RC India

RC Models => Kites, Trains, Free Flight and All Others => Topic started by: Glidiator on January 29, 2022, 09:57:49 PM

Title: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: Glidiator on January 29, 2022, 09:57:49 PM
Hi all,

🛩️ *AEROSKILLS 2022* 🛩️

_National Level Rubber Powered Aeromodelling Postal Contest_

*For the first time in India*, we have come up with a postal rubber powered aeromodelling competition. This is a common design aeromodelling competition of making a rubber powered plane and flying it for the maximum possible duration. You can participate as an individual or in a group of 2 people.

On registration and approval of the same, you will receive one rubber powered aircraft kit which you will assemble. The assembled aircraft needs to be properly trimmed to achieve the maximum flight time. You will have to make a video of your flight and send it to us. *The participant whose aircraft flies for maximum duration will win the contest!*

For more information visit:


Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: K K Iyer on January 29, 2022, 11:43:46 PM
Here's some related stuff:


Perhaps Glidiator could post links to some videos of his rubber powered models as an inspiration...
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: sanjayrai55 on January 30, 2022, 05:57:06 AM
Great initiative!
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: WeekendFlyer on February 09, 2022, 09:51:25 PM
Looking forward to the competition.  Count me in.
Will register as soon as possible.

I am totally new in this type of flying so any / all help will be appreciated.

Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: Glidiator on February 09, 2022, 11:22:57 PM
Sure. Any queries on construction / trimming welcome.
Will be glad to assist.
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: WeekendFlyer on February 10, 2022, 04:10:21 PM
Entry Free Submitted
I am very excited for the competition.
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: K K Iyer on February 10, 2022, 07:15:07 PM
Quote from: WeekendFlyer on February 10, 2022, 04:10:21 PM
Entry Free Submitted
I am very excited for the competition.

I hope at least a dozen members participate, especially those who flew in the Lunchbox contest in late 2020. It is not too expensive, and will certainly be a worthwhile experience.

Weekend Flyer missed the first prize in that contest because of missing the deadline!

Here is his video of his 42 second flight in Dec 2020. Hope that will encourage others to enter this rubber power contest.

Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: WeekendFlyer on February 10, 2022, 11:24:50 PM
@KK Iyer : Thank you sir for the appreciation.

Rubber Powered glider is new thing for me just like the Lunchbox glider.
But I try to learn new things by starting fresh.  It's not about coming first / second, what you learn in the process is more important.
I learnt a lot about free flight by participating in the Lunchbox contest.
Looking forward to this event and learning more about rubber power.
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: Free Flight on February 11, 2022, 04:46:24 AM
can the details of the competition model be posted?

How many more contestants are joining ?

This ought to be fun.
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: Glidiator on February 11, 2022, 04:50:58 PM
Quote from: K K Iyer on January 29, 2022, 11:43:46 PM
Here's some related stuff:


Perhaps Glidiator could post links to some videos of his rubber powered models as an inspiration...

As requested  by KK some links of my efforts in rubber power
Indoor rubber power. This flight shows the three phases that the model should go through - climb phase - cruise phase where the aim is to keep it flying without losing height - final descent phase as rubber torque reduces and power diminishes. It's a question of getting the using the right thickness of rubber to achieve max winds but keeping torque in mind so it doesn't hit the rafters. Need to use torque meter .


Outdoor rubber powered flight I flew fit the Facebook Skybattle postal contest last year. Could have extended flight duration by using longer loop- more winds - but was very apprehensive it would drift into the naval airfield over the boundary wall and be lost. So restricted the winds to 1000.

Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: WeekendFlyer on February 12, 2022, 09:21:13 PM
Great !!!! Amazing !!!

Such a small airplane can fly for such a long duration.
Really great watching these flying videos. 
I would like to construct and fly at such length.
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: Glidiator on February 13, 2022, 11:10:48 AM
Quote from: WeekendFlyer on February 12, 2022, 09:21:13 PM
Great !!!! Amazing !!!

Such a small airplane can fly for such a long duration.
Really great watching these flying videos. 
I would like to construct and fly at such length.

Thanks for the compliment- but still consider that Ihave a long way to go. The record on that indoor model is 11 mins. Am working towards going past the 5 min mark and next target would be double digits. Miles to go!! Nevertheless the challenge keeps the mind young and agile.
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: WeekendFlyer on February 13, 2022, 12:12:04 PM
Truly said, "challenge keeps the mind young and agile" and we learn more and more from our own self, when we keep our mind open.
All the best for 5 min and the double digit mark.

In that context can you give your best guess, what's the maximum flight time that can be achieved/expected with the rubber powered glider which we will be constructing in AEROSKILLS 2022.

Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: Glidiator on February 13, 2022, 01:21:04 PM
Quote from: WeekendFlyer on February 13, 2022, 12:12:04 PM
Truly said, "challenge keeps the mind young and agile" and we learn more and more from our own self, when we keep our mind open.
All the best for 5 min and the double digit mark.

