I have been in this beautiful & amazing hobby for almost 7 years now....flown many gliders, High & low wingers, deltas & jets...mostly foamies & some balsa...
Since past year I'm experimenting on RC kites....my dream to put electronics on a kite since childhood.... :giggle:
My First successful experiment was a Rogallo wing..my 7yr old son just loves to fly this one....its slow & forgiving ... http://www.rcindia.org/electric-planes/let's-rogallo/
Second experiment was RC Eagle Kite...http://www.rcindia.org/kites-trains-free-flight-and-all-others/rc-kite-eagle-32243/
There were many such experiments & attempts ....
About 3 weeks ago ....my son wanted to buy some kites...so we went to the local market and to my surprise the Kite owner showed me a huge kite....
in-fact it was the LARGEST kite I had seen in Pune...it had a WS of 96 inches, yes ....8ft..so I bought it without giving a second thought... (:|~ (:|~
I was planning to build a large Rogallo wing out of it.....here is a pic.
My son calls it a " DAD's MONSTER KITE " >:D >:D :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
I was planning to build a huge Rogallo wing using this kite, but thought that the fuse would be larger than height of the kite.
so made a few modifications & build a the fuse on the kite itself...
here are a few pics taken during the build process
tail ready .....
finally ....shes on the field... ;D
good sir
looking for video
thanks KP....
maiden flight was on sunday & we did take a video.....it turned out little a blur..... :(
will edit & upload as soon as I can ...
There she's in the air
Nice.. Please share the video..
And it flew like an angle.....right on the first flight....perfectly balanced.... :) :bow: :bow:
{:)} {:)} {:)}
Very nice!
thank you Rai Sir & Iyer Sir .... appreciation from you guys means a lot to me... :salute:
if the weather is good this weekend... will try to make some good clips...specially of take off n landings.....
Imprresive. Great work Sir :hatsoff: {:)} {:)}
Very Innovative Build... Loved the flight.
Thanks everyone...here are few more pictures of the kite after taping...
The tail section after taping
can you suggest me any kite vendor who can supply delta kite 1-2 meter?
the guys i buy my kites from ....he usually has 1-1.5 meter in stock....
i don't have his number though....pm me ur number....will try to get his contact info next time i visit that area...
Some clips before the lockdown started... enjoy in full screen..... ;)