Rc Ornithopter homemade

Started by arun.sreelakam, December 30, 2012, 03:01:22 PM

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SO its time to upload my dream build now... started my rc hobby just few months before but.. more than anything ornithopters are my favorate and i didnt go for buying one.. instead i decided to make one.. gone through all the website as possible.. didnt find any build log.. :( :(
finaly decided to build my own so that i can make a build log later.. ;D
selected kinkade's slowhawk as my model and started to download as many pictures of that.. using my ideas and  stuffs available locally and started my build few monts back.. :P
the main problem was the gear assembly.. :banghead: :banghead: and searching for proper gears.. i dont want to spent more by getting gears online..
got some help from kazuhiko Kakuta(rcgroups) and models previously submitted in RCIndia as well.. :bow:
now the wing action is almost good in my calculation getting enough trust..
see my video of wings test... and please give your valuable suggestions...
(:|~ (:|~

Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


Wow! It looks great!  :bow:

Waiting for more information about the built!  (:|~


Subscribed, and waiting for the build log to come........please make it as detailed as possible

and congrsts for the achievement
Cessna - 184
Mr. Moss
Self-Design Glider
550 DIY Quad
Scratch Build TriCopter
Telemaster 400
ZMR 250


thanks jaspreet and bilal...
yeah will make it more clear to understand.. will post the log after the maiden.. :)
anyway the tailpart assembly will finish in a day.. after that will upload the pics...  :) :)
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


Fantabulous video there..!! Wingspan is also great...Desperately waiting for the maiden video Arun...

Then You will have to help me build mine..!


thanks adi.... and will upload the complete build log later... :)  :thumbsup:
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


here is a pic of the orni..  :) :)

Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


Not only you Adi, but everyone...

I believe most of the folks here are waiting for a successful ornithopter build, and I can sure see one comin' ;)
Cessna - 184
Mr. Moss
Self-Design Glider
550 DIY Quad
Scratch Build TriCopter
Telemaster 400
ZMR 250


By the way, Arun Sir.....what is the wingspan, and how many channels this thing uses?
Cessna - 184
Mr. Moss
Self-Design Glider
550 DIY Quad
Scratch Build TriCopter
Telemaster 400
ZMR 250


Quote from: Bilal on December 30, 2012, 06:39:35 PM
Not only you Adi, but everyone...

I believe most of the folks here are waiting for a successful ornithopter build, and I can sure see one comin' ;)

Very true Bilal Sir..!


bilal bhai... it is 3 channel... :)
throttle, rudder, elevator
wingspan is 50"
usnig a 3000kv outrunner with 2s lipo
2 metal gear servos for tail control..
and gear assembly i dont know how to explain it.
my aim was to get almost 5 flaps/sec
tried a lot of combination, and finally i think i am getting it right now... :)
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


here is the finished ornithopter picture with tail.. will upload tail movement testing video tomorrow...
tail is a bit heavy and planning to change it... this is temporary right now... :):):)
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


Looks most interesting Arun! Waiting for the video. All the very best


rudder and elevator..  :giggle: :giggle:
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


thanks sanjay sir.. :)
need all your help to make it fly...
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


Fantastico!!! Eagerly waiting to watch the bird in action ;-)
Airplanes may kill you, but they ain't likely to hurt you.
~~~Satchel Paige

satz flying

nice bird!!
what is the center plate materiel?
How you shaped like a bird?
can you upload the plan?
Trust yourself


Spektrum DX6i | Phoenix V4 | CoroTrainer | Tamiya Baja king 2WD | RCTimer F450 Quadcopter


the center plate is frp sheet 1.5mm
everything is homemade and using handtools.. knife, hacksaw etc..
i dont have any plan.. simply free hand sketched and cut it out...
will try to upload a plan soon...
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


made some modifications to the tail control now its  really smooth.. and the weight reduced a bit...  :) :)
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


friends increased the tail area,  using wing material.. which decrease the weight of tail to half almost..  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
watch the video of my complete orni... need to do thrust tests before maiden.. dont know how..  :headscratch: :headscratch:
help me with your suggestions friends..  {:)} {:)}

Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


Nice model crafted, Arun.

This might be useful.....


Quote from: rastsaurabh on December 31, 2012, 03:26:10 PM
Nice model crafted, Arun.

This might be useful.....

wow that  was really helpfull rastsaurabh.. thanks for the vid... :)
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


Nicely Made. It is seems to work perfectly. By the rate of flapping as seen in the video i don't think you need to do a thrust test it seems to have sufficient thrust. it will take to air at ease.

Please take care for the CG. It apparently seems behind than where required. The Lipo which is now located where CG is desired can be move ahead in my opinion.

Fabulous fabrication and crafting. Nicely done waiting for the video.  {:)} {:)} {:)}