RC India

RC Models => Kites, Trains, Free Flight and All Others => Topic started by: topalle on April 19, 2014, 07:41:20 PM

Title: Fully Functional RC Tank For RC India 2014 Sweepstakes
Post by: topalle on April 19, 2014, 07:41:20 PM
http://updates.kotaku.com/post/81387457204/a-guy-from-japan-built-an-amazing-fully (http://updates.kotaku.com/post/81387457204/a-guy-from-japan-built-an-amazing-fully)

The best part is that its made out of cardboard.
Title: Re: Fully Functional RC Tank For RC India 2014 Sweepstakes
Post by: topalle on April 19, 2014, 09:01:08 PM
 Has anyone built this before?
THe reason I am asking is that I am getting lured to build this. I have aldredy started drawing plans for it (I know I must start with a tested and experimented model) This is going to the PUREST SCRATCH BUILT MODEL I have ever built. Probably i won't enen buy any parts for it. Not even a radio I assume. My parents not buying me electonics is not going to stop me from making models. This wont be  RC but it will be controlled using a wire.

Very Excited will strat building tomorrow. This will also be my first entry for 5th Anniversary Sweepstakes.
Title: Re: Fully Functional RC Tank For RC India 2014 Sweepstakes
Post by: topalle on April 19, 2014, 09:21:00 PM
Getting into the design, I will use Cardboard of various thickness (yet to search the store room to find what I can use).  I haven't
decided what i will use for Chassis. Any suggestion?  
Title: Re: Fully Functional RC Tank For RC India 2014 Sweepstakes
Post by: topalle on April 19, 2014, 09:31:39 PM
NO ARMOUR on this model.
It will feature a wired control console (obviously DIY). If someone is kind enough they can give me a broken transmitter whose radio is not working. perhaps i can use it. Otherwise I will have to sacrifice my gaming console ;(

This model will have 4 channels (4 controls so to say)

1) Forward-Backward
2) Left-Right
3) Muzzle up-down
4) Muzzle left-right

Muzzle will be crafted from a PVC pipe scrap piece.
Title: Re: Fully Functional RC Tank
Post by: topalle on April 19, 2014, 09:38:09 PM
It should look somewhat like this

Title: Re: Fully Functional RC Tank For RC India 2014 Sweepstakes
Post by: topalle on April 19, 2014, 09:40:23 PM
But much smaller than this. About half this size. This thing is made out of plywood.
Title: Re: Fully Functional RC Tank For RC India 2014 Sweepstakes
Post by: topalle on April 20, 2014, 07:04:52 AM
Taking cues for building from here...
http://www.john-tom.com/RCtank/RCTank.html (http://www.john-tom.com/RCtank/RCTank.html)

started cutting out the cardboard for base. Pics in a few minutes
Title: Re: Fully Functional RC Tank For RC India 2014 Sweepstakes
Post by: topalle on April 20, 2014, 07:18:00 AM
Here are the pics
Title: Re: Fully Functional RC Tank
Post by: RumblePirate on April 20, 2014, 07:23:44 AM
Nice concept, definitely you should try this...  {:)}

you can try ladder chassis design made of wood/ply, that should give you a lot of space around n freedom of any upgrade.
power and steering could be dual motor for left right-should work better, or single pot with a special diff. or partial braking
u can also use bike/car cam chain n gears for tracks, smaller than a bicycle

good luck mate, n keep postin the pics  
Title: Re: Fully Functional RC Tank For RC India 2014 Sweepstakes
Post by: topalle on April 20, 2014, 09:12:13 AM
I am using small 500ml bottles to make the pulleys to move the tracks. I hope they work. If they don' work out well, I'll turn to cardboard to make the pulleys. For the track I think rubber tube or scooter tyre should do. Whats your opinion?

How to make the axles?  :banghead:  ???  :headscratch:

Edit: Just tried the bottles. The bottles don't work properly as wheels. WHat should I use now?
Title: Re: Fully Functional RC Tank For RC India 2014 Sweepstakes
Post by: topalle on April 20, 2014, 10:54:24 AM
Car Guys please help... I am stuck up... Where do you people get you axles from?
Title: Re: Fully Functional RC Tank For RC India 2014 Sweepstakes
Post by: topalle on April 20, 2014, 11:40:24 AM
Progress of the build till now
Title: Re: Fully Functional RC Tank For RC India 2014 Sweepstakes
Post by: topalle on April 20, 2014, 01:12:24 PM
I am using cycle spokes for axle. Still not figured out the tracks. most websites show very tiresome methods. I have not seen some shops selling tracks yet.
Title: Re: Fully Functional RC Tank For RC India 2014 Sweepstakes
Post by: topalle on April 20, 2014, 01:16:18 PM

http://www.rctankcombat.com/tanks/T005/Page1.html (http://www.rctankcombat.com/tanks/T005/Page1.html)
Title: Re: Fully Functional RC Tank For RC India 2014 Sweepstakes
Post by: topalle on April 20, 2014, 03:16:32 PM
Progress... ;D ;D

for the top part and gun