First Rubber powered E Postal Competition

Started by Glidiator, January 29, 2022, 09:57:49 PM

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you are correct, best time to fly is early morning, and sometimes its late in evening
XFX 450 V2
Scratchbuild foamies galore


Quote from: Glidiator on March 21, 2022, 09:26:10 PM
Received this from organisers

Due to exams, the date has been extended. It'll be April 10. Results by 1st May.

Still lot of time to register - get kit - construct and fly..

Plan to do some flights early morning when winds is calm and see how this model performs.

Join the fun


That's Great News, good for new participants like "pnkyjs" who missed the announcement earlier.
Since, I get time to fly only on weekends, I will also get more time to fly.
Happy Flying.....


Hitesh kher - senior category - I got 3rd rank 46.53 sec
Priyjeet kher ( my son )  - junior category he got 1st rank 47.33 sec

Free Flight

Congratulations to all three of you. Wonderful.


Congratulations on your performances.
The group of students I mentored also did commendably. One got a consolation 5th place and several other in first 15. Good show considering they are absolute first timers.
Need to keep up the josh and maintain their interest.


Such competitions should be organized atleast twice a year.