Lockdown chuck glider builds.😁

Started by PRANAVK09, May 10, 2020, 08:57:44 AM

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Hello everyone,
I am looking forward to start building balsa chuck gliders also started with some builds.(will update soon ). Pls share some suggestions on plans
Currently I am building some from outerzone.

Free Flight

Hi, here is a site with plans and a lot of information for you.


post your pictures of the models and flights. Enjoy

The best form of fun with not too much money,batteries, fuel, rubber, prop etc  etc and a joy to see them soar in thermals.

Suggest you consider the plane below posted by Mr. Iyer on this RCI group. Terrific plane for starters.



K K Iyer

@Free Flight,
Thanks for the bump!

Mine (pic attached), flew away and was lost...

Free Flight

Here is my LTich (Tich built in Lockdown). I had a  2.5 mm spare carbon rod so used it for a fuse. AllUp Weight of 3.5 grams. Sooner or later , the thermal Gods will take this offering. Glides in the living room and compound are very promising.

Build this first and learn the building and trimming techniques .


@Iyyer sir
thanks will definitely try that too. :thumbsup:

unfortunately i don't have any CF now.
only some 1mm left


Here is my new Build_1 for lockdown.
Plans from Outerzone.


Another update with old build .
Don't know the plan now.
Repaired in Lockdown. ;D

Free Flight

Pranav, very nice build. you did well, rounded the fuse, bevell the wing and stab. Have you flown them? How was it?

Jets like to fly fast, therefore tricker to trim. In jets, may want to consider planes like Canberra versus a more advanced Hawker Hunter.  Because of the wings and overall shape, jets like Canberra are easier to trim and make them soar.

Good start. As suggested above, build the Tich and aim for 30 second soaring flight in still air.
Keep at it.


The flight test was fantastic it flew ~50ft with regular cheap rubber. Was a bit nose heavy at the start but later got it balanced.
Also please do share plans for Canberra versus and hawker hunter.

@Glidiator sir did told to give a small dihedral but I missed that. Still its flying level and straight.


I did achieved 30secs flight earlier but didn't got opportunity to store the glider.

But this time am gonna make the whole fleet of it.  ;D

Free Flight

Wow. you have already crossed the good 30 second mark!. Congratulations. Now to break your own record , the aim being you hit 2 minutes with the help of some good thermals. How to pick the air is another challenge to overcome which will be fun for you. As lockdown gets over, will try to get the Canberra scanned and you can have it.

May I suggest, instead of building a whole fleet right away, build the one you like. Then keep building the same one till you you consistently loose it. You will gain a lot more experience this way versus fleet as all gliders are good but different. That can be confusing, example, stab tilt worked here but not on that plane, etc.


Will definitely take care of it further👍.
I was actually planning to build a new one something like a typical endurance glider. Of 14-15" size and start experimenting on it.
I flown many previously but didn't got chance do some crazy things on it.