Chuck/Catapult foam glider are available in hobby ideas counter in any STAPLES for rupees 225 per piece,
Same glider was sold by VC >:D (ASSAM) for rupees 450 per piece (minus shipping).
Moderator Note: Moved out of For Sale section as you have not indicated that you are selling these. Please post under proper topic.
yes i have seen these in STAPLES @ ghatkopar Mumbai!!!
not sure abt price... got tempted to buy one, but then i decided not to coz already hav self made RC fighters....
Hi Frifly,
I am having some gliders which I mentioned in this thread : (Picture no. 3)
If you want I can send it to you, give me your postal address.
Please check
VC's wooden kit costs are as below :
Auster - 19 cm wingspan - Simple Dihedral wing - Rs. 60/-
Boreas - 23 cm wingspan - Simple Dihedral wing - Rs. 70/-
Eurus - 33 cm wingspan - Tip dihedral wing - Rs. 90/-
Zephyr - 37 cm wingspan - Polyhedral wing - Rs. 120/-
Each glider kit comprises
approximately 7 - 10 pieces of pre cut parts,
sand paper,
elastic band and
an adhesive tube. Transportation as actual.
Again AFAIK foam gliders are cheaper than wooden one.
So I strongly urge you to clarify yourself frifly.
And as Vikramaditya Choudhury is one respected member here, I request you to give reference. Please note that you referred about VC sales, not helped to book from another retailer.
+1 to Kalyan
One more Bakra ;D
Well said atul_pg,
......... History of one year. Aug 10.
History repeats ;) ?
Its his 3rd post and he has already made allegations on VC. I guess this thread was started with a motive..
Look out have a secret admirer :)
Dude you are in the wrong place..
Nothing wrong in putting down info about prices but please make sure implicit ethics are adhered to. There are some things money cant buy :)