One minute flight challenge

Started by K K Iyer, May 15, 2018, 09:20:08 PM

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K K Iyer

Quote from: taksh on May 31, 2018, 11:04:18 PM
@K K Iyer
I made plane with dinner plate but i can't get more than 3-4 seconds.
If you know any method to increase rigidity or hardness of the depron of dinner plate then please tell me
I am waiting for your reply.

Make spanwise groove in the bottom of each wing half.
Groove (khaancha) can be made using a dull pencil tip or a 2mm piece of wood.
Select a suitable stick from a paani waali jhaadu.
Cut to length and stick into the groove. Attach with Fevicol, hot glue (very little), or even cellotape.
This is OK for 9-10" span.
For larger size, use 2-3mm depron and bamboo skewer (it is 7")

Remember that such materials/construction are enough to build a glider that flies, but probably cannot do over 10 seconds.
Longer flight needs a launch like throwing a cricket ball from the boundary to the wicket keeper.
2-3mm foam wings are simply not strong enough.
(Unless covered with glass cloth  ;D)

Best of luck with your experiments.

K K Iyer

Quote from: swapnilnimbalkar on May 31, 2018, 10:58:27 PM
No, please don't share the plans sir.  At least not publicly, only if someone asks you in PM, let me and some others like me try it out.  Let us draw the plans.

OK  ;D

K K Iyer

Did anyone build one today to test fly tomorrow?

F.I.M.S presents Rc

Sweet colours on that wing dude!!!

I'm really getting into gliders at the moment (so is the wife and kids)

Tell me....think it can be done with a foamie bought for £8???

K K Iyer

Not many Sundays left before it starts raining...
Hoping for at least a few attempts at a 30 sec hand launch flight...


I am in for the contest will start building soon. :thumbsup:

K K Iyer

Quote from: PRANAVK09 on June 10, 2018, 06:39:38 PM
I am in for the contest will start building soon. :thumbsup:

Most welcome.
No response this weekend from other entrants.
So your chances are better  ;D

K K Iyer

No one except kiran seems to have even built a model to attempt the 30sec challenge so far.

I wonder if a 30 sec hand launch flight is:
1. Too easy to interest anyone, or
2. Too hard to interest anyone

Most probably too irrelevant to interest anyone...

But I suspect that some may have tried and discovered that it's not so easy

That's why it's called a Challenge...



Have been off this forum for quite some time.

Have been busy mentoring some modellers of our AMAI who are getting into Indoor FF rubber after a lot of my goading.
Hoping to have atl east 5 serious participants for the next AMAI Indoor Nationals which is being planned for the coming winter.

Just saw your post on the HLG/CLG rubber FF challenge

Yes I would be happy to participate in the challenge for indoor rubber FF but in the event my flight is the longest I would like the prize to be awarded to the second best.
I would like to do it so it goads me to do some flying which I have been unable to do for quite some time due to other pre occupations.

Yes 30 sec in chuck glider is a tough job. Indoor HLG record is around 45 secs.
Rubber power over one minute is within anyone's grasp if they go through the learning curve and get the hang of it. Ofcourse you have to have the TAN rubber to get any meaningful duration.

Can provide plans for rubber that even a novice can build with minimal construction skills.

K K Iyer

Hi Anant,
This time I thought a Rs5000 prize may elicit a 1 minute HLG attempt. It didn't.
So I changed it to 2000 for the first 30 sec HLG flight, and 1000 each to the next three.
And simplified it. No motor, no engine, no rubber power, no histart, no towline, no catapult.
Only Hand Launch. Javelin, side arm, tip, or discus.

BTW, 55 sec indoor hand launch was achieved in 1941! See reply #40

Surprised that no one has even considered copying that model.
Mine has a glass skinned depron core wing.  That's another story.
But even that could have inspired someone to experiment...

Re rubber powered model plans, pl see this

May be too much.
Perhaps a link to an AMA DART is reqd!

Read 'can YOU provide plans for novice rubber?'
When what you said was
'(I) Can provide plans for novice rubber...'

K K Iyer

@saikat sir,
Request input on this thread, or by PM

Imperial fire

will make a 20+ second model tomorrow....if the gods fulfil a little wish of mine...i swear i wont be lazy anymore...xd


My chuck glider is almost ready.  Thinking whether I should paint the vertical stabilizer and fuselage.  Need nose weight for balance.

K K Iyer

Quote from: Dreamliner on June 13, 2018, 09:03:31 PM
My chuck glider is almost ready.  Thinking whether I should paint the vertical stabilizer and fuselage.  Need nose weight for balance.

Suggest avoid paint on tail. Every gm at the tail will need 3gms on the nose to balance.
Good to see you salvaged your 3 (5?) year old wing  ;D


This HLG challenge is indoor or outdoor or anything


K K Iyer

K K Iyer

Some suggestions:

To achieve 10-15 sec, you'll need a 9-10" span model of 6-10gms weight.
This is a good starting point for training your launching style.

Heavier models launch higher, but lighter models glide better. A balance has to be found.

Those who have crossed this stage can look at two pioneering high performance models of differing design:

1. Vartanian (55 secs in 1941)
2. Yellow Bird (1961). In the 70s, nearly every aeromodeller in India had one. Including at least 5-6 current members of this forum!

Look them up. The articles that accompany the plans are interesting to read...


My first balsa chuck glider.  ;D
Under construction.
Making 60cm wing span.


Quote from: PRANAVK09 on June 14, 2018, 12:56:46 AM
My first balsa chuck glider.  ;D
Under construction.
Making 60cm wing span.

Have a few kits of Yellow Bird from Aurora models. Think I bought it almost 10 years ago. Still in Original packing.

Some other Aurora HLGs also.

Heavy rains past few days here.

Will have to wait for a clear dry day to try some flying.


Sir please share some photos.



Glidiator, if ever you could be persuaded to part with a Yellow Bird kit, I'm always ready to buy! Made one about 50 years ago, launched from a tree I climbed up  ;)  Got about 8-10 seconds flight and was over the Moon! Second flight a stray dog got afyer it, and broke the stick fuselage in the middle  :-[


Check this video.
Observe the wing.
This is called a flapper wing with the trailing section being a very thin foam section attached to the balsa leading edge section.
This foam flap can be bent to give more lift.
But since it is very thin during launch the initial force / speed makes the flap bend upward so you get less resistance and more height.
At the peak height when the glider transitions to level flight the flap bends down to give more lift at slower sleep and therefore the sink rate is reduced.
There is a lot of Aerodynamics and techniques involved in what are simple HLGs


Quote from: sanjayrai55 on June 14, 2018, 12:25:41 PM
Glidiator, if ever you could be persuaded to part with a Yellow Bird kit, I'm always ready to buy! Made one about 50 years ago, launched from a tree I climbed up  ;)  Got about 8-10 seconds flight and was over the Moon! Second flight a stray dog got afyer it, and broke the stick fuselage in the middle  :-[

PM your address.
Will see how many I have left and will surely spare one.

K K Iyer

Can you please tell us the total weight of all the raw parts in the YB kit? Excl nose weight.
Ready to fly weight as per original Alan Webber Aeromodeller plan is 1.55oz, or say 45gms, after tissue covering and many coats of finish...