RC Models => Kites, Trains, Free Flight and All Others => Topic started by: kirancgartist on October 29, 2012, 10:31:43 PM
Title: How to make sky lanterns
Post by: kirancgartist on October 29, 2012, 10:31:43 PM
I have been making my own sky lanterns since one year.I made a blog for those who are interested in it.My biggest achievement in making sky lantern is 15 ft tall 4.5 ft wide lantern made completely made with news papers for science fare in a school.I have expertise in making long flight sky lantern models with flying time of approx 10 min, flying at 500ft altitude. Go through my site where there is tutorial for making sky lantern and also my Sky lantern selling info. http://www.flyinglantern.blogspot.in/
Title: Re: How to make sky lanterns
Post by: sandeepm on October 29, 2012, 11:16:40 PM
Very Well Mr. Kiran ....something new and useful thing...will upload my Build log soon....need to get some kite paper tomorrow...
Title: Re: How to make sky lanterns
Post by: KALYANPRODHAN on October 30, 2012, 01:02:58 AM
Hey, Mr. Kiran,
Thanks for highlighting this before Diwali. Enthusiasts will surely give attention in this. Do anyone have heard sun powered balloon ?
Sky lantern is called FANUSH in Bengali and there is a house named PHANUSH_BARHI (means sky-lantern house). You perhaps seen that some colorfull sky lantern in different shapes like Kettle, Jokar, TajMahal etc. etc. have been flown in front of Victoria and in Viswakarma Puja at Indian Race Maidan of Kolkata. Those are made by Fanushbari. This is not very long past and not even a decade. In that house I heard that some mathematician calculate (from ISI) and all family members prepare the Sky Lantern.
I have no news since joining this forum. It's near ChatuBABU-LatuBABU's House as per NEWS Paper. And the favorite Australian Tissue paper (Colored) that can withstand High Temperature, can not found now except White colored one.
Surely in this dewali, some Fanush (Sky-Lantern) I can show you. I prefer to glue all sheets (symmetrical of course) half folded as shown in the pic. (right top side.). A 15 minute in word processor build in drawing gives this, no graphic software. ;D As shown in the picture, you can make 2-6 or higher stage and hence longer sky lantern. Moreover, using more radius by more sheets, you can make larger dia Sky Lantern. But always make bottom round using bamboo stick (for light weight, and fire holder with Iron or Aluminum wire and preferably no SAG, sothat the baloon cannot catch fire.
Good Luck.
Title: Re: How to make sky lanterns
Post by: saahil on October 30, 2012, 08:08:56 PM
kiran sir congratulations on this feat. i used to do this in my childhood at our family farmhouse in Neral. but what i did was something similar to this.
i used to fly a huge kite known as Dhol in local Marathi language. kites have threads tied to them. these threads were known as KANNI. and at the back junction of kanni i used to tie a paper lantern with a candle in between. these kites were big in size and provided a good wind resistance. as a result of which they easily took the load of the lantern with them and flew at some nice heights. from the bottom the the view was really awesome.
Title: Re: How to make sky lanterns
Post by: saahil on October 30, 2012, 08:14:11 PM
just had a short glance at your blog. i assume these fly on the same principle of a hot air balloon. hot air is lighter than cold air and hence generates a lift resulting in the flight.
Title: Re: How to make sky lanterns
Post by: kirancgartist on October 30, 2012, 08:42:54 PM
Sun powered balloon popularly called as Solar balloon. It needs black paper or black polythene cover. Air inside gets heated up by sun`s heat and rises up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1q4Eql81sQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Asstv3jtpSs&feature=related
Title: Re: How to make sky lanterns
Post by: kirancgartist on October 30, 2012, 08:58:26 PM
I am selling 3ft sky lanterns in attractive colors of yellow, orange and red each for only 100 Rupees, shipment free.Diwali offer. Hurry up. If any one need them e mail me at
Title: Re: How to make sky lanterns
Post by: vineet on October 30, 2012, 09:05:23 PM
nice work kiran
Title: Re: How to make sky lanterns
Post by: kirancgartist on November 08, 2012, 11:59:01 AM
Happy Diwali
Use biodegradable ecofriendly stuff for Diwali www.flyinglantern.blogspot.in
Title: Re: How to make sky lanterns
Post by: aman1256 on December 24, 2013, 03:35:19 PM