The Flight of the Bobni

Started by Free Flight, November 23, 2019, 08:24:56 AM

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Free Flight

Finally after 7 years since my first post on Bobni, finally got the original plan. It was so much fun to rebuild it as original as I could get. Used white packaging tissues too that brought up the weight to just over 7 grams over a 26 square inch wing area. My Bobni had to ROG and the video below shows the capability of this airplane, in it's raw original form. A VERY special thanks to Glidiator for all the support he has given for me to start indoor flying. Give indoor flying a try, it is intoxicating.

Hope you enjoy the ROG flight as i did.

Free Flight

As a next step to Bobni< build a similar one with grocery bag covering, aerofoil and a weight of 5 grams over 40 square inches of wing area. Like I said, indoor flying is too much fun:


Congratulations FF  {:)} :thumbsup:

Was a pleasure to watch it in action, ROG and all  ;D

Seeing one  after over 50 years! My aeromodelling started with a Bobni!

K K Iyer

@free flight,
Hope this inspires Indian youngsters to try...
Good to see Glidiator's efforts to enccourage free flight being rewarded.

Free Flight

Thanks Sanjay and Mr. Iyer for your kind words. Glad you guys enjoyed it. As seen in the video, I instantly  became the same kid as I when i had first built and flew it in our drawing room. Bobni was my first built. Always ROG and very happy with a 10 to 15 second flight, felt long at age of 10. It is truly simple terrific airplane for beginners. But now we have experience so we can hit the 2 minutes with it.

For my next build and hopefully a video in few weeks, will be the Tich. I still have the original kit that I use as a template and of course the blueprint plans. I build Tich every now and then and have offered almost all to the thermal Gods. lets see how it does indoors as my ceiling height is only above 30 feet.

Thermals, talk soon.

K K Iyer


Great going FF.
Happy to have infected you with the indoor bug.
It's a world by itself.
Indoor HLG/ CLG is equally challenging and exciting.
Aim for a 5 min flight duration on a suitable rubber model
Hoping to see more guys dabbling in indoor free flight.

Free Flight

Mr. Iyer thanks for the thread on Tich. Great plan at the last entry. well drawn,

Glidiator, thanks so much for all the support. Was always dreaming of re build the Bobni. Finally dream comes true.

Cheers guys.

Free Flight

Flight Report on Tich: this is truly an outdoor glider. We are limited to 30 feet before we hit the girder beams. So had to use 1/16 rubber, very long (10+inches) to keep the velocity down. At this rate the climb, roll out and transition to glide all good.Best time is 27 seconds. Sorry no video as the airplane was just too fast to screen. As beautifully designed, fly outdoors with 7.5 inch loop of 1/4"  rubber and let it rip to 100 plus feet. Be ready to loose it in thermals. Such a good easy to build design to get into FF.


Good going FF.
The Tich is a great little flyer and a good way to begin CLG.
I still have a couple of kits of the Tich I got quite some years ago from Aurora Models. As mentioned it is an outdoor model. You could build an indoor basic CLG from plans used for the Science Olympiad.
The next step would be to get into flapper wing models. The unique requirement of a CLG is to be efficient both at the very high velocity launch and then transition into a very slow glide. The flapper wing therefore flexes at launch to reduce drag and then Returns to a good aerofoil shape to provide slow glide and low sink rate.
Must build one myself.
Happy flying.