In that context can you give your best guess, what's the maximum flight time that can be achieved/expected with the rubber powered glider which we will be constructing in AEROSKILLS 2022.

If you can get a duration of anywhere bet 45secs and above - you have a good podium position chance.
The organiser tells me that getting consistent 30 sec flight is well within the capability of even the novice. So the more one goes beyond that 30 sec mark - the less will be the number of contestants in that range.
Have you received the kit?
I will soon post some points I have learned through experience and practice that will help in improving duration.

The first step is accurate construction. Getting the dihedral and other alignments right is critical even for simple models. Misaligned models are very difficult to trim adequately.
Use only the required amount of glue. Excessive glue in trying to get stronger construction adds unnecessary weight which will affect duration. The sink rate will depend on the AUW and wing loading.

More points on preparing the rubber loop and winding techniques to extend duration follows.
I think the contest rules allows using any covering material- not compulsory to use the tissue provided in kit. - Please check rules.
If so can consider using the thin - less than 10 micron carry bag. I have am using this in all my models as due to high humidity in Goa - tissue causes warps in wing / stab etc.

Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: WeekendFlyer on February 13, 2022, 03:01:55 PM
Thanks for the advise.
Still awaiting the kit. 
I have only weekends to work it out whether flying or construction.
However, will try to give more time as soon as the kit is received, don't want to miss the deadline.
I missed the deadline in Lunchbox contest and had to settle for 2nd runners up. 
But then it's not about position, its about the knowledge one acquires while building and flying.

I tried constructing Delta Dart, a simple rubber power model, from one of the post of KK Iyer Sir but couldn't take it to the skies as the model got all wrap.  Can't figured out what when wrong after completing the construction.

Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: Glidiator on February 13, 2022, 06:19:04 PM
The wing might have warped due to the tissue shrinking and drying after absorption of the ambient humidity.
There are simple techniques to preshrink the tissue so you can store the model without worry of warps over time.
That's why Ihave started using thin plastic grocery bag material. Also have some clear 8 micron laminating film.
Grocery bags can add some colour to the model.
An example 👇
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: saintofinternet on February 14, 2022, 06:39:05 AM
We dispatched the second lot of competition packs today to all the new registration entries!

More entries expected!!! :-)

Keep it up!
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: saintofinternet on February 14, 2022, 06:44:28 AM
the registrations are still open!
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: Glidiator on February 14, 2022, 02:28:52 PM
Rules say only material in kit to be used.
Should not be a problem using the tissue supplied. It will not cause warps so quickly. Warps occur over longer durations in storage due to tissue going thru a moisture absorption and the drying cycle.
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: WeekendFlyer on February 16, 2022, 12:59:31 PM
How many participants till date? Can we have a number, if possible?
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: Free Flight on March 19, 2022, 06:26:22 PM
Referencing this thread:

Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: pnkyjs on March 20, 2022, 10:56:49 PM
is the competition still on ?
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: WeekendFlyer on March 21, 2022, 02:30:18 PM
You may contact the organizer directly on their contact details which are available on https://www.alerios.in
Registration were open till 20.03.2022 but they might have extended the dates.
Check it out
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: Glidiator on March 21, 2022, 09:26:10 PM
Received this from organisers

Due to exams, the date has been extended. It'll be April 10. Results by 1st May.

Still lot of time to register - get kit - construct and fly..

Plan to do some flights early morning when winds is calm and see how this model performs.

Join the fun

Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: pnkyjs on March 22, 2022, 01:48:35 AM
awesome, I just registered, now i shall get time hopefully
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: pnkyjs on March 22, 2022, 01:49:35 AM
you are correct, best time to fly is early morning, and sometimes its late in evening
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: WeekendFlyer on March 22, 2022, 12:05:45 PM
Quote from: Glidiator on March 21, 2022, 09:26:10 PM
Received this from organisers

Due to exams, the date has been extended. It'll be April 10. Results by 1st May.

Still lot of time to register - get kit - construct and fly..

Plan to do some flights early morning when winds is calm and see how this model performs.

Join the fun


That's Great News, good for new participants like "pnkyjs" who missed the announcement earlier.
Since, I get time to fly only on weekends, I will also get more time to fly.
Happy Flying.....
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: hiteshkher on July 04, 2022, 10:52:13 PM
Hitesh kher - senior category - I got 3rd rank 46.53 sec
Priyjeet kher ( my son )  - junior category he got 1st rank 47.33 sec

Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: Free Flight on July 05, 2022, 05:25:04 AM
Congratulations to all three of you. Wonderful.
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: Glidiator on July 05, 2022, 10:27:49 AM
Congratulations on your performances.
The group of students I mentored also did commendably. One got a consolation 5th place and several other in first 15. Good show considering they are absolute first timers.
Need to keep up the josh and maintain their interest.
Title: Re: First Rubber powered E Postal Competition
Post by: WeekendFlyer on July 22, 2022, 01:55:09 PM
Such competitions should be organized atleast twice a year.