (1030gms) i get to hover it at 40-45% throttle. I know 40-45% throttle might be on the higher side but it was with smaller props. I am sure i will get better performance with right size props.

Again i am learning so i might be wrong or having less info..
one stop for multirotor needs:



Go for DT700. I dont know much about Turnigy2836 but if you look at the specification, DT700 is efficient in terms of  current and thrust.


Quote from: hyd_quads on April 25, 2012, 02:21:32 PM
I would advice you to buy a smaller battery. 3000mAh should be enough, because 1250g is on the higher side of normal. My quad weighs 1.19kg and the thrust doesn't seem to be so good.

Which motor-prop are you using?


Well the Hobby king page for the motor suggests 10x4.7, 11x3.8 or 11x4.7!

I guess 10x4.7 would be a good option?

No one up for the Turnigy motor!? ;) ;) :D


for DT700 use 11x4.7. Both thrust and performance are better than 10x4.7

I am using and I have seen people using dt700. So I can surely comment about it.
You can checkout turnigy motor too. It might happen that it has better performance. Try searching on internet for the review of motor.


I'm building on 2830 1000kv motors 9x5 props, cant say about result; have not finished yet.


Thanks for the prompt help! :D
Let's hope I can get the DT700 motors soon! :)


I m building my first quadcopter ,
it would weight around  -- 1200g +/- 100g

I m looking for the right motor as I have to mount a 2.4ghx wireless camera ( 150g ) on it . so i need minimum vibrations from my quad. during flight time.
will use 3s-4s lipo

Did some research on it , navigated through various threads on RCgroups.com forum and also hobbyking ( reading the reviews ) , these are few motors which i short listed , i want the rcindia experts to confirm the performance and appropriate motor for my quadcopter.

2213N 800Kv Brushless motor
Max Amp: 9.5A
RPM/Min: 7250
Thrust: 690g
APC9x3.8 @3S
Max Amp: 8.1A
RPM/Min: 7605
Thrust: 635g

hexTronik DT700 Brushless Outrunner 700kv
Required Voltage: 11.1v
Suggested Battery Capacity: 1300mAh +
Suggested Prop: 10x4.7, 11x3.8 or 11x4.7
Max current draw: 13A (with 11x4.7 prop)
Max thrust: 900g+
No Load Current: 1.2A
Shaft: 4M (perfectly suited to Towerpor/GWS SF Slow Fly props)

Turnigy 2217 20turn 860kv 22A Outrunner
Kv: 860rpm/v
Operating Current: 6A ~ 17A
Peak Current: 19A
Weight: 72g
Voltage   Current   Prop   Thrust
11.1V      12.3A    1060    800g
11.1V      16.3A    1070    970g
11.1V      17.9A    1147    1040g

FC 28-22 Brushless Outrunner 1200kv
Suggested prop: 9~10inch
Voltage: 11.1v (3S)
Kv: 1200RPM/V
Prop size: 10x5
RPM: 7100
Max Curr: 14.5A
Thrust: 710g (1.51lb)
Prop size: 10x4.7 SF
Max Curr: 14.5A
Thrust: 745g (1.64lb)



Turnigy D2836/11 750KV Brushless Outrunner Motor
Battery: 2~3 Cell /7.4~11.1V
RPM: 750kv
Max current: 14A
No load current: 0.8A
Max power: 210W
Internal resistance: 0.160 ohm
Weight: 71g (including connectors)
Diameter of shaft: 4mm
Dimensions: 28x36m
Prop size: 7.4V/12x6 11.1V/9x6
Max thrust: 800g



hexTronik DT700 Brushless Outrunner 700kv OR

Turnigy 2217 20turn 860kv 22A Outrunner
one stop for multirotor needs:



I can certainly tell you than DT700 is better than FC2812 and  2213N 800kv. DT700 is good motor. I am using it and have seen many people using it. It gives satisfactory performance. I have not used Turnigy 2217 but it looks good as per configurations and reviews are also ok. So pick which ever you want Turnigy 2217 or DT700. Or else if possible just order one motor of each and checkout their performance yourself if you have that much time.

To reduce vibration use balance prop and if motor is vibrating then use some zip tie around motor case to make it tight.


thank you satyagupta and spitfire for the help , i will surly follow your advices

thanks for all the info. :)


Spitfire, where did you get your props from? I received my DT700 motors today, with a 10x4.5 prop they seem a bit sluggish...I guess I need better props! Help?! :)
