Started by ram singh, March 28, 2012, 02:11:30 PM

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ram singh

any member please help me ,  HK Quadrotor control board is allredy programed (redy to use) or requed programming before use. i held two hk quad board both is same problam, gyro is not working on tilt and ailron, elevetor ,rudder not working but throtle is working
i want some help please help any member via pm or my no.09982162538


Hey bro hk board comes with + configuration preinstalled.


Check if you have set the gyro gains properly.
Have you followed proper instructions for setting it up? if not then follow this link


hello Sir..
i hve the same problem......i hve a new hobbyking multirotor controller board and only throttle is working...
do u find any solution...pls reply me as soon as possible....i will be thankful to you.


First check your connection. Refer manual for correct connections and procedure. Put all gyro pots at around 50% and then arm your board.


Quote from: spitfire on April 29, 2012, 12:33:28 AM
First check your connection. Refer manual for correct connections and procedure. Put all gyro pots at around 50% and then arm your board.
sir do u think that this is due to not properly arming the board??


are u able to arm the board?
ie by taking stick to lower left?

some time it get in programing mode which just turn motors.... i guss is the prob.

u following manual mentioned in above post?


I am not saying that. Most of the problem arise because we don't follow proper procedure. So I just want to say recheck if everything is correct and proper and then try to identify what/where is the problem.

Also try to be be precise about your problem. Identifying only throttle working cannot lead to possible solution. So if possible post what procedure did you follow, position of gyro gain pots, behaviour of gyro etc.


I too am using the HK 2.1 control board right out of the box in a + configuration quad. While setting it up using the manual, I see that I have to reverse a couple ( rudder and ailerons) of Transmitter channels.

Am using the HK/Flysky transmitter and receiver. But dont have the programming cable. Is there any alternative way to reverse the channels?

Or any source besides HK (backorder right now) that one knows of where the cable is available?

Thank you.


I guess you are talking about hk/flysky 6ch radio. You will need programming cable to reverse the channels
Checkout following link I think it is available


hi friends,

i am facing problem with my tricopter.

when i connect battery red light on HK bord blink for a fraction of second and then goes off.
All ESC beep like they are in programming mode.

none of my radio inputs work.

Can any one help on this?

if i connect each ESC individual (without HK bord)then it works fine.

If you have build tricopter then can you please upload image of wiring.

thank you,

ram singh

my problam is solved , check your radio throttle on minium and then move throttle stic  left or right for few second and check your board led is turn on and then redy your quad rotor for flying (my english is weak for more help please call me 09982162538)  :bow:


Quote from: spitfire on April 29, 2012, 08:10:18 PM
I guess you are talking about hk/flysky 6ch radio. You will need programming cable to reverse the channels
Checkout following link I think it is available

Thank you Spitfire.

For future reference, could you post the names of all the online or offline RC shops in India you know of?



hi friends,

i am facing problem with my tricopter.

HK bord is flashed properly for tricopter 2.5 firmware.

All ESC are programed with programing card.

if i connect each ESC as individual (without HK bord) then it works fine.

When i connect battery (with HK bord in place) red light on HK bord blink for a fraction of second and then goes off.

All ESC beep like they are in programming mode.

None of my radio inputs works.

Can any one help on this?

If you have build tricopter then can you please upload image of wiring and connection.

I doubt that i might have mess up with wiring

thank you,

Moderator Note: Merging your question in this thread for better visibility. Lets keep all HK board related questions in this thread.


What radio are you using? You might have to reverse the throttle channel.


See the image below for wiring.

Make sure all the connection are correct. Ground wire should go to ground and singnal wire should go to signal.
Then put all gyro gain pots at 50%. Lower your transmitter trim. and then connect your battery. Red light will blink for once. Now if ESC are still making noise then lower trim further untill sound stops. Now use your rudder stick to arm the board.


SLS : I am using Hitec Optic 6 sports radio.

Thank you spitfire !

ok, let me confirm my understanding and then ask the query.

So, my current wiring is something like the attached image.

as per your diagram:

Motor 1 should be connect to board where M1 is written.

Motor 2 should be connect to board where M2 is written.

Motor 3 should be connect to board where M3 is written.

Yaw servo should be connected to board where M4 is written.

And seems like i have done everything properly till this point.

Now I should:
A) Set all gyro gains to +50% and
B) Lower my transmitter trim.

A) is pretty clear to me but not sure about B)

Can you please explain which trim you are saying ?

I am using Hitec Optic 6 sports redo. There are 4 trim buttons (throttle, rudder, aileron and elevator )

which one should i lower or all of them?

also, one basic question i have is why the ESC's are beeping?  and how the A & B will help?

Thank you,


Opps my bad :banghead:  That should be Throttle trim. Lower your throttle trim. Keep all other trims to neutral.


ESCs are beeping because they are not detecting min throttle signal. We lower the trim so that ESC can detect min throttle signal and stop beeping. Zero value of any pot leads you to change settings of the board like gyro reversing. So if you want to arm board them make sure no pot is at zero.

Read link below for more details. If you follow ESC calibration procedure as mentioned in link then you dont need to lower throttle trim. But in most of cases lowering trim does the job without calibrating ESCs on board as mentioned in the link. Ideally one should follow the procedure mentioned in manual.


Thank you again spitfire !

I will try it tonight and let you know.

Best Regards,


Lowering trim did not helped.  when i tried to trim it show me 0% till -50% but still did not start motors.

I tried the ESC calibration as follows:

turn on the transmitter
set the throttle full
set yaw gain pot to zero
plug in battery to ESC's
Red LED flicker on board
beep sound from ESC
Red LED flicker on board
beep sound from ESC
I set throttle  to zero
i get
beep .... beep,beep
beep .... beep,beep
beep .... beep,beep
N times

not sure if its done so tested it with yaw pot set to 50% and it did not worked..

i tried it many times but no luck.

one time after setting throttle 0 i tried to increase it and motors started sniping.

but then next time same beep beep from ESC

do you know what i m doing wrong?

thank you,


sorry for the background noise video quality ..but hopefully this will give you better idea of my problem.


Ok, so finally i found the problem.... i did not ARM the board

just in case you dont know (like me ) Arming board is procedure that you do by holding rudder left/right on start up.

I think this activate the board.

now the only problem i have is Ruder control does not work.

any help on that?

Thank you,