Inspired by Ashok Baijal sir's rogallo wing Ultralight trike, I started making one with my own pinch of masala. ;D ;D ;) :giggle:
Pictures are too big at 13 MEGAPIXELS when taken from my phone. What to do? I don't have access to a PC right now.
Coming to technical details, the wing is almost 3.25 feet in wingspan, I have a 10x6 prop and 1270kv Emax GT 22 10/13 outrunner to use on this model. The wing is made of aluminium tunes of different diameters that can slide into one another. Frame is joined using hot glue
topalle upload on any photo-hosting sites like photobucket, flickr and then embed the link in the comment :thumbsup:
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While looking for the suitable material to make the wing covering, I will be constructing the trike
Nice idea for date ;)
We have not subscribed for any newspapers so this is the only way
I am in a dilemma about how to fix the cross brace and centre rod. Any ideas?
Nice to see another attempt at building a trike. Best wishes.
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Done with the frame. Now, I have to make the trike
An interesting plan for a rogallo wing I found on the net
Some progress: ( (
Needs some trimming though on the edges
Coming along well :thumbsup:
Thank you sir... :bow:
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I have a doubt after playing around a bit with some pipes, some plywood, etc. that instead on complicated weight shift mechanism, can I use a system where actual aileron like control can be made possible? ( pulling on the end of the fabric so that one part of the "balloon" comes down and doesn't produce lift while other side produces lift causing a turning force)
I need some comments on this idea before I proceed doing anything.
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Devised a system for adding roll axis control. You will soon see how. :thumbsup:
Added Roll axis as well as pitch axis controls.
Might work or might not. fingers crossed.
Can i use two servos with their arms parallel in elevon mixing to control the wing?
Does this use elevon mixing?
I guess NO