1st Rubber Power model

Started by K K Iyer, July 20, 2018, 08:03:06 PM

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K K Iyer

Great stuff, sir. Hope it inspires some newbies.
How did you decide the prop pitch?

Free Flight

Hi Gladiator,

Looking great. Are you going to install the landing gear and perhaps ROG? Or too my drag on the first test bed? Either way wish you the best on your maiden.
i guess too much weight to install your capacitor power plant? Although same capacitor could power both props? Looking forward to your video.


Prop pitch and pitch station given in plan. Pitch 45 deg. Used my pitch guage to set angle.

Yes need to put in the landing gear and tail skid. Installing capacitor power not a bad idea. Maybe be okay for single prop. Two motors may be a bit too heavy for the wing area to give enough lift. Maybe enlarge the size proportionately and two props powered by single cap could work.
The article on this also suggests final trimming flights using ROG as it is a bit awkward to launch properly holding two props.


Plan and article of model attached


Article file size beyond limit. Will reduce file size and post


Was in Nagpur in 26th May to participate in an indoor event that was mainly held to try and set some good benchmarks in rubber power duration.
I was gradually cranking up the turns in each flight and reached a max of 2 mins 30 secs when a little carelessness caused a damage to the trailing edge spar of the wing. That put an end to further flights. Was hoping to reach atleast 4 mins but that was not to be.
Venue was a huge indoor facility- 12 badminton courts and height about 30 ft. Temperature was 45 degs and A/ or blowers could not be switched on. But was so concentrated on getting the rubber wound and ensuring the trim settings on the model were correct before each flight that Idid not feel the heat.
Video of one of the initial flights

K K Iyer

I'll be your shishya.
After I send you my guru dakshina...


Will be more than happy to share my experience and knowledge of indoor rubber power gained over the years.
If all goes well a major indoor event is planned by AMAI at the end of this year in Pune or Nagpur. Open to all Aeromodellers. Would be happy if more participants join the event. Now is the time to start preparing and getting things ready.


Super flight sir. :hatsoff:
these models need small detailed attention and lot of patience.
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


Manoj— see my post on the capacitor power model thread and see what happens when a little detail is missed out.


sir, saw that nose dive also.
summer heat makes glue melt and less sticky.
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


Not so much heat affecting the tape glue. More because I had used silicon lubricant for my earlier rubber power flights and fingers had traces of silicon which got rubbed on to the wing post so tape was not sticking very well.
That silicon lubricant is very slippery stuff and just a small speck is enough to make things slip.


Hi all,

Its been raining cats and dogs for almost a month so got down to some experimental construction.
First an High aspect Ratio A6 - the restriction in this class of model is that the wing can have a max area of 30 sq inches. So one can basically play around with the aspect ratio. Pics below. Paddle Prop is yet to be added.

The second was a contrast model that has a very low aspect Ratio -- the Lazy Bee. This actually an RC model but has the right parameters for a Walk Along Glider -- basically very close coupled wing and tail plane. Saw a youtube video where he had made it into a slope soarer. So I thought I would scale it down to make a very light Indoor Slope Soarer (aka Walk Along Glider)
The original model was 40 inch wing span. Scaled it down to 20% to make an indoor walk along glider.

Link of the Lazy Bee full size Slope Soarer

Short test flights in the drawing room seem encouraging. Video of flights in larger indoor space soon.
Pics of these models below


Planning to get into Slope Soaring. Goa has some ideal locations - high cliffs with vertical drop close to the sea that will give good updraft conditions to keep slope glider in the air well.


@Glidiator.  What an amazing grace........

A superb show of taming the nature's power.


@Dreamliner. Yes it is the sheer elegance and the fact that all this with no power
- just using the power of the wind. Thats what has motivated me me try it out.
Looks easy but will need some practice to get it right.


Hi all

Completed high aspect ratio A6 with paddle prop.
Observe the half semi circle prop hub made from the opening ring of the aluminium beer can.
It is actually a tube so very stiff , and very light comparable to the aircraft aluminium nose hubs sold   quite expensively by some in USA for indoor free flight models.
Also one can adjust it for required down thrust, side thrust for trimming easily.
Test flights in Indoor space soon.
Pics follow. Having trouble resizing


Hi all,
Now on my construction board a yesteryear's model.
A twin prop outdoor rubber powered model.
The Peabody Packet
My first twin prop.
A fairly easy build as it has solid motor sticks and not hollow nacelles.
Is an interesting design. Will have to see how well it flies. Plan and article
being reduced in file size for posting



Hi all,
The twin prop "Peabody Packet" is under construction.
Fuselage yet to be covered and wing glued to it.
Prop booms are held by rubber bands to wing. The inverted V tail is held together at the top vertex by small tabs which are tied tight with a thin string. Not in the plan but have done this so I can dismantle each boom for easy storage. Plan to attach main wing to fuselage also with rubber bands so it can be detached for easy storage and transportation.
Wing, fuselage and tail coverings are all thin grocery bag plastic. Plan says condenser paper or Japanese tissue— but with the kind of humidity in Goa paper will make the surfaces warp.
Pics being reduced for attaching.

K K Iyer

Await pics.
Nothing shows in the links you posted earlier today.

PS: can't find it in Google  ???


Will reduce file sizes and post again.


Some pics of the model.

Wing attached to boom by rubber band. Inverted V tail held at top vertex by a thread tied to very small tabs. So booms can be dismantled for storage/ transportation.
Plan to make arrangement for attaching wing to fuselage by rubber bands. So everything can be dismantled.
Will reduce plan and article and post asap.


Pics of model


Seem to be having some problems attaching pics.
Has anyone been able to download or open pics attached.