Scale IAF Canberra

Started by Free Flight, August 13, 2021, 06:25:34 PM

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Free Flight

My first attempt to build a scale model . So challenging, made a lot of mistakes from which I have grown better, I think.

Build one and enjoy for yourself.

In teenage years, loved the Aurora Canberra model kit at the India Hobby Center, Marine Lines, Mumbai. That inspired me for this one.

Building a similar Hawker Hunter of Aurora too. More difficult to trim. Hunter Film, hopefully in a few months.

The Free Flighter.

K K Iyer

@free flight

There is magic in your hands!


Free Flight

Namaste and Thank you so much Mr. Iyer for your kind words.

No magic. Just the quest of getting a better flight each outing.

I am not sure how much info I parted in your wonderful "Lunchbox" thread. But one thing for sure, the wonderful questions asked made me think and improve a lot. Thanks for your enthusiasm. 


Hi all.
Thanks to Free flight for plans and mentoring  -- have made the Canberra. Reduced the scale so the wing root chord is 4" and so fits on one sheet - avoiding joining of sheets required for the original plan. The math to adjust the dihedral for wing and stab for reduced chord and wing span done by free flight.
Await the rains to clear to get some flights.
After the Lunchbox experience - CLG is a great way to have satisfying flying sessions.
Aim to make some more profile scale CLG to add to the fun.
There is a Vampire CLG on Youtube that did a 14 min flight in a thermal. Searching for that plan.
