RC India

RC Models => Kites, Trains, Free Flight and All Others => Topic started by: lalo133 on August 12, 2011, 01:12:53 AM

Title: " Nave Notonecta "
Post by: lalo133 on August 12, 2011, 01:12:53 AM
...  8-) The vehicle that I show is a model built with a plastic tool box and pieces of tupperware, pieces of toys, wood, torníyos, metal .. ect ...
  Ship 1 / 10 scale.
To see more angles of the model into my website on the scale 1 / 10    ---      (vehículos.)
To see a video of dioramas where this ship is an adventure with dinosaurs go ...:
  - Enter my website.
  - Scale 1 / 10.
  - Location: Jurassic Park / Photovideo.
------------------------------------------------ Sincerely ... Jorge.  :hatsoff:
Title: Re: " Nave Notonecta "
Post by: sundaram on August 12, 2011, 09:06:15 AM

Fantastic piece of art  {:)}  {:)}  {:)}  {:)}  :hatsoff:
Title: Re: " Nave Notonecta "
Post by: roopeshkrishna on August 12, 2011, 09:58:53 AM
excellent job..Lalo.. :hatsoff:
Title: Re: " Nave Notonecta "
Post by: lalo133 on February 15, 2013, 04:04:36 PM
....  :hatsoff:  Thank you very much for your comments mates sundaram, roopeshkrishna.
If you liked this model, I am satisfied. The personalized modeling is a way to have what you truly want.
Log back into the website, to remember.  ...:

Sincerely ... Jorge.   :hatsoff:

Title: Re: " Nave Notonecta "
Post by: arun.sreelakam on February 15, 2013, 04:13:42 PM
Wow this is fantastic...  {:)} {:)} {:)}
Liked the ropes and plastic cans in the sides... Great job lalo...  :hatsoff: :hatsoff: :hatsoff: :hatsoff: :hatsoff: