Assembly sequence of the BUTTERFLY KITES..

Started by roopeshkrishna, May 25, 2012, 08:19:13 PM

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All respected Modellers.. i am adding this assembly sequence of the lovely Butterfly Kite, because of some personal requests.. hope this will helps some of us.. this lovely kite is easy to assemble.. lasts longer.. and exciting to fly.. surely a crowd puller.. and i am still enjoys flying this one in spare times..
so here we follows.. at first we must examine the parts that we have with the kite..
here it employs an antenna, a body..


two upper wings and two lower wings with trimmings tail..

satz flying

Trust yourself


finally with a thread line winding hobe.. is over.. so from here we can check the assembly sequence..
First take the body and antenna..
you can see a slot at back side of the kite just above the rotating eyes..


Satz.. this kite is liberally avialable from our Hellyflyer,( Amit) from our RCI.. its value for money and exciting to fly..!! :thumbsup:

now insert the antenna, while facing the coloured side at front, and apply a little force to jam it in the slot..
if you are going to fix the kite permanently, can drop some glue on the slot..


now the antenna is in place..
then take two of the bottom wings..


at back side we can see two bamboo sticks protuding out..
and at the bottom side of the body at back, can see two metal rings as i marked with red arrows..


insert the bottom bamboo stick in to the metal ring as shown..
after that you can see a metal square, to attach the top stick of the bottom wing..


insert the top stick of the bottom wing as shown..
repeat the proses to the next side.. its all easy..


in close ups.. no complications..


yes.. if you are going to assemble the kite permanent.. use glues.. if not please tie all sticks with threads.. to avoid slipping in flight..

now.. we added the antenna, and two bottom wings with trimmings.. so time to ad the main wings..
so, take the main wings.. and can see it is as folded.. this makes easy to carry the kite once..see here it is folded..


so, we have to unfold and reinforce the wings.. how..? its esay.. :hatsoff:

as looking from back side, we can see a bamboo stick protuding to out as shown.. the tip of the bamboo is sliced in a manner as slanted..
just on the next following rib, can see a piece of silicon ring.. this ring is used to hold the folding spar of the main wing..


now force gently the spar to the following rib, and insert the silicon tube on to the slanting.. its secured.. make sure the ring is in place to hold the spar..


now main wing is deployed.. repeat the sequence for the next side..
so, we got tow main wingsas assembled.. time to add it..


insert the protuding stick, on the bottom side of the main wing in to this slot as shown.. make sure this stick passed just under the metal square, that we attached the bottom wings earlier.. make sure.. this is under the metal square, and not under the first bamboo cross stick of the body..
then can see one more metal square tube, near to the head of the body.. insert the second stick in to slot..


make sure once again it is in place..
repeat the sequence for the next side..


yes.. use glues for permanent setting.. and make sure to avoid any dropping in to kite material, that the glue can immediately stiffen the material,and become brittle..
now kite is complete.. tie the thread as shown, if it is not equipped with control strings..


now the kite is ready for flying.. buy it.. assemble it.. fly it.. and enjoy it.. no battery.. no fuels.. no props.. no crashes.. no noises..only happiness.. and it intensifies with a hot coffee and yes.. an omlet.. cool..  :thumbsup:
we can also add L E D strips for night flying, with button cells.. tried many times, and flyies well.. will add a video of night flying.. :thumbsup:

here is the nice video..



Thank you So much for these instructions Roopesh  :hatsoff:

Helis and Quads ROCK !!


Roopesh lot of thanks. I assemble kite tomorrow i want to fly sunday. Thannks once again for detais with picture.

Rajesh Rao


Good job done Roopesh! :thumbsup:

However, an omelette with a coffee? Together??? Yuck! :thumbsdown:
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


havev a nice flying.. and enjoyment + excitement..
VC Sir.. most of the time i keeps some coffee and yes an Omlet with some special touches with me in RCying bag.. its refreshing aall the way.. and yes shares when in need.. ( coffee is the nitro boost for an RCyer.. gives more power to fingers to stick controls..:giggle: )....


Dear Roopesh,
what do you suggest, glue it or tie it together? Got the red butterfly and a big airplane yesterday. waiting to fly it. looking at the video; You really live in God's Own Country.regards


Avi.. if possible please avoid glues.. instead we can tie it all together with thick, cotton polyester mix threads with can disassemble for a easy carry..  and my place is graced by mother nature.. one side, Mahe river.. one side,the Paddys.. one side.. Arabian sea.. one side the Ghatts.. and valley.. cool.. :salute: :thumbsup: