F450 Quadcopter kk5.5 Calibration problem.

Started by smithraj, December 25, 2015, 07:00:31 PM

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Hi Brother,
       I have a problem. Here i give the step by step what i do.

1. I connect receiver wiring.
2. I connect all 4 motors wiring correct as per diagram M1 to M4
3. Trim the YAW in 0
4. Transmitter ( HK T6A V2 - 6 ch Mode 2 ) switch ON
5. Throttle stick UP position
6. Connect the Battery, & Blink the blue LED 3 time & all calibration process ok ( Tx switch on position )
7.Then Down the Throttle.,
8. While UP the Throttle ., all the motors runs as per diagram.( clock ,Anti,clock,Anti)
9. Disconnect the battery., ( Tx switch on position )
10. YAW in Maximum position ( Tx switch on position )
11. connect the battery - ( Then all motors vibrate with beep sound ) ( Here is my big problem )
12. Increase the throttle ., Nothing Happen of M1 to M4
13.The Kk5.5 board goes on calibration mode( Here is my big problem ) so pl solve the problem & pm me.

I make this calibration step in 8 times., But nothing happen

smithraj :banghead:


Where i can get this potentiometer value 10 k ohm



Secondly if i am not wrong(Which i could be) did you flash the right program on kk 5.5 ??
Because i think it doesnt come with installed/flashed program....You need to select the right model and configuration ...Then as per that select the file.. to be flashed...Then flash it.....

F-450 Quadcopter With KK 2.1.5 and FPV capability, FS-CT6B

And remember #FlyLikeAButterflyStingLikeABee