Rocket Candy and Solid Fuel Rockets

Started by VC, May 29, 2012, 10:35:01 PM

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Has anyone experimented with Rocket Candy (Pot. Nitrate + Sugar) or Black Powder Rockets? Would be interesting to share experiences.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Sir, from boyhood.. and lots after that.. here we have a person named Mr Sundaran, who is a crackers maker,for the festival of Temples and Churches.. we call it in Malayalam as "VETIKKETTU", means the festival of crackers.. and his house is near to my home, and had a golden oppertunity to learn how to make rockets.. here in our regional language, we call it as "ELI VAANAM", means rocket.. this one will be one, with a short body, with a long wooden tail, with a sharp cap.. and was making lots of types  of rockets some even was launching with wirelessly.. we have a good unhabited place here, for testing, near to river Mahe.. and at its peak, i got some warning from local Officials, as they afraid of dry leaves fire.. and ultimately done one two dry enginned rocket for our regional science park.. with a recovery parachute.. your posting inspiring a lots.. will try with new.. but need a little time, as my place is under restriction act of 144, because of serious political issues.. Sir, have any idea to add a tracer to rockets in bright colours..? possible..?  :salute:


Yup! :) :) i have tried and have around a kg of Potassium Nitrate

Tried the electric skewer method to cook the mixture but never got a consistent result out of it, tried and tried and finally made an engine which i put it to some static test on my terrace,

The top seal of the engine blew away due to the thrust and the propellent inside just shot up in the air and directly landed up on my head!  ;D was wondering where that thing went and then got some burning smell to find my hair was all burnt off! no burns tho!

took the drawing from Richard Nakka's website for A class motor, didnt move on to get it machined or try any rocketry stuff after the incident!

Thanks for this post will head to my machinist and kick start the long pending rocket launch program!

Check the links, Chandan Prasad is my Senior in Engg College and former Team captain for Team Drone of which i am currently the captain!

Spektrum Dx6i | Blue Baby |  Fast Cat | TB-20 | Speedy | Lil' Ripper| Little Elley| PT-20 Ryan | Delsoro - SAE Heavy Lifter | Hiller 450v2|2x AXI 2217/2|2x Castle Creations- Thunderbird 54A| 2x Thunderpower RC Lipo 850mAh 65C| 10x Futaba s3114

SAE Aero Design West- 2011
1st Place Highest Payload Lifted
2nd Place Operational Availability


Yes, I have made it several times. But not suger rocket but BP Rocket.

Though I have the chemical materials, due to shortage and costly supply of JuteStick, I prefer to purchase complete rocket. The :Rs: 130 for 100 Pcs of rocket fly guaranted 80 feet-120 feet and blast. It's motor length 2.5" and inner dia 10mm. I have still 120-130 Pcs left.

However, the motor envelop (Paper) have to cool down by applying Starch (Sugar/Rice) with BP fuel so that temp won't rise, adding Gas generation and thrust, that become too much. This is the secret of Rocket. The AirFloat Charcoal also define quality.

In bengal, the Doulatpur (ChingriPota/PuntKhali), Harhal (Champahati), Dankuni, Bankra (Amta), Shibanipur is well known for Fireworks. You can get 100 rockets atRs. 60/- but quality will not be so good. My rockets are from Shibanipur. They are best seen to me.

Some more fireworks Display can be shown every year at GuptiPara during Immersion of Jagadhatri Puja. All 11 Club/Puja committee Idols come to Display area and then the display starts in presence of High level Puja committee inc. DM, SP, and other members.

We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


Please add  some pics of the rocket Kalyanji.
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


two years back i came upon this site:
Its one of the best sites on model rocketry i have come across till now.
based upon the vast information in the site i went ahead and built two rocket motors.
the first launch was successful.(no video though)
the second motor failed as the top cap came off.dint seal it properly!.i have attached a picture of the rocket i made.had several pictures of the motor construction but cant seem to find them as i made this one 3 years back when i was in 10th grade.



First India Rocket

We First Indian Private Rocket Designer, International Indian University, Aerospace Department are into Professional Sounding Rocket Construction and Public Launch.

We invite you all to become our member of the University Group " AEROSPACE RESEARCH AND EDUCATION SOCIETY OF INDIA".

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learning is a constant process of discovery -a process with out End !

First India Rocket

13:30 Hrs; 27 September, 2014 Gyan Jyot 11 km is ready to fire from our Launch Site Achirane Village, Vaibhavwadi, Sindhudurg, Maharashtra.

Everybody is welcome to witness India's first privately build and officially launched Sounding and Meteorological Rocket Launch ....!


 {:)} Amazing

Do we need permission from authorities for such experiment ?

What is objective of this kind of launch?
