Anyone into model railways?

Started by controlflyer, March 29, 2014, 01:41:19 PM

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Hey guys,

I've been slowly gathering things to build my own train layout, I now am in the possession of 4 engines, namely the GP40 in extremely mint condition and a Santa Fe in a fair state and 2 non powered GP's and around 12 to 15 feet of tracks.
I plan to build a 3' x 8' layout for the same on a blue-core base in my bedroom corner.
Planning to have 8 sidings, 2 stations, 2 tunnels. But! I am stuck at the wiring of the sidings, as I have no idea as how to connect all 8 sidings using one controller, OR I could go the servo way, but then again I will need the basic RC stuff like a Tx/Rx, Lipo, etc..

I am extremely new to this, but lately have started a liking at model building and the amount of scale that can be achieved on this.
I need help in terms of wiring the sidings and turnarounds for my layouts.
A controller is mostly going to come in after a few days, but I am looking at a DCC controller to be on the safe side.

Any guys already into this hobby, please write your experiences and reviews and please provide guidance so I can achieve my goal of building a scaled layout.



Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


Is it possible to control all my 8 sidings using one controller in parallel with individual switches on each one?

Money flies when the transmitter is ON...

K K Iyer

Send a pm to pline on this forum. He is a real expert on model railway.


Money flies when the transmitter is ON...

Serial crasher

This is so cool. But the stress involved every time the maid comes to sweep the floor!
Landings are nothing more than controlled crashes


My whole house is carpetted and the layout will not be on the floor, its going to be in the corner of a room with almost 2 feet height.
Got my GP 18 to workplace, everyone wanted to see how small it could get.

Money flies when the transmitter is ON...

Serial crasher

Awesome then :)
yeah even I'm curious . Show some pics of this when u have time
Landings are nothing more than controlled crashes


Very interesting  :thumbsup: Do post pics if you can. How popular are model railways in India ? Any websites/forums similar to Rcindia for it ?
Winged Dream


RC India is for all such models including trains.  The audience preference is skewed through, with the vast majority smitten by the miracle of flight ;)

And modelers of trains seem to a minuscule minority, albeit an elite one :)
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


True sir, they surely are elite as it requires skill and dedication of a different level  :hatsoff:
Winged Dream


Here she is...I am just fascinated by the sheer size and details they put into making her..

Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


Level of detail makes one speechless.
Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


Amazing detail  :hatsoff: Would love to do some macro photography with this  ;D
Winged Dream

Serial crasher

 {:)} brilliant stuff. Absolutely to fall in love with
Landings are nothing more than controlled crashes


Quote from: rajeshdubal on March 30, 2014, 12:48:32 PM
Amazing detail  :hatsoff: Would love to do some macro photography with this  ;D
you bet, that's what I'll do tonight.
Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


i have also more than 100 loco coaches and many more but i dont like D.C. stuff i like A.C. stuff we have marklin made in germany we run 12/8 feet public layout 7 trains run control with signals bridges tunnels houses street lights  road etc engine house etc in kankaria balvatika run by municipal corporation ahmedabad  
2 month later we build onother layout with 17 to 20 running trains and its 25/10 feet bellow is my old layout photo


Looking for cheap and super cheap HO Locos and rolling stock. Anyone willing to dispose off - please get in touch.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Awesome stuff gaurang..btw..are thise available in India?? Or even the N or the T gauges?? A "T" gauge inside a glass enclosed coffee table would look awesome...
Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


I am still into the collecting phase, ordered my DC Power transformer today and a couple of nickel track, will still have to wait as I need sidings, re-railers etc..

The GP 18 runs and lights, the other 2 are dummies waiting for motor..the rest is rolling stock..
eye candy below!!
Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


more candy..
Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


what is your gauge n gauge i have HO gauge identically good gauge even my brother build small layout underside dining table glass working with 2 trains if u can go smaller size u can go Z gauge some years ago marklin dealer in Mumbai but very expensive in compares with all dc stuff u have but this time marklin not easily available in india