Hello all.
First off, I am not quite interested in RC planes/helicopters/cars etc. Rocketry is what amazes me. Forgive me if my post appears to be a sign of trolling but this forum is the closest Indian I could find to model rockets.
So is anyone else into rocketry? Rocket gliders(there should be a few atleast)?
Do RC clubs/fields welcome people planning to spew smoke into their peaceful environments?
Thank you for your time and patience.
I believe VC sir is the man you want.As far as I know,only VC sir and Kalyan Prodhan sir have had any experience in rocketry.
Hey GREAT to find a Rocket man here. I have a bit of experience in solid fuel ( Sugar + Nitrate and Black Powder) and pneumatic (stomp rockets) engines.
Thanks for joining. The pyro fuel extinguishes very fast and the running cost is high. You see, the cheap 1.5" rocket (BP) can costs not less than 80 paisa in bulk. Using Solid fuel, the thrust will be so high that the model may damage.
You may make Black Powder Rocket. The best proportion I found is 8:2:1:1, where the materials are SaltPeter:Charcoal (AirFloat),:Sulpher:Suger. This Rockets has the maximum thrust for constant volume chemicals as available in local market. Or in the other hand, you may use normal BP 75:15:10 by weight Saltpeter:Charcole(AirFloat):Sulpher. If you want to read more, just search "wfvisser" in google. If you found the site down, you may get an offline view site snatched copy from me.
But they all are out of Remote Control.
I remember having seen a rocket-powered rc aircraft(I think it was modeled on the NASA X-47)where it was launched as a rocket and landed as a glider.I don't remember the name of the show but it was the one which had 3 episodes(or something like that) on model rocketry on Discovery Science.
Kalyan, I need 2 kgs of 'Shora' (Nitrate) from Kolkata. Can you arrange it for me pls?
I would prefer powder, how much does it cost per kg approximately?
Appx 70/- per KG for powdered one. Rs. 75/- for the crystalline large.
Openly sold commercially at Behala Chowrasta, Hatibagan Market, Deshapriyo Market. You can get all commercially available materials that can be used in home. But wont found banned chemicals like KCLO3 or arsenic tri sulphide.But chlorine doser chemicals are required for color firework and rocket. So, you will have to use PVC.
Pl PM me your bank details immediately. I will need 5 kgs of crystalline or powdered stuff. Just buy it and keep it. i will tell you how to send it. Don't worry about transportation. You just need to buy it and keep it for me.
Thanks a ton!
Gentlemen... I am not sure if we should be discussing combustible chemicals openly here. Unless, this is an approved sport by some body of the GoI.
Thanks AnwarSir,
storing any combustible chemical storage is dangerous and So storng petrol/Diesel is not legal. But KNO3 cannot be ignited till it is mixed with other chemicals like sulpher , Carbon or Metal Powders. So, storing kno3 should not increase 5Kg. But KCLO3 is a banned item and should not be manufactured commercially without licence. Again, insted of storing, just purchase and make with fresh chemicals always admirable. However, as this is not the right place, So, remarks are withdrawn.
So, this is INDIA and we are backword for this . We cannot caught the murderer and therefore stopping the manufacturing of knives though it is used for cutting vegetables. For example. Not to you but the rules imposed. Here in bengal, thrust bomb are fired higher than cracker at present and Sorry to say precious lives are going who may be a brother o sister of me or someone else, and we cannot restrict those as most of the policeman busy gurding unwanted people rather than keeping the rule. Here, a BDO (equivalent to Sub-Assistant Engineer) ride car with red light and can accept tender of crore of rupees while Superintending engineer (Higher than DM) not uses red light though sevior electrical high tension fault occurs and people suffers and can call tendfer upto 25 lakh.
Thanks for timely pointed as beyond 24 hour, i cannot modify the post.
Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) is NOT on the list of banned chemicals anywhere in the world. Neither is it combustible on it's own. You are probably mistaking it for Potassium Chlorate (KClO3).
By the way, pure (99.99 % Lab grade manufactured by Merck) KNO3 is available for sale anywhere in India @ Rs. 576/- per kg + vat with a valid cash memo / bill.
I had personally requested another member to stop enquiring/posting about banned chemicals (Potassium Chlorate) some time ago, I am old enough to know what I am doing Sir. Here it is:
Posts # 4 and # 16 for everyone's reference.
And as far as "approved sport by some body of GOI", is concerned, we shouldn't even be discussing anything about certain Tx/Rx sets and their imports here by the same statute. Things not connected to RC or modelling (by a long shot) weapons like Brass Knuckles /Knuckle Dusters are being discussed here openly and the esteemed authorities turn a blind eye to that. However when one discusses Potassium Nitrate or it's derivatives, used as a fuel in model rocketry ALL OVER THE WORLD, we seem to have a major problem.
Strange?! :headscratch:
My response to why chemicals are generally objected to, is best articulated by this bigoted stance :
That explains how the world is currently running !
PS: Radios/RC cannot be compared to rocketry. RC is an accepted hobby, and efforts are on-going to legalize the pending bands. I have not seen anything similar about rocketry :headscratch:
The old problem
Who is topmost and who is bottommost? So why education?
Ministers == Low Education(Avarage) == Law? thay make the law.
Civil Administrators == Graduate == They apply the law and all fears for that as directed by Ministers
Engineers/Doctors == Specialized Graduates == Acts as directed by Civil Administrators.
"I have not seen anything similar about rocketry"
What about Diwali and it's celebrations Sir? Would that be considered legal?
