The best part is that its made out of cardboard.
Has anyone built this before?
THe reason I am asking is that I am getting lured to build this. I have aldredy started drawing plans for it (I know I must start with a tested and experimented model) This is going to the PUREST SCRATCH BUILT MODEL I have ever built. Probably i won't enen buy any parts for it. Not even a radio I assume. My parents not buying me electonics is not going to stop me from making models. This wont be RC but it will be controlled using a wire.
Very Excited will strat building tomorrow. This will also be my first entry for 5th Anniversary Sweepstakes.
Getting into the design, I will use Cardboard of various thickness (yet to search the store room to find what I can use). I haven't
decided what i will use for Chassis. Any suggestion?
NO ARMOUR on this model.
It will feature a wired control console (obviously DIY). If someone is kind enough they can give me a broken transmitter whose radio is not working. perhaps i can use it. Otherwise I will have to sacrifice my gaming console ;(
This model will have 4 channels (4 controls so to say)
1) Forward-Backward
2) Left-Right
3) Muzzle up-down
4) Muzzle left-right
Muzzle will be crafted from a PVC pipe scrap piece.
It should look somewhat like this
But much smaller than this. About half this size. This thing is made out of plywood.
Taking cues for building from here... (
started cutting out the cardboard for base. Pics in a few minutes
Here are the pics
Nice concept, definitely you should try this... {:)}
you can try ladder chassis design made of wood/ply, that should give you a lot of space around n freedom of any upgrade.
power and steering could be dual motor for left right-should work better, or single pot with a special diff. or partial braking
u can also use bike/car cam chain n gears for tracks, smaller than a bicycle
good luck mate, n keep postin the pics
I am using small 500ml bottles to make the pulleys to move the tracks. I hope they work. If they don' work out well, I'll turn to cardboard to make the pulleys. For the track I think rubber tube or scooter tyre should do. Whats your opinion?
How to make the axles? :banghead: ??? :headscratch:
Edit: Just tried the bottles. The bottles don't work properly as wheels. WHat should I use now?
Car Guys please help... I am stuck up... Where do you people get you axles from?
Progress of the build till now
I am using cycle spokes for axle. Still not figured out the tracks. most websites show very tiresome methods. I have not seen some shops selling tracks yet.
Aha! (
Progress... ;D ;D
for the top part and gun