RC India

RC Models => Kites, Trains, Free Flight and All Others => Topic started by: SK1701 on December 02, 2014, 08:59:48 PM

Title: Sci-fi Scale Modelling
Post by: SK1701 on December 02, 2014, 08:59:48 PM
Hey guys.
I am fan of Star Trek (as is evident in my username  ;D). I have built a couple of scale models from kits my dad got from the USA. I wanted to ask if anyone else on this forum is into sci-fi related scale modelling. If so, please do share your models here. I am going to put up some pics of the models I have built and short writeups on this thread.
ADMINS: Is this thread in the right board? I think it is more relevant here than anywhere else. Please feel free to move it if you find it necessary.
Title: Re: Sci-fi Scale Modelling
Post by: sooraj.palakkad on December 02, 2014, 09:10:42 PM
I take this as an intro :)
Title: Re: Sci-fi Scale Modelling
Post by: sooraj.palakkad on December 02, 2014, 09:11:33 PM
meanwhile I will make a small quad and will give a AVATAR model body work with depron.
Title: Re: Sci-fi Scale Modelling
Post by: SK1701 on December 02, 2014, 09:18:18 PM
First up is my model of the K-7 space station. It is this kit http://www.round2models.com/models/amt/k7-space-station. (http://www.round2models.com/models/amt/k7-space-station.) I followed the lighting instructions here: http://www.round2models.com/workbench/lighting-k7 (http://www.round2models.com/workbench/lighting-k7) (vaguely) and put 3 red LEDs in. The aluminium stand that came with the base was replaced by a thick plastic tube to run wires through which is why the model is bent on the base  :P. I was quite a bit younger and did not know anywhere near as much when I built it. I even used M-Seal to hold up the model and melted in the LED holes  8-). It was painted in Light Ghost Grey. I even mucked up the decals and had to get rid of them  :banghead:  :'( It turned out OK in the end. Not great but I am satisfied for what I think was my first model.
Title: Re: Sci-fi Scale Modelling
Post by: SK1701 on December 03, 2014, 08:29:42 AM
Next is one of the better models I have made: a Romulan Warbird. This is one of the biggest, most heavily armed ships in the Star Trek Universe. It was built from this kit: http://www.round2models.com/models/amt/romulan-warbird/product (http://www.round2models.com/models/amt/romulan-warbird/product) and I took a few liberties with the paint jobs. The warp engines glow in the dark. I have included picture of my model, the kit box and the Warbird as feature in the Star Trek show. A battle damage effect on the Warbird was created by putting a small drop of Fevibond (rubber based adhesive) on the model and lighting it up. I got this tip from http://www.starshipmodeler.com/ (http://www.starshipmodeler.com/) a great resource for sci-fi scale building.
Title: Re: Sci-fi Scale Modelling
Post by: nilharsh on December 03, 2014, 01:25:09 PM
Hello sk,
Really nice, I am also fan of sci fi,
But I like transformers more than anything (:|~
I've made models out of paper when I was 13 yrs of age,
Made in black and white print :giggle:
Your idea is good ,
I will try to make rc models of it.

The plane is very much older,
Made when I was 12yrs
I like iaf very much
Made from old notebook covers
Title: Re: Sci-fi Scale Modelling
Post by: nilharsh on December 03, 2014, 01:26:34 PM
Sorry for going off the topic
Title: Re: Sci-fi Scale Modelling
Post by: saikat on December 09, 2014, 09:15:29 PM
hi nilharsh and SK.. nice to meet a lot of young guys on this forum.

my son liked transformers and star trek too... but now he himself
has transformed and only likes music and girls.

me ... I am a die hard fan of Star Trek 1st generation.
Title: Re: Sci-fi Scale Modelling
Post by: SK1701 on December 09, 2014, 09:24:18 PM
Thank you sir. I think Star Trek: TOS was really great. I have seen seasons 1 and 2, recently got the box set of season 3. I liked the Next Generation too and I think the USS Enterprise-E was one of the coolest ships ever built. My dream is to build a fully lit model with LED and sound Quantum Torpedo effects.