Hello ;D, I designed a "Cheap balsa chuck glider" out of a balsa stick and some 1.5mm balsa ;D
Here is small flight video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo-ytXwRYkU# (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo-ytXwRYkU#)
The glider was just glued together and flown. NO SANDING, FINISHING OR TRIMMIMG was done on it.
Weight is 5.0 gms (:|~ ;D. The first flight went well, and would have been better had I taken a bit more care during assembly :banghead: and sanded stuff properly :banghead:
It's wingspan is 36cm.
Designed to be extremely simple to assemble, and fly. Rubber band was used as a nose weight to balance it.
I would like some chuck glider experts to comment on its characteristics :hatsoff:
P.S.: I do plan to make kits for the same if many people are interested in it(approx Rs.110)
Pics attached
good design :)