Rc Ornithopter homemade

Started by arun.sreelakam, December 30, 2012, 03:01:22 PM

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thanks a lot sir now the CG is coming about the accurate center i can change it just by moving the lipo..
didnt weigh it yet.. think it will reach almost 500gms  :( :( :( (400 expected)

should i want to keet the CG to 33%?
want to do a stringed test today... will upload the results.. thanks for your support sir..  :P
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


A unpowered Glide test should give you rough idea about CG. Do it over thick tall grass area.


done gliding test in my home itself over pillows arranged..  :giggle: :giggle:
glides good(i mean not that bad) :headscratch:
one of the guy from rcgroups advised me to reverse the rotation of gears dunno what will be the difference...  ??? ??? ???
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


Quote from: swizera on December 31, 2012, 07:17:59 PM
best of luck for the maiden  :thumbsup:
thanks yaar.. :)
trying for some foam covering around the body so that it wont hurt in case of a crash..   :giggle: :giggle:
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


Arun, this build is really looking brilliant 

I just can't wait to see the maiden

congratulations on very very good going


thanks a lot sanjay sir.. i am truly flattered..  :salute: :salute: :salute:
thanks for your support..  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


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Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


Ready for the maiden.. :)

wingspan: 50"
length    : 33"(including tail)
weight    : not yet weigh( :( :( )
motor     : 3000kv outrunner(30 gms)
gear       : 2 stage gear reduction
servo     : turnigy metal gear servo(13gm)
esc       : 35A yellow ESC
body     :1.5mm frp sheet
wing spars : carbon fiber rods
wing membrane :  polyethylene film

extras : micro bearings, super glues, cycle spokes, bamboo sticks, ice cream sticks, duct tapes, nylon thread, magnetic wires, fevicol, many hand tools etc...etc..etc and a lot of time...  :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:

Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


Eagerly waiting for the maiden news.

Wishing you all the good luck.
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Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


All the best Arun: have a great maiden  {:)}. When is it planned? :thumbsup:


thanks a lot sanjay sir, within this week.. need to cover it up with some foam or thermocol for preventing crash damage.. :)
looking up for a way... ??? ??? ??? :)
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


now she is ready for the maiden.. covered up with some thermocol...
will be maiden it soon... :) :) >:( >:( >:( >:(

Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


made a test flight yesterday... i cant say that it flies good but.. it can fly...There is some imperfections in my mechanism that i ignored or forget... which needs to be done for flying perfect... :headscratch: :headscratch: :headscratch:

Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


Keep at it! It WILL fly! And well.


sanjay sir working on it... will update in sequence...  :salute: :salute: :salute:
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|



Still on the building stage... Installed new gear systems.. Now its better.. But not yet ready to fly.. :)
But will i hope..  ??? ???
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


all the best.. if possible pls upload the plans and some building instructions...


hi arun ,
how much cost this slow hawk


Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


You have mentioned that as the model you based your build on, in your very first post in this thread :)
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