I am sure these are available in India... I guess I saw something similar at some toy store.
Nice! I need something like this to keep me sane in the monsoon season :)
That's really cool. Are these available here? It'll be cool to buy a few, fix some strobes and let em go crazy during a house party.
can't trace it anywhere!!!
i also want this man its too cool!
It is cheap toy sold for Rs. 550/- when two channel RC Toy heli sold at Rs.700/-.
Hope still sold and you gt this.
Just search normal toy shop who keeps a few cheap RC.
Alishan Mao \m/ !! :D
Its available here
but no one would ship it to India :(
why so?
...and its available on india ebay too...but ships from US to India and the cost is approx 3 times
carttoindia has everything in the world. Try searching for anything you can think of, you'll find it on carttoindia.
Quote from: KALYANPRODHAN on May 04, 2011, 08:02:34 AM
It is cheap toy sold for Rs. 550/- when two channel RC Toy heli sold at Rs.700/-.
Just search normal toy shop who keeps a few cheap RC.
Actually similar to this is available in toy shops and very cheap as dada said may be just 550, but that didnt have the sensor to hold altitude which is the key attraction to this UFO ;D....
One more source...but is this the same?
It says "altitude sensing technology" on the box :-\
I sent a message to this guy:
Their shipping details say they dont ship to india.
This is our conversation:
From: bokilap
To: plaza-onlineus
Subject: 運費: bokilap 就 Red 2010 2CH 2 Channel RC Control Flyer UFO Style Toy,編號為300549055455 的物品寄出訊息
Sent Date: 2011-05-04 13小時54分45秒
Will you please ship this to India?
- bokilap
His Reply
Dear bokilap,
Hello friend, we can ship to India, but shipping time is very long, 15-50 days.
would you mind waiting?
- plaza-onlineus
The price is AUD 13.90 with Free shipping
1 AUD = 48.2 INR
So the cost would be 670 INR
Not bad eh? just have to wait...we r used too that right?
Whats the difference between this and the one on DX?
I am not sure.
They all look the same
But this guy has sold about 16,000 products and has 100% rating on ebay.
Looks like a genuine seller to me, frankly speaking havent heard good things about deal extreme.
Well i love DX I always have one parcel in transit. Gotta love the Chinese :D
The difference you asked
The one on deal extreame runs the remote/charger on 5 AAs and the one on ebay runs it on 6AAs. The remote/charger looks different.
That is such a cool UFO...we could probably make use of the sensor for some diy project.
Quote from: SunLikeStar on May 04, 2011, 12:21:56 PM
It says "altitude sensing technology" on the box :-\
AFAIK there is no Altitude sensor sort of thing on it, probably a pair of IR LED & IR Photo Diode.
Yes it has just IR led and IR photo diode ......altitude sensing technology is just a fancy name given to it. 8-)
Speaking about Deal Extreme i have had very good experience with them till now..not a single lost article as i always use tracking...i ordered a hand crank USB charger and they gave 10 instead for the price of one...lol...their error..my gain :giggle:
Lots of similar stuff!
Finally got myself this new toy for new year. Fun to play with. Checkout the video.
Incredibly good design. More stable than I expected.
Outer body looks like EPO foam
Uses a 6x5 thin prop. Outer EPO is shaped as a 6wing prop. Powered by 1s 3.7V lipo.
Prop rotates clockwise while the outer body rotates anti clock wise to compensate the torque.
It has a IR altitude sensor at the bottom, for altitude hold.
Rotating outer body allows to recover from corners.
Probably has a stabilization unit as I was very surprised to see it recover when I threw it.
Overall a good buy.
Nice review & video! Where did you buy it from?