I thought the fireworks used in any such celebrations are made in factories (or small scale units) that have acquired proper explosives licenses, or they are imported from China!
Reminds me that we just had 10 people killed in Kerala due to an accident in such a facility.
Hello RocketSpawn,
It seems to be funny, but i am serious. we have decided to go for a rocket at our first plane if it doesnt fly off with engine. Simply the fireworks rocket. i have made many basic rockets using sulphur, potassium nitrate, and coke. it works well. but i dont have idea to increase its duration of fire.it merely goes for 5-8 seconds maximum. I think this is the only drawback with solid fuel rockets. Your ideas may help us learn more.
Abhay Singh
How are your nozzles/ exhausts constructed? Metal Washers embedded in Bentonite (Multani Mitti) or are they drilled arbitrary?
Also, have u drilled a parallel hole or a conical hole through the mixture to accommodate the fuse? Conical hole is better as a parallel hole results in an uneven rate of burn and results in a lower altitude burn out. Check Richard Nakka on Google.
sir about the post above i found it interesting until Mr Vc quoted my post and yes the knuckle is a banned item but for the truth they are sold outside gurudwara for as low as Rs 10 and they are just a piece of thin metal sheet.
as far as my post is concerned i requested the admin/ mod to alter it if it seems offensive.
and for Mr vc i found your post mean and socially unacceptable.
Speedracer, I am sorry if you found my post "mean and socially unacceptable" :headscratch:.
However, this fact remains. Just because something is sold openly does not make it a legitimate item. Cannabis / Marijuana / Ganja are sold openly in the Guwahati markets (heaps of it) before Shiva Ratri. Does that make it legal?
I understand your angst. This forum is not all about how we feel about each other. It is about what knowledge and inputs are required to further our hobby / passion.
Other discussions, I am sure, can be carried out in the Chatter Zone. That was my only suggestion. We all do or say things at times that are deemed 'socially unacceptable' by others. It is a question of individual perceptions. However, let's not be so vocal about it, or else others will also start voicing their opinions about 'socially acceptable behaviour'. I am sure you understand what I mean.
Its spreading; the knuckle duster thing. Now its in two threads :giggle:
Well my mention of rocket gliders was just to get some replies considering this site isn't about rocketry. My main interest however is just rocketry(and pyrotechnics, just in case anyone wants to know).
KALYANPRODHAN sir, I too have that copy of wfvisser, and some other pdf ebooks too :D
At 75 a kilo, this sounds cheap to me. As VC sir said, Lab grade is expensive. I bought a 0.5 kg box(manufactured by Central Drug House) for 150 a year ago(no bill though, but I might have got one had I asked for it).
Abhay1290, rockets usually last for only a short period of time. This is the reason why a lot of attention is payed to the aerodynamics, so that the thrust can be utilised to the max. End burners burn for longer periods of time, but produce less thrust. I don't know about rockets on planes(I just know rockets on sticks and rods :D) so I am not the best person to ask.
For nozzles with conical exhaust holes, 'de laval' is the key word(well... two key words).
VC sir, does Multani mitti work fine for you? Mine didn't do well so I moved to POP/cement and grog/dextrin(both wet :( ) nozzles.
1 more question : Seeing the large quantity(large for me atleast) of KNO3 you require, do I assume you ball mill your compositions?
Manufacturing fireworks/rockets/other substances deemed to be explosives require a license, as described by the explosives rules. I am still unaware of any provision for small scale production as a hobby for self use.
Anwar sir, hobbyists minimise accidents as they can spend on better safety measures because no profit is involved. Rocketry isn't as accepted because it isn't as popular. RC as well might have faced this in the beginning.
I can't comment about legality, but we can limit our talks to PMs by virtue of it not being related to RC.
Yes I have made my own Ball Mill out of an exhaust fan motor. I've had better success with core burners but the difficulty involved has been a deterrent. R Candy is easily made and negates the inherent dangers involved with BP compositions. Burn rate and Thrust are pretty good too.
Multani mitti / Sodium Bentonite has to be reinforced (from the inside) with a metal washer.
This hobby is now on a back burner. Plan to take it up and improve my compositions in the near future.
Quote from: KALYANPRODHAN on February 09, 2011, 12:48:10 AM
storing any combustible chemical storage is dangerous and So storng petrol/Diesel is not legal.
Not quite true. Volatile materials like petrol DO fall into this category. But most oils can be stored legally. Take kerosene for example. How could one use it for cooking otherwise?
ok mr vc i understand.
ok mr vc i understand.
Quote from: KALYANPRODHAN on February 09, 2011, 01:31:40 AM
Ministers == Low Education(Avarage) == Law? thay make the law.
Civil Administrators == Graduate == They apply the law and all fears for that as directed by Ministers
Engineers/Doctors == Specialized Graduates == Acts as directed by Civil Administrators.
:salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:
Quote from: VC on February 09, 2011, 01:43:43 PM
Yes I have made my own Ball Mill out of an exhaust fan motor.
Sir can you post the pics of the same so as we can also try our hand on the same.
Quote from: VC on February 09, 2011, 01:43:43 PM
Multani mitti / Sodium Bentonite has to be reinforced (from the inside) with a metal washer.
You can try Mseal insted of multaani mitti.
Just a suggestion
I need express permission from the Administrator to contribute any further on this topic. However if you PM me your email id, I can send you photos of the Ball Mill.
Dear RocketSpawn,
even i havent heard any rocket on planes yet. But there is always someone the "first one".
Here are some examples.
And here is a free plan to make one: