Does anyone have any practical experience of building a fuse burning or silly putty DT? Care to share notes? I am mid way between a aluminium tube / Silly Putty DT for a 36" TLG.
Do we really need a DT for a Cat Glider of 24" span or less? ???
Saikat, K.K. Iyer Sir, Shobhit - are you reading this? Any help will be appreciated.
P.s. For the uninitiated: (
VC Bhai please go slow and amplify on somethings for a common man and novice like me to grasp. :giggle:
Topic says HLG/ TLG. So I presume its Hand launch gliders and Tow launch gliders.
Now what is a Fuse Burning, Silly Putty and what the hell is a DT and how they are relevant to HLG if my presumptions is correct.
Mind you I am not taking a dig at you but its a sincere want to know question.
Thanks for posting the link by amendment for the uninitiated while I was posting. :giggle:
Sandy Baba, I saw you reading the thread and that is why I edited it and attached the link for my beloved 'modern' Sandy Sahib!
See how much I miss you? :rofl:
"amplify on somethings for a common man and novice like me to grasp." :hatsoff:
I like the use of the language. Bravo!
Thank you VC Bhai :hatsoff:. Being the more fortunate breed initiated into this hobby in a modern era never been exposed to pleasures of this spectrum of the hobby.
Knowing fully well the risks involved with you, :giggle: I had to ask the question with you for the curiosity got the better of me. There is no shame in admitting where your knowledge is limited. There is always a first time for everything.
PS : Now that you have opened a thread for it you need to amplify in this thread itself each aspect given in the link for the uninitiated posted by you for this breed which looks for a microprocessor to solve each of their problem and requirements. :giggle:
I have recently been bitten again by the Chuck Glider / Catapult Glider bug and thanks to the balsa coming in from Mr. Krunal Gajjar @ Gajjark, I've been making a new glider every third day.
Google for 'Flicka', 'Thermic 18' and you will see what I mean. While you big boys fly FPV's and stuff, the kid in me can't help but marvel in the simple HLG and its derivatives. Sanding a HLG to its optimum performance is a painstaking art and sadly, the younger generation does not share my enthusiasm for it.
Let me not overstay my entry on this topic, there are past masters like Saikat on this forum who will, doubtless, read this and I don't want my little knowledge to belittle me here.
Truth be told, Saikat gifted me a small 10" span Chuck Glider made out of Balsa and a 3mm CF rod, 3 years ago. It has been used, abused, bruised and battered - however, I still wouldn't sell it if someone were to offer me Rs.5000/- for it. It is a work of art. Honest.
About 45 years ago I built quite a few sailplanes, and used a home made dethermaliser
The principle is simple; after a certain time make the model nose heavy, so it comes down.
So what we (my friends and I) did was this:
A small lead weight (about 30-40 grams for a 2 metre span sailplane) is used and CG set at the normal location. The weight should be in the aft position of the model.
A piece of string is attached to the weight, and the other end is tied near the nose. A rubber band is used to tension the string
Now for the fuse: take an aggarbatti and time the burn rate. Cut a suitable length and attach to the string
The intention here is that when the aggarbatti burns through the string, the weight will come free from the aft tether, and it will dangle from the nose by the string, thus making the model nose heavy.
It's a very simple and effective method: takes less time to make than to describe ;D ;D
Well... thanks for giveing me the privillage for answering your querry.... Well I have used DT on my tow line gliders..... mainly the La Maouttee (OR whatever it is), the InchWorm, Lucifer and the one we took to Mumbai for Wings open i.e. the Meandearer.... I have always used a simple Auto Rudder to keep it circling which may not conform to the thermal needs.... and then a horizonal stab destabiliser..... for that we used an incecse stic (Agarbatti) on a small rubber band.... well pertinant to say it did not work at times as the rubber band was too tough for the agarbatti.... but keeping the auto rudder helped I guess...... on the Meandearer got over 6 minutes of glide and on the La Maouttee over 4 minutes.
Was young that time and was running 10 Kms a day.... so managed to run and get the gliders back home.. (those days). Today would have relied on the DT or would have said GoodBye to them...........
Hope my experience is of some use.....
Am on leave at Jodhpur and have been visiting my friend... the owners of Sharma Models.... took my son there to get bitten by the Aeromodelling bug.... Got him to make a pegion and a hunter.... He is sanding the surface well enough.... and hope he can fly the model well too.... Will upload a few pictures of the Chuck gliders soon.... You are not alone here VC
VC - I do not think you need bother with a dethermaliser.
Try getting a stiil air time of > 1 min with your TLG
adding a DT without getting decent flight times will only detract from the performance by adding weight
Put your name,address and Phone number (may be mention a reward amt) - this will add less weight
and cause less headaches than a DT.
Quote from: saikat on April 10, 2014, 11:44:35 AM
Put your name,address and Phone number (may be mention a reward amt) - this will add less weight
and cause less headaches than a DT.
That's a real perspective {:)}
Switched off RCI for a few hours and see what happened!
My favourite topics like HLG, TLG, DT, alternative pushrods etc come up.
@VC Sir
Like Saikat Sir says a 1 min attempt is better than DT.
Had sent a pm to Anwar some days back asking if it would be ok for me to offer a Rs 1000 prize for the first 1+min chuck glider flight. Await his response.
Currently at 15sec on 9" HLG and 35sec on 24" TLG.
Ek din ek minute hoga to DT lagaunga.
Ummeedon pe jeete hain.
That's why the rubber band on the nose of the TLG
Never used agarbatti as Charminar could be used two ways...
In a cigarette holder / Snuffer Tube of aluminium/tin foil/sheet...
Thank you all. Will add value to this thread - shortly.
Iyer Sir, 1 min + challenge accepted. I have a glider that may be capable of breaking that record. See Reply # 6 above, unfortunately, as mentioned, that glider is not made by me and I can't lay claim to the Rs.1000/-. My own creation is capable of the 30 second mark.
For me for a chuck glider guess its "OMG 60 Secs". But its worth a try.... guess sunday will try...... Am making a 15" chuck glider called "Gagan" (modified the plan a bit to make it 15 inches....). Oldies will remember it as it was being sold by Friends Chemicolour company..... the makers of the Rukmani control line model once upon a time....... looked quite like the Aurora's Pacemaker.
Meanwhile here are a couple of pic of my son with his two freshly made chuck gliders......