Good after noon all of my friends and colleagues...last day, i was walking out, from Naval academy, as part of my project work, in UAV, i saw some dioramas there, was roughly finished, and wasnt scale.,..even though, it was a nice scene to see....and yes was an eye opener to me, as most of my works on diorama was in dust at my grand when i came back home, my first job was to dust out all of my dioramas, clean it, and arranging for a redisplay....
most of my dioramas are fully scratch built, and done around 15 to 18 years back, as part of my exhibition displays in this occasion, first of all i thanks to one person, is Christopher Payne, author of the book , Encyclopedia of model making...which, one inspired me in 100 % in model making..with ample of ideas...and yes sure, its time to say,thanks to all of my scale model kit makers, include, Academy, Minicraft, Haswgawa, Dragon, Italeri, Swezda, and more..why,? because i learned all scratch building tecnics from this scale model making...and yes, a special thanks to respected Mr Channa Somaiah, and his son Mr Shivkumar, for delivering me these kits. on that time, my routine was like around the clock, as a foreman in Maruthi udhyog, and collect overtime, up to 1st, and ran for the at home, quarrel with any how, now i realizes that these effort makes me a good modeller, and at present it worths...from my Government...
Most of my Dioramas were based on military subjects, but also was on nature and will take a great labor to make all dioramas re now i have started my work, with the helps of friends and some colleagues...this picture shows my dream force against global terrorism...
Most of my Dioramas were based on military subjects, but also was on nature and will take a great labor to make all dioramas re now i have started my work, with the helps of friends and some colleagues...this picture shows my dream force against global terrorism...
yes the whole models are from Academy, in to 1: 35TH SCALE...all colour schemes are mine, according to my imaginations...
driving figure...
most of my modeling works about 75 % are scartch this Honey tank is made out of an office file, with clay, tooth pics and enamel paint...
top view..
and this my concept machine for my named as DWAYANGULI..means two missiles..
this Beech craft was my first control line model, by paper, and was powered by a reworked toy motor...scaled in to 1:35th...
while this Hawk was on full paper and matt black...
this HUEY was a kit from Italeri...and depicts the Vietnam era...
next figs shows the MBT of the Germany....on WW2...
is an other Patton..
its ROK amphibian...
i got this this YAMAHA XT 250 from an old shop, and it was an unknown Chinese company...
this Train engine was inspired from the book Encyclopedia of Model making...the Kahoka falls rail road...
this bicycle was inspired from my Daughter's bangle, along with pall pen refills, bicycle spokes, copper wires...scaled in to 1:12TH...
this bike was my concept project, was submitted in a famous organization here,in my country, is a fold able bike, with a 45 CC two stroke high speed engine, for the supply in def fence forces..but as i submit the project, the officials called me as a weighs only 22 Kgs..
this F14 scene is from to a nice scene...
one of the fascinating scenes on my diorama was related to the exhibition, of the Evolution of the Flight, that shows the various stages of the evolution of the of the nice scene in my Kite Man....the kite..yes mastery of the flight....
these houses were made for my railroad scene, is still at grand home in dust...most of the engines are in dust, but within days i will make it run...all my scaled train sets are made of paper, all working, scaled in to 1:35th....
Thats some incredible work of art Roopesh sir! :bow: :hatsoff:
Thanks..once again..and Friends, may i clear one doubt with you..? my internet connection is too slow and, i cant upload all of my photos at once..even after there any idea to upload many photos at once..? please..
As far as I know, the forum allows only a maximum of 4 photos per post...
Ok..thank you..
... :hatsoff: Congratulations. Roopeshkrishna Companion, by showing a collection of models so nostalgic.
Excuse the translation of google translator.
I am also an enthusiastic collector of models. But my passion is to customize the models to my whim.
Saludos ... Sincerely ... Jorge. ;D
{:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)}
Beautiful, is the word that all i can say....... :salute:
yes respected Friend..for the art and music, language is not a criteria...and just like you, i am also a scratch builder, on my own ideas..but still i enjoy, assembling a plastic, or wooden kit...its also a nice experience... (:|~ (:|~can customize a lots...thank you.. :hatsoff:
thank you..Raiyus..and i am taking many ideas from you all...our forum is a fertile place to share, all all segments..
I missed this thread, Superb Roopesh
thank you Sir..Jai Hind..