Huge model train setup

Started by anwar, March 22, 2009, 11:00:31 PM

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Its better to Crash while Learning on a sim rather than Learn from Crashing on the field


dear mr anwar, all the mud slinging in the heli has honestly depressed me as i m not the type who sells faulty items. As a result i want to get into electric trains and electric cars could u please assist me in choosing right train and car, and the place from where i can buy them.thanks for everything.


Let me not comment on the sale issue.... it is something we all want to forget and forgive.

Trains..  not much variety you can find, let alone parts etc.

Cars... I would suggest that you start a new thread in the "Cars" board.  But be sure to specify if you want to start with nitro or electric (I am pretty sure for beginners electric is the way to go).

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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Fantastic  :o, look forward to when the airport is opened : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


simply amazing...
no words !!!!!!!!
Amir Shabeeh Ahmed


Premvijay, for model trains try




I am a Model Railways enthusiast and have a decent collection of Locomotives, Rolling Stock and accessories. All in HO / OO Gauge (1:87 and 1:76 Scale). As of now, my collection is packed and put away. I plan to devote more time to the hobby in the years to come.

I have about 17 Engines (Steam, Electric and Diesel). Fleischmann, Hornby, Jouef, Roco, Bachmann and old Triang sets are part of my collection. Will try and post some pics if anyone is interested.

Any like minded people here?


Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!



Yes ! I am interested ! Please post pics. Though i am not into trains, i have a lot of interest in this area and would like to see your setup.


 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

{:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)}

Simply Amazzzzzzinngggg....

I watched the video thrice over...


Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


This was posted like in the first 10 days of RC India coming into existence.  Glad to see people "discovering" it now  ;D
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.



I too have a miniature railway set up, which i inherited from my father. It was bought in the early 60's when i was a kid and is still running. It is a marklin HO gauge which works on 24V AC. I have 5 Engines, Signals, points, carriages, Automatic levcel crossing, turn table and an electric Crane.



Wow this is really amazing.
Be Inquisitive




OMG! Its so awesome! If i ever go to that part of the world I'm definitely going there!

Oh n when they show the Grand Canyon (50 secs into the vid) you can see an aircraft crashing and the pilots parachuting down to safety ;D

2 thumbs up!
"The day you stop playing with your toys is the day you start getting ready to die.."

FlySky 9x (with ER9x,  backlight mod &  dual module hack) | Futaba SkySport 4VF (with 5th channel hack) | Glidiator - scratchbuilt 60" electric glider | SkySurfer | Scratchbuilt Tricopter | FT Nutball |  .46 Glow trainer (electric conversion in progress)


Its Great Time for model Railroaders to have a huge range of Products available for their Collection at unbelivable price within India. Victory hobbies is proud to say it has Wide Range of Model Railroads including Starter Sets and Rolling Stock on HO Scale,Z Scale, G(Garden) Scale, TT Scale and N Scale in India.We have both European and American model Trains.

Our Products Includes Marklin,Trix,LGB,TT bahn,KATO,Hornby,Bachmann.Model Railway enthusiast please feel free to contact us regarding any queries. We would be happy to assist you any time.



Awesome setup.Reminds me of the setup at 'Madurodam' in the Netherlands. :)
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Good to see train products in India. Might be good if you could explain what the various sizes mean.
Also would be good to have a price list/more details.



@Gaurav Thankyou for your reply. IN Model Railroad there are various sizes depending upon your interest and space availability to make a layout. If you are model collectors then the size doesn't matters only the details of the locomotive and coaches. In Model Railroad the details is more important and any size the model details will remain the same as replica of real working Train.If stream engine the model will have smoke pouring out of its exhaust , pistons drives the wheels, front headlight  and if it is Diesel the sound of real loco will be reproduced  with working Lights. If Electric locomotive the Pantograph gets lifted when the train has to start and touches the power line above and starts its movement. Then Lights and sounds as the real working model.

Regarding the scale of Model Railroad
HO Scale: Its the most common scale easily available anywhere. HO models are produced at a scale of 1:87 and run on 16.5mm wide track.  Can be used only for Indoor modeling.

N Scale:Its cute to see the size if this scale. Even the size of N gets smaller compared to HO the pulling power is equal as HO. N Scale is basically used when we have very little space to spare for Model Railroads. You can create amazing layout in small places.Models in this scale are produced at a scale of 1:160 and run on 9mm wide track.

G Scale: For models that are produced in 1:29.3 and run on 45mm wide track. For those that have the space and the desire to see their own line running outdoors like the real thing. G Scale can be used for both Outdoor and indoor purpose. The Tracks in outdoor do not get corroded in Rain and any condition. Its common scale in all europen counties they have this G Scale in their Lawn.

Z Scale: For models that are produced in 1:220 is one of the smallest commercially available model railway scales with a track gauge of 6.5 mm/0.256 in. Z Scale Models are manufactured only by Marklin. The Locomotive is very tiny in size as the size of our thumb but the pulling power is enarmous. It can pull 10 to 15 coaches without any trouble.Z Scale comes in a briefcase with a predefined layout inside the briefcase.

TT Scale: Its intermediate between HO Scale and N Scale . Its 1/120 scale, just about 3/4 the size of HO.This can be used only for indoor purpose

VictoryHobbies have a full range in stock with all its accessories,layout building materials, Layout Structures, Stations, Level Crossings and wide variety of coaches with Lights glowing inside Coach, Coach with Pantry car and goods vehiches etc.

Regarding Price victory hobbies is trying to cultivate the hobby for all people in india at affordable price. This Hobby is not only in the terms of Models collection. It teaches you the art of creating things beautifully in your own fashion and working of real prototypes like stream engines which rarely exits in working condition in India.

We have one of the rarest collection Marklin Z scale Solar Train set. There is no need of connection through power plug. Its the limited edition and with a briefcase layout already constructed.

For anymore info you can reach me anytime.Please feel free to contact us anytime and we would be glad to assist you.


Thank you for the explanation. I have always had an interest in model railroads, but never got the time earlier to pursue it. In the years to come, i intend to realize my dream of having my own scale railroad at home.
Before I get into this, i would need to plan out first. You can help me through this, and i would also appreciate inputs from other modelers ( VC ? )

1. I need to first determine the scale I need to set out with. Do people mix scales ? or the entire network needs to be on the same scale ?
- I have sufficient indoor/outdoor space
- I want this to be easily available. Not get into a rare scale and get stuck.
- I can do outdoors, IF maintenance will not be a severe issue.
- Cost is always a factor.
- Good availability of decor for the scale
- My son is very fond of trains. I want to introduce this hobby to him, and see if he catches up on it.

Let me know what you would suggest.
Could you give me your phone number so we can speak ?  Also if you could send me your catalog, list of items/prices that would be great. My Email is

Thank you


Nice to hear from you. The fact i would say  our whole family sits in constructing a layout in most weekend and each person giving a suggestion and ideas and do accordingly. Its always nice to share the time with family instead of watching some thing. I myself and my son and grandson sits together and play with Model Trains. Even my grandson age 3 years knows about the Diesel,Electric and Stream Locomotives and its behavior.

1)Its not right practice to mix scales. Its always good to stick on to particular Scale. This is why because the accessories like buildings,stations,crossings etc will come in different sizes for each scale. so when you mix up things it does int look good.


My advice is to stick to HO. It is the most widely popular scale and all accessories are easily available. You can build a decent beginners layout on a 6' X 4' baseboard. Pick up a book on this hobby called The Encyclopedia of Model Railways by Terry Allen and David Jenkinson. It is my bible for Model Railways.

Another popular scale is OO, which is very close to HO but the models are not really to scale as the height factor is not accurate and gives the model an upright look. Advantage is that is Hornby manufactures in this scale and the prices are affordable. Not really quality stuff when compared with say, Fleischmann or Roco, nevertheless, very good for beginners.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Amazing Garden Scale Locomotive with Great Details and Precision built by Bachmann